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Who do you drop?

the wes

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Essien coming back soon who do you drop in midfield if i was Chelsea boss i would drop ballack he brings fuck all to the team and when was the last time he scored a goal its time he move on we need to give essien more of a attacking role he is to good to play the holding midfielder and by the way thats mikel's role now in the team

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i think use are being a bit harsh to ballack, he has just come back from injury and has hardly had any real starting opportunities, he brought so much to our squad last season i think it would be a bad idea to drop him unless he does not start playing good sometime soon.

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Essien coming back soon who do you drop in midfield if i was Chelsea boss i would drop ballack he brings fuck all to the team and when was the last time he scored a goal its time he move on we need to give essien more of a attacking role he is to good to play the holding midfielder and by the way thats mikel's role now in the team

What happened to your punctuation keys?

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Essien coming back soon who do you drop in midfield if i was Chelsea boss i would drop ballack he brings fuck all to the team and when was the last time he scored a goal its time he move on we need to give essien more of a attacking role he is to good to play the holding midfielder and by the way thats mikel's role now in the team

is it really hard to use punctuation marks it's really hard to read your text like that thanks.

I'd like us to play 4-2-3-1, the tactic that Scolari used for Porgugal:

Mikel - Essien

J.Cole - Lampard - Kalou


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well Mikel is like the real arse-hole defensive midfielder type a guy.

he had some really good matches, i think.

to be fair, Essien is way better, but Mikel was always a good option. and Scolari showed what he is capable (Mikel) of...

I am so happy that Essien is coming back soon

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If we play the side on form, then it looks like we'll be dropping Terry and Deco some time soon, and there's no chance of that. Scolari has his favourites and unfortunately the only player I can see not featuring in the midfield is my player of the season so far; Mikel.

With that being said, I hold Essien in the highest of regard, but I feel in terms of a defensive midfielder, Mikel comes up trumps. However, going forward, Essien offers more than Deco and Ballack combined if you ask me.

Edited by BlueLion
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If we play the side on form, then it looks like we'll be dropping Terry and Deco some time soon, and there's no chance of that. Scolari has his favourites and unfortunately the only player I can see not featuring in the midfield is my player of the season so far; Mikel.

With that being said, I hold Essien in the highest of regard, but I feel in terms of a defensive midfielder, Mikel comes up trumps. However, going forward, Essien offers more than Deco and Ballack combined if you ask me.

Drop JT? why is that?

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As much as I love and respect JT, he's in a bit of a slump right now. His leadership qualities are unquestionable, but defensively he has been very suspect in the last few games. Fair enough, he doesn't have Riccy by his side at the minute, but he isn't confident when he's playing now. Whereas he used to have the ability to read where an opponent would go, now he has to pull them back and concede needless free kicks. He's in a bit of slump at the moment, is our JT, although with that being said, no-one's really impressed me greatly in the last few weeks. Everyone could do with a kick up the arse if you ask me. Maybe I'm just over-analysing his performances, and knowing JT he's probably playing with a broken leg :lol: However I've got every confidence in his ability, and I highly suspect JT will prove me wrong with a series of solid performances at the back.

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As much as I love and respect JT, he's in a bit of a slump right now. His leadership qualities are unquestionable, but defensively he has been very suspect in the last few games. Fair enough, he doesn't have Riccy by his side at the minute, but he isn't confident when he's playing now. Whereas he used to have the ability to read where an opponent would go, now he has to pull them back and concede needless free kicks. He's in a bit of slump at the moment, is our JT, although with that being said, no-one's really impressed me greatly in the last few weeks. Everyone could do with a kick up the arse if you ask me. Maybe I'm just over-analysing his performances, and knowing JT he's probably playing with a broken leg :lol: However I've got every confidence in his ability, and I highly suspect JT will prove me wrong with a series of solid performances at the back.

i do have to agree with you about his current form but like you said its jt, he will deffiantly come around sometime soon and prove he is still the same player he was and will always be, i think he plays a different game when riccy is not around and he has to do more work which i think he is finding a bit more difficult as he has to cover for mistake that player such as alex are making.

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