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Blues Stick By Hilario


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Assistant manager Ray Wilkins insists Chelsea are standing by Hilario following his role in their defeat to Manchester City.


The experienced Portuguese keeper was blamed for Carlos Tevez's equaliser and it had been thought he could be dropped.

While Wilkins has acknowledged Petr Cech's deputy did not have the best of games, he believes he will respond positively.

Hilario is expected to keep his place ahead of Ross Turnbull for the visit of Stoke in the FA Cup on Sunday with Cech still on the sidelines.

"He is an experienced player and he won't have a problem," said Wilkins.


"Unfortunately things didn't go quite right for him last Saturday.

"Supporters nowadays will always have a pop at the errors and as a keeper you make a ricket and you've lost a goal."

He added: "We'll play a lot worse than we did against Manchester City and win.

"We are top of the table in the first week in March - 19 other Premiership sides would sooner be in our position than their own.

"We're top of the league, playing in the quarter-finals of the cup and still in the Champions League."

From SkySports

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Well said :clap: Yes he was at fault, but so were other players, JT for one. We can't lay the blame on one player. Hopefully it will mean the rest of the squad will also respond positively, and learn from their mistakes from last week.

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For me a goalkeeper has to have an aura about him that'll give the defence confidence that anything that gets past them he(The Keeper) will probably deal with it.

I dont get that feeling from Hilario. I know he's played a few good games for us down the years(Barcelona to name one), but he's a bombscare of a keeper. He cant kick for shit and his decision making has me wondering what Mourinho ever saw in him.

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He just seems to go one extreme to the other.One amazing good day then an awful crazy day.Last week was a crazy day so hopfully thats all out the way now :D

But yeh defintly helps if the defence know what they're doing.Hopfully tommrow it'll all be sorted!

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I think the people who are having a pop at Hilario are being quite harsh. for a start, he is only a number 2 so obviously isn't going to be as good as your number 1. Also he has been very reliable in the past, his debut was against Barcelona and he kept a clean sheet. I remember when Cudicini got injured against Fenerbache and he came on and made a couple of brillaint saves to keep us in it, then there is the game against Liverpool this year as well. So he had a bad game against City, who didn't? I think he is a reliable goalkeeper and although obviouslt losing Cech is going to be a massive blow i am 100% behind him.

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I agree. He normally is reliable, but that doesn't excuse him from having a bad game. However like you say, everyone was moreorless shite against City, and we just have to have confidence in Hilario. He's the best option we have between the posts, and we know he can do a very good job.

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Just because he's back up to Cech shouldnt mean he gets let off with being an accident waiting to happen.

I've checked his clean sheet record out in the past and its pretty impressive, but the thing that gets me is that he's the last line of defence. He's expected to be able to command the penalty area. He's a grown man and has a wealth of experience under his belt, but when I see him play he looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights.

This game against Stoke will see them throwing balls into the box at every opportunity, especially Delaps throw ins. We're going to need him to come and take/punch the ball and take the pressure off the defence. Is Hilario that sort of keeper ?

That being said......He'll probably play a blinder today :rolleyes:

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He reminds me of Frode Grodas! Was a bag of nerves at times, then surprises everyone with an outstanding performance when it really matters.

Lets hope he has an outstanding performance against Inter. I'm dreading this game and have a really bad feeling about it. Please Hilario, have your best game ever for Chelsea.

Edited by boshman
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