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Robert Lewandowski


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I was at first laughing at Guardiola's decision to want to go to Bayern but he has turned out to be a smart weasel indeed. That Bayern team is going to be scary next season. Champions of Europe, and they are going to add Gotze and Lewandowski ! They will be able to cake Bundesliga and will use the extra time and energy on the Champions League, while our players will probably be going to Europe after being kicked around by Stoke and company for 90 minutes.

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I was at first laughing at Guardiola's decision to want to go to Bayern but he has turned out to be a smart weasel indeed. That Bayern team is going to be scary next season. Champions of Europe, and they are going to add Gotze and Lewandowski ! They will be able to cake Bundesliga and will use the extra time and energy on the Champions League, while our players will probably be going to Europe after being kicked around by Stoke and company for 90 minutes.

Same like Barca who barely had a challenge for the la liga title other than Madrid last year, not even close this season. Bundesliga was starting to get interesting with the rise of Dortmund, but now Bayern had bought players from rivals and once again bundesliga is a 1 team league. Smart that Pep, winning the la liga and bundesliga is a good achievement, but CL is the biggest.

He knows with easier leagues he can concentrate on the CL. While in the PL almost everyweek could be a very tough game, no 6-0 wins all week like what Bayern is having now.

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Same like Barca who barely had a challenge for the la liga title other than Madrid last year, not even close this season. Bundesliga was starting to get interesting with the rise of Dortmund, but now Bayern had bought players from rivals and once again bundesliga is a 1 team league. Smart that Pep, winning the la liga and bundesliga is a good achievement, but CL is the biggest.

He knows with easier leagues he can concentrate on the CL. While in the PL almost everyweek could be a very tough game, no 6-0 wins all week like what Bayern is having now.

The Bundesliga is now gonna be boring again. It'll be Bayern...then a gap...then Dortmund...then everyone else.

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The Bundesliga is now gonna be boring again. It'll be Bayern...then a gap...then Dortmund...then everyone else.

Although if Dortmund replace Gotze and Lewa with the rumoured Eriksen and maybe dzeko, i dont think they will be in too bad of a shape. Its hard to see them challenging, but the league is about consistency, if they can get consistent results then they have a good chance.

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Lewandowski will score the same amount of goals that Gomez has and then people will use it to 'show' how brilliant he is...

Robert is only going to Bayern because he knows they will dominate Bundesliga and he will have no hard job scoring and making a name for himself!

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Lewandowski will score the same amount of goals that Gomez has and then people will use it to 'show' how brilliant he is...

Robert is only going to Bayern because he knows they will dominate Bundesliga and he will have no hard job scoring and making a name for himself!

And earn double his current salary.

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Lewandowski will score the same amount of goals that Gomez has and then people will use it to 'show' how brilliant he is...

Robert is only going to Bayern because he knows they will dominate Bundesliga and he will have no hard job scoring and making a name for himself!

Yeh..no ambition.

Rather than going to a more challenging league, he chooses the safe option.

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Did Gotze miss that final due to injury or because he already had signed for oposition? Who knows. I bet latter.
He is much bigger loss than Lewandowski for them.
Yes we wanted players from Liverpool (sadly) and Tottenham but they were not, by any means, our direct and only rivals for the title.
Even when we got Ashley, Arsenal was not our direct or only rival at the time.
What Bayern and Pep are doing is disgraceful. Killing their only valid oposition to secure themselves free way to every domestic trophy at least.
And then, they will say that Bayern is admirable, self-sustaining club able to manage both, making profit and still winning trophies on regular bases. When they win at least double next year, Pep will be the best coach ever and Bayern the team to admire.
Nobody will care to notice how disgraceful their transfer policy has been lately, especially few weeks before that final they won.
But some people and clubs just don't like to leave anything to chance. It's much easier to win CL if you don't have dificult domestic games to care about. The end justifies the means I guess.
Good moves for Bayern, bad moves for Bundesliga that will kick them in the face eventually, at least I hope so. They will become boring and predictable sooner rather than later.
La Liga still has both, Real and Barca.

These transfers are reportedly being masterminded by Guardiola. Klopp said Goetze told him that Guardiola personally wanted him and he couldn't let the opportunity to work with him pass. Guardiola knows exactly what he's doing and it's shameful.

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What a fucking wanker. Not even joking, why does everyone want to work with Pep? Jurgen Klopp is an amazing coach full of character. Fuck Pep. Not even joking I'd rather Klopp than Pep all day.

Anyway Gotze will play false 9, Lewandowski on the left wing anybody :ph34r:

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