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You don't get 'religious rights', what the hell are you on about?

And lol, 'gay classes'? Is this like the Russians who think we recruit under 18s to our bad way of life?

Can I ask you, if your son ever comes out to you, how would you treat him?

I never said being gay is a bad way of life. I'm just saying that we should be allowed to know and choose the classes our kids take before they grow up.

If my son comes out to me, I'll accept him but I'll strongly advise him not to witch-hunt people with sues here and there.

I don't like the fear to say what I feel about things (as long as I don't insult someone directly) and that's what its coming to in the USA.

I'm sorry about all this, making so many comments on this matter has made me seem like a dick. This is the first time I've been actively involved in this politics section of the forum and it seems I've offended people especially you.

I don't mean anyone harm, sorry for offending anyone in anyway.

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I never said being gay is a bad way of life. I'm just saying that we should be allowed to know and choose the classes our kids take before they grow up.

If my son comes out to me, I'll accept him but I'll strongly advise him not to witch-hunt people with sues here and there.

I don't like the fear to say what I feel about things (as long as I don't insult someone directly) and that's what its coming to in the USA.

I'm sorry about all this, making so many comments on this matter has made me seem like a dick. This is the first time I've been actively involved in this politics section of the forum and it seems I've offended people especially you.

I don't mean anyone harm, sorry for offending anyone in anyway.

Why is your kids taking a class on equality and treating people equally a bad thing? It's not a 'gay class', it's learning not to be judgemental and offensive to people whom, even now, get an insane amount of abuse and attack for loving the person they love. I seriously disrespect you as a father if you don't want your kids to learn that.

You haven't offended me at all. I just feel sorry for you that your views are so warped to the reality of it.

You make the examples you've bought up to be the majority rather than the tiny minority.

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Why is your kids taking a class on equality and treating people equally a bad thing? It's not a 'gay class', it's learning not to be judgemental and offensive to people whom, even now, get an insane amount of abuse and attack for loving the person they love. I seriously disrespect you as a father if you don't want your kids to learn that.

You haven't offended me at all. I just feel sorry for you that your views are so warped to the reality of it.

You make the examples you've bought up to be the majority rather than the tiny minority.

The examples I brought up is a growing trend and I'm worried about it because thats how it starts till becomes huge and the norm.

I'm happy that gay people can freely marry and live their lives as they choose to, I just don't want them to stamp on Christian free nature along their way to rightful gay freedom.

The truth that you've been trying to point out to me is that it is okay to take those classes because you won't change if you're naturally born gay or straight. This is true actually, But I can't help but feel that if kids see things at a young age, they're bound to try it out and get used to it or change their true nature eventually. This is not scientifically proven, but I feel this way.

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The examples I brought up is a growing trend and I'm worried about it because thats how it starts till becomes huge and the norm.

I'm happy that gay people can freely marry and live their lives as they choose to, I just don't want them to stamp on Christian free nature along their way to rightful gay freedom.

The truth that you've been trying to point out to me is that it is okay to take those classes because you won't change if you're naturally born gay or straight. This is true actually, But I can't help but feel that if kids see things at a young age, they're bound to try it out and get used to it or change their true nature eventually. This is not scientifically proven, but I feel this way.

So it's okay for LGBTs to be disrespected by Christians and they have to just lay down and take it? What the hell is wrong with you? You say you don't have a problem with homosexuality but you speak sometimes as though their second class citizens.

And no, it's not been scientifically proven. Because it's idiotic. I grew up in a house with my Dad and two heterosexual brothers, with a Dad who, at the time, was pretty homophobic. I grew up watching football and wrestling and all my friends were heterosexual boys. I practically had fanny forced in my face 24/7. But as long as I can remember, I've known I was gay. It's not forced upon anyone, you're attracted to who you're attracted too and nothing's going to change that.

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So it's okay for LGBTs to be disrespected by Christians and they have to just lay down and take it? What the hell is wrong with you? You say you don't have a problem with homosexuality but you speak sometimes as though their second class citizens. .

Where in my quote did I say its okay for Christians to disrespect gays???

Where did I say they are second class citizens???

You've brought anger into our discussion so I'll like to stop here before it gets out of hand...

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Please elaborate cos that sound like Animal Farm's "All Animals are equal but some are more equal than others."

