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John Terry


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For those wondering why he slid in to nick the ball away from Cisse - it's because the fucking cunt had just body-checked him to the floor with a flailing elbow thrown in for good measure & had Ashely Cole by the throat in the resulting fracas. Call it vengeance or whatever, I forgive him, he was pretty solid apart from that in reality - although I do question why he went for the ball & not the man... That twat should have been forced off the pitch one way or another.

So causing us to concede goals which help us lose games is o.k as long as you try a get vengeance on someone.

Yeah, great morals - should be taught to all kids in schools.

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Well you're clearly misconstruing my post.

I never said he wasn't at fault for the goal. I said I forgive him for making a mistake in the heat of the moment - not that I want him to do it again.

Yes he cost us a goal at a vital point in the match - but the fact is he has just returned from injury so I don't expect flawless performances from him. & I disagree with the notion of him costing us the game because we looked like conceding at the death in any case, it was almost inevitable being that we are still managed by that clueless obese cunt who decided the only sub he would make was a forced one; if he knows how to do anything consistently, it's giving away a lead.

& I don't exactly believe in morals as some rigid universal 'right & wrong' as I guess you seem to. Vengeance can be justified - & considering what I had just seen Cisse do to Cole, I wouldn't have blamed him for getting stuck in to a player who should have been off the field if these supposed 'morals' were actually upheld in the world. Not sure if you've ever played a competitive game of football before mate, but if some cunt gives me a rough time, then I'll be more than happy to return the favour. All within the laws of the game of course...for the most part. :halo:

To be honest, maybe if kids today were taught the cold hard reality of life rather than the idealistic delusions that are shovelled into their brains then we wouldn't have to deal with the tragic ignorance & inherent naivety that has allowed corruption to flourish in the modern world. There's some food for thought...

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Well you're clearly misconstruing my post.

I never said he wasn't at fault for the goal. I said I forgive him for making a mistake in the heat of the moment - not that I want him to do it again.

Yes he cost us a goal at a vital point in the match - but the fact is he has just returned from injury so I don't expect flawless performances from him. & I disagree with the notion of him costing us the game because we looked like conceding at the death in any case, it was almost inevitable being that we are still managed by that clueless obese cunt who decided the only sub he would make was a forced one; if he knows how to do anything consistently, it's giving away a lead.

& I don't exactly believe in morals as some rigid universal 'right & wrong' as I guess you seem to. Vengeance can be justified - & considering what I had just seen Cisse do to Cole, I wouldn't have blamed him for getting stuck in to a player who should have been off the field if these supposed 'morals' were actually upheld in the world. Not sure if you've ever played a competitive game of football before mate, but if some cunt gives me a rough time, then I'll be more than happy to return the favour. All within the laws of the game of course...for the most part. :halo:

To be honest, maybe if kids today were taught the cold hard reality of life rather than the idealistic delusions that are shovelled into their brains then we wouldn't have to deal with the tragic ignorance & inherent naivety that has allowed corruption to flourish in the modern world. There's some food for thought...

O.K. But Cisse didn't exactly kill his family in a cold calculated conspiracy, he blocked him on a football pitch. Not exactly a reason to go all guns blazing and expose the defense leading to a goal. Its called bad decision making. Tobe honest I think its becoming more prevalent in his game which is leading to more mistake (Liverpool last season anybody?)

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O.K. But Cisse didn't exactly kill his family in a cold calculated conspiracy, he blocked him on a football pitch. Not exactly a reason to go all guns blazing and expose the defense leading to a goal. Its called bad decision making. Tobe honest I think its becoming more prevalent in his game which is leading to more mistake (Liverpool last season anybody?)

It wasn't just because of that blatant foul, it was because he got away with it & then decided to wrap his filthy hand around Ashley Cole's neck moments later out of the ref's view - & got away with it again. If someone had just done that to one of my best mates & it wasn't on a football pitch, I would have done far more than just try to throw him a cheeky slide tackle, wouldn't you? If the same thing had happened on a rugby pitch or an ice hockey rink in clear view of other players, a mass brawl would have been inevitable. Luckily this is a more refined & civilised sport however; for the most part at least.

