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50 minutes ago, robsblubot said:

On the other hand, as far I know, *Hunter* Biden isn't the president, neither is he running to become the president. 🤷‍♂️
Aside from right winger's obsession in creating some (false) equivalence, few people care about his son.

Contrary to the nepotistic former president (when the whole family was in the administration), Hunter was never part of the government.

Oh for sure, but even in that regard.


There would be no other hand if it were Obama's son(if he had one) being a crackhead felon.  There would be nonstop debate about the cultural failings of his community, the moral/social/intellectual failure of this group and whatnot. It was the same type of language Biden used to try to keep black kids out of school with his kids for cheap political points. Today is almost poetic in that regard.

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Just now, robsblubot said:

Reckon the corruption of Clarence Thomas deserves its own public trial. I mean public opinion given that there is no law or accountability once someone gets into that group of friends called the Supreme Court.

The US Supreme Court is a giant clusterfuck in their Constitutional system.

Lifetime appointments, no controlling authority to police them, and the only way to remove criminals like Thomans and Alito is via the impossibly high (in the modeern divided Congress and country) standard of impeachment (in the House, that is doable, as all you need is a simple majority), then trial and conviction (2/3rds needed to convict, that is the impossible part) in the US Senate.

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1 minute ago, Vesper said:





Statistical anomalies. Next to no black people vote for Republicans.


First kid also looks mixed and most likely had no black person in their household ever.

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3 hours ago, Sir Mikel OBE said:

Statistical anomalies. Next to no black people vote for Republicans.


First kid also looks mixed and most likely had no black person in their household ever.

some polls have 20 plus per cent of black males going for Trump

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2 hours ago, Vesper said:

some polls have 20 plus per cent of black males going for Trump

I imagine a poll can be manipulated that says anything.😂


Nobody can realistically believe 1/5 Black men in America will vote for a republican over Obama's former Vice President. Especially since that group hasn't voted for a republican, in any significant number, since Ford in 1976(a guy who had supported civil rights since the 1940's).


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1 hour ago, Sir Mikel OBE said:

I imagine a poll can be manipulated that says anything.😂


Nobody can realistically believe 1/5 Black men in America will vote for a republican over Obama's former Vice President. Especially since that group hasn't voted for a republican, in any significant number, since Ford in 1976(a guy who had supported civil rights since the 1940's).


Will they turn up though ?

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In modern Europe and America most people don't give a tosh about communism.
Even the former rabid communist hunters rarely make a mention. They might if invited to some kind of history debate, but otherwise don't bother.
This is the situation after the demise of the USSR.
Yet does it mean communists do not exist any longer or they have been reformed ?
No it does n't mean that.
They no longer have a power centre and re. red China it's too far to have any political influence.
But communism is still here with us and they are just as numerous as they were during the Mc Carthy - UAC days who were chasing them.
They are not the majority or near majority. This has always been the case yet their power to influence and dupe people was never diminished.
They lost their nukes (belong to Putin now) but not their political identity.

Communism has always been a failure in western societies, starting from 1919 when they took over Russia.
What is the basis of their thesis ?
It's the abolition of property and the establishment of total state control.
Even the clothpegs with which you hang the washing will not belong to you but to the state.
The system if applied once but at the same titme democratic process is not done away with will result in this:
Next time round they poll 0% of the vote.
So how to avoid the 0% ? You avoid it with the gun.
This is communism in a nutshell yet nevertheless it has its proponents.

What were the fairy tale stories communists believe in ?
Once upon a time they believed in the spontaneous revolution of the masses. The workers storm out of the factories, huge masses of people
march into the towns, the communist rule is eastablished.
Did n't happen anywhere except in Russia under the peculiar circumstances of world war I. Even that was not a communist revolution though.
It was a revolution against the czar and gradually the communist party dominated all the other revolutionaries.
In the west this proved a fairytale.
Nowadays the communist parties of the world still believe in the mass exodus of the workers from the factories, but it's a metaphysical thing
now - maybe it will happen at some distant future day.