It means exactly what it means. A fine of $200 has a different impact for someone who earns the minimum wage and another one who is a billionaire. Killing someone out of a whim and killing someone in self-defense are both killing someone and still they're not equally reprovable. I'm just saying this because homosexuals are a minority, and a discriminated one at that. They need legal protection. And what's happening here is the denial of a basic right (marriage) to this minority group. In my eyes this is not too different from excluding women from voting or blacks from studying in the same schools as caucasians. It must be noted that minority vs. majority is not only about numbers, it's a complex concept that also involves power and influence. Women were/are definitely not a minority in traditional sense but in terms of power they still are in many/most societies.

I'd link some material they use in my university but they're in portuguese. In a quick search I found this little summary of what I'm talking about: http://www.democracyweb.org/node/36

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I believe he was referring to the tax evasion issues in Greece where billions of euros in tax was not collected.


Greece has stringent tax laws.

Also electronic systems of surveillance since 2001 and draconian electronic systems since 2012.

I know of a case of a criminal who was acquitted in 2008 because they could not open his bank accounts. The prosecuting authority could accuse him only if those bank accounts were opened and the evidence was obtained. The public prosecutor made a stupid mistake because he should have known the banks were not allowed to open the account of somebody unless he was already convicted for a crime. That is not the case any longer and we know that man was a criminal because it was an Al Kapone type of situation.

Nowadays you can't escape.

The high level of tax-evasion is a myth created by the socialists, in an effort to prove that their inflated public sector was innocent of it all and the tax payers were to blame. Lies. That eventually was used as a propaganda weapon against Greece and turned into a boomerang.

In the recent euro-group talks however the Euro-bosses rejected Greek proposals for a "fight against tax evasion". When it came down to counting real money, they realised there is none to be had that way !

In writing all the above I assume that by the word "tax evader" we mean somebody who does not pay the full amount of taxes he has to pay under the law as it stands.

Commonly the left calls tax evaders everybody, because they think taxes should go higher or there should be more taxes.

But even if there should be more taxes, that is not a good definition of tax evasion. Tax evasion is when the current tax law requires me to pay 100 and I pay 50.

Anyway Greece's system of taxation is punitive indeed. No foreigners come here to invest as a result.

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Greece has stringent tax laws.

Also electronic systems of surveillance since 2001 and draconian electronic systems since 2012.

I know of a case of a criminal who was acquitted in 2008 because they could not open his bank accounts. The prosecuting authority could accuse him only if those bank accounts were opened and the evidence was obtained. The public prosecutor made a stupid mistake because he should have known the banks were not allowed to open the account of somebody unless he was already convicted for a crime. That is not the case any longer and we know that man was a criminal because it was an Al Kapone type of situation.

Nowadays you can't escape.

The high level of tax-evasion is a myth created by the socialists, in an effort to prove that their inflated public sector was innocent of it all and the tax payers were to blame. Lies. That eventually was used as a propaganda weapon against Greece and turned into a boomerang.

In the recent euro-group talks however the Euro-bosses rejected Greek proposals for a "fight against tax evasion". When it came down to counting real money, they realised there is none to be had that way !

In writing all the above I assume that by the word "tax evader" we mean somebody who does not pay the full amount of taxes he has to pay under the law as it stands.

Commonly the left calls tax evaders everybody, because they think taxes should go higher or there should be more taxes.

But even if there should be more taxes, that is not a good definition of tax evasion. Tax evasion is when the current tax law requires me to pay 100 and I pay 50.

Anyway Greece's system of taxation is punitive indeed. No foreigners come here to invest as a result.

Indeed, I was unaware they were lies as that's what the MSM claimed. Just shows how the left fools people these days. Thank you for pointing it out!

I'm guessing you're quite pleased with the outcome of yesterday's referendum. It will only be worth it if you pull out of the eurozone though.

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Indeed, I was unaware they were lies as that's what the MSM claimed. Just shows how the left fools people these days. Thank you for pointing it out!

I'm guessing you're quite pleased with the outcome of yesterday's referendum. It will only be worth it if you pull out of the eurozone though.

Look It's a wild exaggeration not a lie as such.

Look, it always happens between close friends.

It's three weeks now one of the home appliances broke down. I have a fb friend, who used to be an old friend and he is into the business of repairing the such equipment. In fb he is publishing wild stuff every hour "hang the tax evaders, long live Tsipras" and all the rest of it. Because I knew he was no leftie I talked to him about these things and he said "now I am".

