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Zilch. They're flailing their arms about and not naming any names. Well they can't, because they don't know shit. Amazingly the Union Home Minister refuses to call this an intelligence failure. It's all just dandy in the Congress' world.

:lol: I swear, it's almost scripted.. "What to do when there's a Mumbai terrorist act"

How you haven't thought of moving, I'll never know haha

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Guest justin_3d

Erm.. Why has the Aguero thread been locked? He hasn't even f*cking signed yet. Give us a chance to discuss at least?

Is like the Neymar saga.

Neymar and Aguero thread should be close.

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He's as good as signed for them. Plus we're not even linked with him, at least all the other bullshit threads have at least one relevant article from Goal.com...

Even if he has almost signed for them, I think we should let the thread open. Actually, I think we should let the threads open even after the deals (I speak in general) have been officialised. At least for more or less one day. Indeed, I believe it is interesting to see and to discuss about the deal, whether the other club has made a good deal or not, if it is a big loose for us, etc...

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He's as good as signed for them. Plus we're not even linked with him, at least all the other bullshit threads have at least one relevant article from Goal.com...

Yeah but, he hasn't :lol:

Plus, in pre-season, surely it'll be worthwhile discussion to keep up activity? Even if it is in a thread that could be ending soon anyway. I mean it's not like we were saying he was linked, just talking tactically, if he did, where he'd play and such :)

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Oh great, so now every time a new post is made in the Neymar/Aguero threads it's new members asking if we're being linked with him. Or the inevitable insults towards City and justin on his high horse claiming everyone's a hypocrite. Or even better, fictional footballer manager (what if) scenarios and fantasy discussion more suitable for the Fifa 12 thread.

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Oh great, so now every time a new post is made in the Neymar/Aguero threads it's new members asking if we're being linked with him. Or the inevitable insults towards City and justin on his high horse claiming everyone's a hypocrite. Or even better, fictional footballer manager (what if) scenarios and fantasy discussion more suitable for the Fifa 12 thread.

Is there really no-one interested in hypotheticals? Sure it's fantasy based, but so what? It's pre-season and we're keeping a low profile in the market.. It's a good chance for some intelligent conversations, if members are up for it.

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Guest justin_3d

Even if he has almost signed for them, I think we should let the thread open. Actually, I think we should let the threads open even after the deals (I speak in general) have been officialised. At least for more or less one day. Indeed, I believe it is interesting to see and to discuss about the deal, whether the other club has made a good deal or not, if it is a big loose for us, etc...

I think we where doing that with A. Sanchez thread before it was close. :(

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Is there really no-one interested in hypotheticals? Sure it's fantasy based, but so what? It's pre-season and we're keeping a low profile in the market.. It's a good chance for some intelligent conversations, if members are up for it.

I'm not against that..

I just don't see why it all has to been in the 'specific player' threads. As we have separate topics for tactic/transfer discussions in the Matthew Harding. The discussion in the player threads should be centred around updates & links. If you want to explain why not getting Sanchez was a big mistake, or how he 'could' have fit into the squad etc. Then post it in the many transfer related threads in the Matthew Harding.

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I'm not against that..

I just don't see why it all has to been in the 'specific player' threads. As we have separate topics for tactic/transfer discussions in the Matthew Harding. The discussion in the player threads should be centred around updates & links. If you want to explain why not getting Sanchez was a big mistake, or how he 'could' have fit into the squad etc. Then post it in the many transfer related threads in the Matthew Harding.

Hmm, I suppose that makes sense now. However the truth is, not many members do that. Then once the transfer threads are closed the discussions end. I see your point, but from what I see members would rather discuss such things in player-specific threads, in the transfer section.

But you are right. It is down to us to direct the conversations to MH.

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