Another thing the communists seemed to believe in was that the army soldiers could unite with the enemy army soldiers and together
become a single communist army.
Thus in the Greco-Italian war of 1940 the stance of the Greek communist party was that the Greek and Italian soldiers should drop their guns,
unite and bring communism.
Imagine, the Greeks who were figthing for king and country after the despicablr provocations and the unprovoked invasion, laying down their arms.
Imagine also the Italian fascists who were fanaticised by Il Duce doing the same !
This nonsense did not last long is true and even some Greek communists fought hard in those battles, but that was communist doctrine,
that's what  their newspaper wrote initially.

But apart from these demonstrably silly ideas the communists were always polotting and scheming, they had many more insidious plans
and never gave up.

Now the other side of the coin.
Is communism they only tyrannical system ever existed ?
There was Hitler - Hirohito - Salazar - Franco, the old absolute monarchies ...
Since Hitler does not exist anymore there was no CIA equivalent after the war to chase nazis - nazism was just unimportant anymore.
But the nazi system once existed as well as all the others.
Now we are witnessing a rebirth of nazism.
But it's not true that this is a new thing, or a relatively new thing,
These people existed for as long as we can remember but they used to be disorganized.
They used to vote for the traditional conservative parties without making noises.
Now no longer so and the starting point was again the year USSR was erased from the map. No longer need to participate in a common
anticommunist front.
Down to the last I know from among them belongs to this group of, despicable indeed, individuals.

Can this be countered now ?
Maybe but looks extremely difficult.
And it looks extremely difficult precisely because of the attitude of the communist-fellow traveling left.
It's a false argument to put forward in the sense that a communist is always a communist, we can't change him.
But I 'm talking to the lots of people who have been duped, became part of the communist conspiaracy after brainwashing.
Communism has no hope in the democratic system of government, imperfect such as it is.
But they actuallt look forward to the extreme right taking over power.
They believe this will last for some time and then it's their turn.

So the real big problem for Europe is them and the way the left have managed to dupe people.
The political centre is dead, cannot confront the right wing onslaught or any other onslaught.
The big problem is not the extreme right wingers, because those always existed.
So in this way five-ten years from now civilization as we know it may be dead.

Edited by cosmicway
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4 hours ago, Sir Mikel OBE said:

I imagine a poll can be manipulated that says anything.😂


Nobody can realistically believe 1/5 Black men in America will vote for a republican over Obama's former Vice President. Especially since that group hasn't voted for a republican, in any significant number, since Ford in 1976(a guy who had supported civil rights since the 1940's).


17 per cent of black men voted Republican in the 2022 midterms



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4 hours ago, Vesper said:

17 per cent of black men voted Republican in the 2022 midterms



18 thousand responses? If it was proportionate thats 2 thousand black people all together and 340 people if it was a a 50/50 split in gender. Thats not representative of black people at all.

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6 hours ago, cosmicway said:

Will they turn up though ?

The true danger.


Black people rejecting Biden wouldn't vote Trump or republican, they'd stay home.

The democrats are expert at getting black people out to vote though because its a consistent voting block that turns the needle in states when given a choice. In the 80's they used to send folks to black barbershops and tell people that if Reagan got back in office he'd take white women from them. White women meant freedom. 40 years later the only people who's lost their white woman was OJ, Kanye, and Andrew Tate's dad😮‍💨

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15 minutes ago, Sir Mikel OBE said:

The true danger.


Black people rejecting Biden wouldn't vote Trump or republican, they'd stay home.

The democrats are expert at getting black people out to vote though because its a consistent voting block that turns the needle in states when given a choice. In the 80's they used to send folks to black barbershops and tell people that if Reagan got back in office he'd take white women from them. White women meant freedom. 40 years later the only people who's lost their white woman was OJ, Kanye, and Andrew Tate's dad😮‍💨

Conversely the Republicans knowing most Black people vote Dem use a range of tricks to deter them. 

In Detroit, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, during last election there were thousands of robocalls to Black voters with an ominous campaign message: If you want to vote by mail, it warned, your personal information will be turned over to the police and to debt collectors.