In any case I agree that it was definitely rash decision-making on his part, no doubt about it.

However that's simply an aspect of JT's game as an emotionally-volatile individual - & I wouldn't have it any other way because that is what makes him such an inspiring individual & commanding presence on the pitch - it's what makes him who he is. So naturally, he does occasionally allow his heart to get the better of his head. But, especially when you feel a pretty blatant & graceless act of injustice has been committed against your teammate that the ref has either overlooked or condoned, then you are inevitably not going to hold back as the captain & rightful leader of your side.

That's what characterises the greatest hard-tackling leaders in the game. Kompany, Vidic, Puyol, & Keane & Viera before them - these players have never pulled out of a 50-50 challenge regardless of whether the man is between the ball & them or not. Sometimes they get the ball, sometimes they get some of the man too - & as in this case - sometimes they miss everything all together.

However, our own particular hard-man is unique in that he usually times his tackles to perfection & get's the ball - & I would have imagined a fully fit JT would have done just that today - but like I said he is only just making his return from injury & that was his first PL match since November, so he is expectedly slightly off the pace & not quite 100% firing on all cylinders. yet His form will return once he has a couple of games under his belt, but at least even this mistake has shown some spirit & desire; even if he was a little over-eager on that particular occasion.

Look he fucked up, yes, but one match & one mistake doesn't change a thing in my books. Surely you're not calling for his head based off that error & other individual ones alone?

I know you aren't a fan of Lamps, that much has been made crystal clear - but please tell me that you don't have it in for JT too...

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It wasn't just because of that blatant foul, it was because he got away with it & then decided to wrap his filthy hand around Ashley Cole's neck moments later out of the ref's view - & got away with it again. If someone had just done that to one of my best mates & it wasn't on a football pitch, I would have done far more than just try to throw him a cheeky slide tackle, wouldn't you? If the same thing had happened on a rugby pitch or an ice hockey rink in clear view of other players, a mass brawl would have been inevitable. Luckily this is a more refined & civilised sport however; for the most part at least.

In any case I agree that it was definitely rash decision-making on his part, no doubt about it.

However that's simply an aspect of JT's game as an emotionally-volatile individual - & I wouldn't have it any other way because that is what makes him such an inspiring individual & commanding presence on the pitch - it's what makes him who he is. So naturally, he does occasionally allow his heart to get the better of his head. But, especially when you feel a pretty blatant & graceless act of injustice has been committed against your teammate that the ref has either overlooked or condoned, then you are inevitably not going to hold back as the captain & rightful leader of your side.

That's what characterises the greatest hard-tackling leaders in the game. Kompany, Vidic, Puyol, & Keane & Viera before them - these players have never pulled out of a 50-50 challenge regardless of whether the man is between the ball & them or not. Sometimes they get the ball, sometimes they get some of the man too - & as in this case - sometimes they miss everything all together.

However, our own particular hard-man is unique in that he usually times his tackles to perfection & get's the ball - & I would have imagined a fully fit JT would have done just that today - but like I said he is only just making his return from injury & that was his first PL match since November, so he is expectedly slightly off the pace & not quite 100% firing on all cylinders. yet His form will return once he has a couple of games under his belt, but at least even this mistake has shown some spirit & desire; even if he was a little over-eager on that particular occasion.

Look he fucked up, yes, but one match & one mistake doesn't change a thing in my books. Surely you're not calling for his head based off that error & other individual ones alone?

I know you aren't a fan of Lamps, that much has been made crystal clear - but please tell me that you don't have it in for JT too...

I don't have anything against JT. I just think his body is rapidly breaking down. I mean this guy has taken a lot of punishment in terms of playing through injuries and I thinkk father time is quickly coming to him due to it. This will effect is ability to perform, for example his pace (which he didn't have much in the first place) is quickly degrading and his ability to react will be less reliable. I expect that these long periods where has to recuperate will be much more common as he becomes increasingly more injury prone. I even think he won't be a Chelsea player when his current contract runs out because of these issues. Unless he takes a ridiculous pay cut (an I mean based if he could only start about 15-20 games a season) and that's if he even is able to continue his career or has to retire at about 33.

