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Chelsea 0-1 Man United


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Did I imagine it or did Torres have a go at drogs when he didn't bother to chase his flick on?

El nino was unlucky tonight,that was a great save from Van der sar.

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And also lots of guys were believing in fair tales: we are in poor peform in Premier League because its our destiny to win the Champions League this season, or because the players are only interested in CL.

We can´t say Carlo is a bad coach, because he is a coach to win CL, so even if we are bad in Premier League, we will win CL because Carlo knows what it takes to. The true, is that this Chelseas season is fucking disgrace and big changes must come in the summer, or the next season will be even worst.

Agree. I cannot believe people saying that our chances in the CL are better now, or its destiny because its the 'only' thing left to win. The reason its the only thing left is because we've been so poor for so long now. Cannot blame CA for everything though as most of our players don't seem to be giving it their 100 percent on the field in the games which matter. Drogs (today being the exception IMO), Lamps and Essien are just fading away. We need a midfield overhaul and a striker who can convert when it counts.

Honestly cannot see us getting a result out OT with this bunch. Only way it may is if Terry and Ramires score.

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I don't see why we can't score 2 goals at Old Trafford. To be honest i don't see why United are so strong. They only have Rooney, Vidic and VDS. How they keep winning is beyond me.

you didnt notice berbatov and nani coming off the manure bench?

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I don't see why we can't score 2 goals at Old Trafford. To be honest i don't see why United are so strong. They only have Rooney, Vidic and VDS. How they keep winning is beyond me.

I'm asking myself the same question over and over again.

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Hell I wonder how Ferreira and Mikel would.

No worse. I said a few days ago that Mikel will probably want out in the summer because he's never played anymore,another victim of Carlo's crazy lack of rotation and drop under performers policy.

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I don't see why we can't score 2 goals at Old Trafford. To be honest i don't see why United are so strong. They only have Rooney, Vidic and VDS. How they keep winning is beyond me.

It's because they always get away with so many crucual decisions, you'd think that even a dive in the penalty box could give them a penalty... it does.

Ramires should have been given a penalty, it got waved off, because it's Manchester United.

Honestly, the ref might as well just go and put a United shirt on. I'm sure the red nosed cunt bribes them before the match starts!!

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Drogba was our best player on the pitch. Doesnt matter what Torres fans says, but the spanish staying on the pitch and Drogba going out was just ridiculous.

It was a disgrace, a fucking disgrace.2MNcz.png

If he starts in again the next match and shows as bad attitude and abilities as he did today I am going to implode.

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We're just not a team,I don't know why tonight has shocked me I should be used to it now.

I honestly believe that Bos on the right just cutting inside the whole time will bring us joy. He is our new Gronkjaer,useless but fast.

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Ferguson on Chelsea's penalty claims... "It's the first decision we've had here in 7 years, I won't feel guilty about it"

of course he wouldn't, because you're a cunt Fergie and you won't fucking admit it!

Haha please tell me he didn't actually say that? I know he is a dumb cunt but surely not that dumb.

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From a Chelsea point of view it was pretty awful, in more ways than one. Defensively it was suspect, offensively it was lacking, tactically it was bland. First the Man Utd goal, I said it several times that Bosingwa was my only real worry in our starting 11 and there he was tonight and he had a shocker, an absolutel nightmare, what was he doing for the goal? How can you give away the ball that many times playing in a position where there isn't much pressure on you, he looks like a man on his way out of Stamford Bridge in the Summer and he knows it. Torres got into some good scoring positions, had 2 very good chances and didn't take either but Im not going to be too harsh on him because there are circumstances surrounding him which are hindering him, all the same though, I thought Drogba was very good tonight, strong, dangerous, Im not sure why he was the one taken off, judging by the facial expression Drogba didn't seem to know either. Lampard was poor, Nic Anelka was poor when he came om (I would have opted for Kalou) in terms of good performances both Ramires and Essien did well and at the back John Terry was quite magnificent.

The frustrating thing is that if Luiz wasn't cup tied, if Alex were fit then Bosingwa wouldn't be on the pitch, Ivanovic would be at right back and that goal probably doesn't happen.

Offensively it was lacking, we created a few opportunities but not enough in the second half and no clear cut ones, at the quater final stage of the Champions League that is not good enough.

Tactically it was what you would expect, personally I thought maybe springing a 4-3-3 on Man Utd would have been unexpected and would have allowed us to dominate the game more than we did. Last night Jose Mourinho unleashed several very clever tactical maneuvers, tonight we saw none from Ancelotti.

All of that being said, the incident at the end was as stonewall a penalty you can get, its a clear penalty, Ramires knows it, Chelsea players know it, Evra knows it, Chelsea fans know it and Ancelotti certainly knows it, once again on a big night in Europe, the key decision goes against us. Anyway the tie isn't over yet, sure we are at a disadvantage, even if we had scored from a penalty we would have needed to score at OT anyway, I pray to God that Alex is fit and that we are not forced to watch Bosingwa's imitation of a football playing at right back.

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Ferguson on Chelsea's penalty claims... "It's the first decision we've had here in 7 years, I won't feel guilty about it"

of course he wouldn't, because you're a cunt Fergie and you won't fucking admit it!

7 years?!? Wtf only he can remember that far back!!

Could've taken the 1-0 defeat but after that nah.3 years now ffs getting beyond a joke! Been proven time and time again,the Rangers game,some other game before that the extra men make no difference!! They all miss the same thing!

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