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New Chelsea Manager


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It's easy to attack a man who can't respond.

Most people on this forum were 100% behind Andre a few weeks ago, I guess this is a reminder of how powerful the media propaganda can be.

YEP. Won't be surprised if some of the journos are reading this and sniggering.


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The ends always justify the means in football. He wanted to end player power so he aggressively tried to get his message across, but it didn't work. The means are never criticised when someone gets it right; if he had managed to end player power and get his revolution underway we'd all be sitting here right now admiring his panache to risk his job to get rid of the players.

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HIs first big mistake was the intention to assess the squad last summer. Had he sold a couple of the dead woods and brought in more of his players than just Mata and Romeu, things would have been way different right now. Then again, it probably all come down to his overall management of the squad.

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Agree. I don't know why it took so long for our board to hire him... He was appointed on 22nd June. He should have been hired much much earlier. He was there and a week or 10 days later we had to depart for the US. Hardly ideal preparation.

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Agree. I don't know why it took so long for our board to hire him... He was appointed on 22nd June. He should have been hired much much earlier. He was there and a week or 10 days later we had to depart for the US. Hardly ideal preparation.

And that will probably happen again this year espically with Euro's,may have a manger by then but squad wont be together till July no doubt then pre season starts and all

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AVB shouldn't have been hired in the first placed. You could gradually see the guy go down, personally and professionally. I remember him already talking about what he would like to do after his career, showing a somehow misplaced confidence during the good start of the season. Things changed quickly and it was difficult not to notice how he was at pains to pretend he was in charge. A changing starting eleven is never a good start and even if he had a plan at the beginning of the season, it became too obvious that he was just being foolish in sidelining the older players the way he did.

Chelsea did not have a team for a top 2 position, but with the experience and quality in the team they should have easily finished in the first 4. But there was never a plan, no resting of the older players to use them at full in the big games. Older players may lose pace but in some games experience counts double and I think that objectively one cannot but admire for example the contributions of players like Nesta, Seedorf, Giggs, Scholes and the likes.

Unfortunately for AVB it takes an experienced manager to manage experienced players. One may want to rebuild a team, but too many changes or completely sidelining the older guard is never a good idea.

With all the Belgians at Chelsea, Abramovich should maybe consider taking Eric Gerets. No, seriously, many coaches can succeed at Chelsea but it's a safer bet to go for somebody who has won prices in the past. I can't see how Guardiola would fit the picture though. The character of Van Gaal or Benitez would be a better fit with Chelsea's dressing room.

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With all the Belgians at Chelsea, Abramovich should maybe consider taking Eric Gerets. No, seriously, many coaches can succeed at Chelsea but it's a safer bet to go for somebody who has won prices in the past. I can't see how Guardiola would fit the picture though. The character of Van Gaal or Benitez would be a better fit with Chelsea's dressing room.

On paper, there are a dozen good names coming up in this topic but Abramovich will not even consider the likes of Eric Gerets, Brendan Rodgers, David Moyes, Luciano Spaletti, and who else. It is really between those who have been there and done that because anyone else is a big risk

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And that will probably happen again this year espically with Euro's,may have a manger by then but squad wont be together till July no doubt then pre season starts and all

yeah. Looks like it. But we should really follow what ManU have been doin so well (2010 - Hernandez signed before WC, 2011 - Jones and Young signed early)

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Jose Mourinho or Roberto Di Matteo now it has to be one of them, no one else should even be considered.

Jose still loves the club and the fact that he quickly came out and rebuffed the City links but not our one's could be telling? and he is the only man that can guarantee to be a success, its the only non risk, lets look at the other candidate's.

Guardiola - If he comes here he will need to use the transfer market, his record in that department is very so-so, he's a great manager but could you imagine him trying to teach our bunch tika taka?

Moyes - Too risky could easily backfire like Roy did with Liverpool and Big Sam with Newcastle. Working wonder's at a mid table team with a limited budget doesn't automatically mean you will win the league when you do get a kitty to dig into.

Bielsa - Would be a mix of AVB and Juande Ramos in the PL, long term might be good but short term would be a tragedy and our board are not patient enough.

Low - Been in International football for far too long, would be just like Scolari.

So either we should get Jose back or give RDM a one year deal at the end of this season and see what happens. Atleast RDM will know which players need to go, Jose would get rid of surplus players regardless i just don't think i can hack another 'squad assesment' this summer.

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