It does seem we should start planning life without John Terry.

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JT did not have his best game last night.

JT´s brain fooled his body into thinking it had the sharpness to intercept a pass for Cisse. It did not & Newcastle scored their second goal. His mistake cost the team dearly.

Sooner or later the likes of Cech,Terry, Lampard, Cole must be moved, sad to say, let go.

For Frank it will be this summer. The farewell variety is inevitable.

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JT did not have his best game last night.

JT´s brain fooled his body into thinking it had the sharpness to intercept a pass for Cisse. It did not & Newcastle scored their second goal. His mistake cost the team dearly.

Sooner or later the likes of Cech,Terry, Lampard, Cole must be moved, sad to say, let go.

For Frank it will be this summer. The farewell variety is inevitable.

Yeah let's let Terry, Cole, Cech and Lampard leave ASAP because our squad can clearly deal without them. Right. Are you new to football or something?
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You could easily see that he isn't on top form at all. Played a above-average number of bad passes. I agree on both sides of the discussion about that second goal. First, we were too offensive-minded. With pacey players like Gouffran, Sissoko and even LB Santon, it was always likely that they overrun us with a counter attack, especially with Cabaye being able to play the perfect passes. So is it that difficult to concentrate on defending instead of scoring the third goal? In that part of the game Newcastle was shocked by the two goals, so we could've just circulated the ball and keep control. But no, everyone spurted forward and our defence was open. And on the other hand, JT played his part and went to ground too easy. An experienced defender like him should've seen that the defence was open and when he went to ground, we were 2 vs. 3 (?) I think. But that's normal after such a long injury. He still did some good clearing headers.

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JT to me is still much needed at Chelsea. However, his mistake cost the club dearly last night. Nothing more, nothing less.

After being out injured it will take several games for him to get better.

Lack of match practice was the reason for the mistake which lead to the goal, in the same way that Oscar et al offered no meaningful support to a back four that were being murdered for pace. Newcastle by-passed our midfield to a certain extent or was able to win the ball in the middle of the park at will... I love my team always will but sometimes I look at the mental make-up of some of our midfielders and wished that they could attend a camp where Eddie [the scissors] Mac and Ronnie Harris and Stevie Kember were motivational speakers and psyhcologists....

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Apart from his "mistake" (which I think was more of a collective defensive mistake) Terry was our most solid defender yesterday.

No he wasn't. He was absolute rubbish yesterday. He is so slow and takes forever to turn. He literally cannot move any more.

I can't wait until we get rid of this liability.

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No he wasn't. He was absolute rubbish yesterday. He is so slow and takes forever to turn. He literally cannot move any more.

I can't wait until we get rid of this liability.

Liability? This is the first game he's played 90 minutes in for months. Are you completely forgetting that we were at our best defensively this season when JT was playing week in week out? Disgusting how club legends get treated on here.
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Haven't been convinced by JT at all this season. His decision making in particular has been awful. Yesterday he was doing his best Luiz impersonation. Yes, he's just coming back from injury, but I also remember his Juve mistake.

I think his injuries and age have made him a bit lazy. He's been caught a few times now getting the offside trap wrong, very uncharacteristic.Hope I'm wrong though...

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Liability? This is the first game he's played 90 minutes in for months. Are you completely forgetting that we were at our best defensively this season when JT was playing week in week out? Disgusting how club legends get treated on here.

Second game actually and he has played for the u21s too. People can argue he's still unfit but even when fit he is just as slow and immobile. He turns like an oil tanker.

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Second game actually and he has played for the u21s too. People can argue he's still unfit but even when fit he is just as slow and immobile. He turns like an oil tanker.

He's never been quick or agile. This isn't something new, it's one of Terry's few limitations as a player, everyone knows that.

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