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On the subject, BlueLion, they destroyed my Harappan essay. Only gave me 65 :cry:

Apparently I did not use enough evidence to back up my claims :wank2:. They just marked me down because I didn't toe the party line and decided to go with the opinion that they were the equals of Egypt and Mesopotamia.

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Gutted had a pair fo chelsea bburn tix got excited all week and got let down by the seller saying his housemate let him down and never posted them i only paid half the money and he is giving me a refund , but it was meant to be my and my brothers first game at the bridge and i got super excited now im so frustrated any annoyed.

Called the ticketoffice today and cheapest tickets they can offer are £70 each for 2 seats together in east stand upper

Not pleased with todays outcome ..however i did get my new chelsea top today.

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Ahhhh that sucks :( can you get duplicates? or whatever they do?Duno how that works but if you have confirmation and proof of payment surley be a way :S

Ws well happy with good month wage from work..till got the wage slip and realised the reason pay was so good cause we didnt get taxed..so instead more to come out on tax over next few months to make up or something like that...damn!!!

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Ahhhh that sucks :( can you get duplicates? or whatever they do?Duno how that works but if you have confirmation and proof of payment surley be a way :S

Ws well happy with good month wage from work..till got the wage slip and realised the reason pay was so good cause we didnt get taxed..so instead more to come out on tax over next few months to make up or something like that...damn!!!

I only paid for half of the tickets so the guy is gonna give me a refund he said , they were his housemate's but his housemate never posted them and i think both folk are at different places so nobody will have access to the tickets.

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Disappointed in life....I have just realized Zolayes has stopped using commas ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :cry:

I have to stop children using commas in numbers...........so it seemed natural to stop using them completely ........... :D

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