Anyway I say to my sister, look invite so and so to fix it. So he comes round, he fixes it and I also treated him with mashed potatoes from the oven. In the end he says ok I fixed it, that 'll be 100 euros and let's forget the tax receipt as that will make it go to 115. Takes the 100 euros, says goodbye and goes home !

Now they accused the doctors in the posh Kolonaki district. I 've been there once or twice and you have to go through twenty five nurses and sign lots of paperwork. Why not doctors in working class districts ? Petralona ? Nobody was caught in the end. Certainly not among doctors. It's appeaser propaganda but as you can see it boomerangs, because the whatever calls for solidarity from the other European nations go to deaf ears now.

The referendum result was an unholy alliance between the pinks and the blackies.

Opinion poll companies were caught with their pants down - I don't know why. Some rumours now that those poll companies knew the truth and they placed a lot of money in the betting exchanges (n.b. the market was upsided early Sunday afternoon).

Now that "no" will turn into "yes".

Wait and see.

Like the "yes" on the Lycabettus hill of old. If you don't know what that was ask another Greek friend of yours.

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GREECE’S former finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, has unveiled plans to ride around on his motorbike having martial arts battles with local villains.

The freewheeling politician said he will go to whichever small town needs his help, taking manly temporary jobs like labourer or nightclub bouncer and standing up for locals against corrupt local bosses and their heavies.

He said: “I will ride into town, get a room in a local boarding house and establish a simmering sexual chemistry with the widowed but still beautiful landlady.

“Then I go into a bar where toughs in sleeveless denim shirts are harassing the waitresses. I beat them up using a mixture of kung fu and kickboxing techniques, stopping short of killing them because I hate violence.

“The elderly owner, who has a beautiful daughter, buys me a drink while explaining that the town is in the iron grip of someone called Mayor Angelis who everybody lives in fear of. To which I say something like ’not any more’.

“Then I either go and beat up all the villains in a spectacular battle, or decide to just ride off at that point leaving everything in a worse mess than before.”

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GREECE’S former finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, has unveiled plans to ride around on his motorbike having martial arts battles with local villains.

The freewheeling politician said he will go to whichever small town needs his help, taking manly temporary jobs like labourer or nightclub bouncer and standing up for locals against corrupt local bosses and their heavies.

He said: “I will ride into town, get a room in a local boarding house and establish a simmering sexual chemistry with the widowed but still beautiful landlady.

“Then I go into a bar where toughs in sleeveless denim shirts are harassing the waitresses. I beat them up using a mixture of kung fu and kickboxing techniques, stopping short of killing them because I hate violence.

“The elderly owner, who has a beautiful daughter, buys me a drink while explaining that the town is in the iron grip of someone called Mayor Angelis who everybody lives in fear of. To which I say something like ’not any more’.

“Then I either go and beat up all the villains in a spectacular battle, or decide to just ride off at that point leaving everything in a worse mess than before.”

My kind of guy!

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GREECE’S former finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, has unveiled plans to ride around on his motorbike having martial arts battles with local villains.

The freewheeling politician said he will go to whichever small town needs his help, taking manly temporary jobs like labourer or nightclub bouncer and standing up for locals against corrupt local bosses and their heavies.

He said: “I will ride into town, get a room in a local boarding house and establish a simmering sexual chemistry with the widowed but still beautiful landlady.

“Then I go into a bar where toughs in sleeveless denim shirts are harassing the waitresses. I beat them up using a mixture of kung fu and kickboxing techniques, stopping short of killing them because I hate violence.

“The elderly owner, who has a beautiful daughter, buys me a drink while explaining that the town is in the iron grip of someone called Mayor Angelis who everybody lives in fear of. To which I say something like ’not any more’.

“Then I either go and beat up all the villains in a spectacular battle, or decide to just ride off at that point leaving everything in a worse mess than before.”

Varoufakis will go to foreign universities and make lectures for a fee of 25000 $.

I wonder.

Was the guy who taught us "fortran for beginners" earning that much for each lecture ?

I went to a couple of those, with invited speakers. One was about black holes. Useful stuff but it did n't look like a 25000 $ invitation.

I wonder what Harvard students learn from those imbeciles. The Harvard exams are nothing to lauch at, but Varoufakis ? I bet the tea ladies they have over there are better.

Amazing situation.

Why can't people throw away money like that when I 'm around ?

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