The call played on crude racial stereotypes that those Black people were in debt/wanted by the feds, and was blatantly false.

Similarly here, the tories are fucked so they have brought in ID at voting booths saying it is to 'stop electoral fraud'. The reality being no problem existed - but they know disenfranchised people, are hardly ever to vote tory and many dont have any ID or if people forget, they know they wont return to the polling booth

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52 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Conversely the Republicans knowing most Black people vote Dem use a range of tricks to deter them. 

In Detroit, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, during last election there were thousands of robocalls to Black voters with an ominous campaign message: If you want to vote by mail, it warned, your personal information will be turned over to the police and to debt collectors.

The call played on crude racial stereotypes that those Black people were in debt/wanted by the feds, and was blatantly false.

Similarly here, the tories are fucked so they have brought in ID at voting booths saying it is to 'stop electoral fraud'. The reality being no problem existed - but they know disenfranchised people, are hardly ever to vote tory and many dont have any ID or if people forget, they know they wont return to the polling booth


Republicans know there is 0 chance of black people, in any significant number, ever voting for them so they have to build obstacles to stop them voting all together. 

Republicans have 0 answers for any questions. All they can lean on are culture wars. You can't bring other people in when you have made them the enemy of your culture war though:

^^This is the minority that votes republican. One with no dignity or even basic self respect. They hate themselves so they not only expect others to hate them, but accepts it.

Edited by Sir Mikel OBE
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1 hour ago, Sir Mikel OBE said:

The true danger.


Black people rejecting Biden wouldn't vote Trump or republican, they'd stay home.

The democrats are expert at getting black people out to vote though because its a consistent voting block that turns the needle in states when given a choice. In the 80's they used to send folks to black barbershops and tell people that if Reagan got back in office he'd take white women from them. White women meant freedom. 40 years later the only people who's lost their white woman was OJ, Kanye, and Andrew Tate's dad😮‍💨

Don't get this.
He would give them white women you mean, not take.
But I find this pathological. Why like white women if you are black ?
It's like old sci fi movies where the monsters from outer space were abducting the blondes.
To the monster from outer space the blonde woman is the monster, nature says.
If someone promised me to give me black women I would say "bring them" but would n't make me vote for his party.

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56 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Conversely the Republicans knowing most Black people vote Dem use a range of tricks to deter them. 

In Detroit, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, during last election there were thousands of robocalls to Black voters with an ominous campaign message: If you want to vote by mail, it warned, your personal information will be turned over to the police and to debt collectors.

The call played on crude racial stereotypes that those Black people were in debt/wanted by the feds, and was blatantly false.

Similarly here, the tories are fucked so they have brought in ID at voting booths saying it is to 'stop electoral fraud'. The reality being no problem existed - but they know disenfranchised people, are hardly ever to vote tory and many dont have any ID or if people forget, they know they wont return to the polling booth

We always had to present an ID at the poll station.
I kept my old one for as long as I could because it said "christian orthodox" but I had to change it with an electronic one in the end.
Strangely the cop who did it for me was asking questions about my family going back to the 19th century - seemingly irrelevant.
I think I impressed him when I said my grandad fought in Flanders.

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And self-hatred is why Republicans think they can make inroads with Asians. Many Asians that come here, from colonial past, absolutely hate themselves.

Of course it doesn't work in the end because Asians in the the US at least are pretty educated so the talking points fail to stick when its time to vote, but they sure do try. 

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14 minutes ago, cosmicway said:

Don't get this.
He would give them white women you mean, not take.
But I find this pathological. Why like white women if you are black ?
It's like old sci fi movies where the monsters from outer space were abducting the blondes.
To the monster from outer space the blonde woman is the monster, nature says.
If someone promised me to give me black women I would say "bring them" but would n't make me vote for his party.

No they already had white women. The idea is that Reagan or *Insert republican* would take them away.  Its the talking point of how Republicans would take away what you hold dear.


And its self hate and media brainwashing. Black men from the inception of this country have been told that white women were the prize.  Its no different from denying your son your drink but drinking it in front of him. He will grow to want that, and even more so if you tell him he isnt good enough for your drink.

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