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The European Leagues & Competitions Thread V2


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Amazing how some simple people can't read sarcasm...blatant ones at that :D

Amazing how some people regret posting and have no decency to stick with their opinion (as crazy as it may be).

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Amazing how some people regret posting and have no decency to stick with their opinion (as crazy as it may be).

Perhaps, he was just trying to set this forum on fire ?

More than this..his love of Arsenal, there was no way to know it ?

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British press showing what an absolute bunch of biased hypocrites they are. On last night's match Sam Wallach was spitting with trage and dedicated the first three paragraphs of his match report to the red card incident and returned to it continually. Contrast with this reaction to the Barca game in 09, where Ovrebo's performance is treated as an afterthought, just sour grapes from us and that we only have ourselves to blame. The legitimate Real goal that was disallowed and United's post match haranguing of the ref go unreported by him. Needless to say tge aftermath of our game did not.

Top work. A brilliant comparison that is so, so revealing. It's what we have to put from the press.

Imagine if United had got through despite the red card, playing backs-to-the-wall football. They'd have been praised to the skies for their character and togetherness in the face of adversity. When we beat Barca with 10 men, minus our skipper and another CB, and then faced Bayern in their own stadium, minus our skipper, another key defender and two midfielders (all banned), we had a hell of a lot of flak for the way we played and for being absurdly lucky.

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yea Van Pussy when he was in Arsenal got a red in tht game (incorrect) It was a really stupid second yellow card. (The ref was Massimo Bussaca) It was a pretty stupid red card tbh.

:ph34r::ph34r::fainthv9::fainthv9::fainthv9::fainthv9::fainthv9::ph34r::ph34r::doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Oh yea and coincidentally I made a post about that foul a few days ago


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Well, that´s exactly what I have been saying all these years. Manure are darlings of all press, refs, UK FA...

Red nosed had influenced so many games in PL, it´s not even funny anymore.

As I said & I will say it again. Fuck Manure.

exactly the media never reacted like this when Clattenburg OUTRIGHT robbed us (the ref didn't cheat Man U FFS their goal was an offside and Madrid had a goal ruled out!)

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British press showing what an absolute bunch of biased hypocrites they are. On last night's match Sam Wallach was spitting with trage and dedicated the first three paragraphs of his match report to the red card incident and returned to it continually. Contrast with this reaction to the Barca game in 09, where Ovrebo's performance is treated as an afterthought, just sour grapes from us and that we only have ourselves to blame. The legitimate Real goal that was disallowed and United's post match haranguing of the ref go unreported by him. Needless to say tge aftermath of our game did not.

Top work. A brilliant comparison that is so, so revealing. It's what we have to put from the press.

Imagine if United had got through despite the red card, playing backs-to-the-wall football. They'd have been praised to the skies for their character and togetherness in the face of adversity. When we beat Barca with 10 men, minus our skipper and another CB, and then faced Bayern in their own stadium, minus our skipper, another key defender and two midfielders (all banned), we had a hell of a lot of flak for the way we played and for being absurdly lucky.

Did u read the BBC match report I posted here! It was just like that (they wrote Drogba fouled Evans for the Kung Fu kick which Evans did!) and they wrote Man U were unlucky!


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exactly the media never reacted like this when Clattenburg OUTRIGHT robbed us (the ref didn't cheat Man U FFS their goal was an offside and Madrid had a goal ruled out!)

You know, I am the last person not to be objective. I even criticized Chelsea on many occasions, admitted when we were lucky but Manure are one despicable club & red nosed is someone I can´t even look at on TV.

I have been watching football for years & I never could stand Manure at all. There is something about them, their looks, jerseys, behavior I simply hate. Just try to register at just about any forum where predominately Manure fans are posting. There are nothing but arrogant cunts, I feel.

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We managed it against Napoli so never know about Arsenal.Wouldnt thought so but weird things happen and no one thought we had a chance of getting anywhere last season and we did....

Its hard and annoying when dodgy moments cost the game but there was a game before that they played.Us against Barca we had so many chances we didnt take and they were down to 10 men for 20 or so mins that we didnt take advantage of.Things happen etc

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We managed it against Napoli so never know about Arsenal.Wouldnt thought so but weird things happen and no one thought we had a chance of getting anywhere last season and we did....

Its hard and annoying when dodgy moments cost the game but there was a game before that they played.Us against Barca we had so many chances we didnt take and they were down to 10 men for 20 or so mins that we didnt take advantage of.Things happen etc

Do you honestly believe Bayern are going to allow Arsenal to beat them, this year ?

I believe, Bayern are better than last year, playing well. Arsenal are not good enough to beat them. Just add how many goals Arsenal need to score to eliminate Bayern. There is your answer.

As for Chelsea against Napoli. Chelsea were not just lucky to win it, then but were better, in my view.

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They nearly pulled it off against Milian last year just came a goal short.Dont think they will but like said strange things happen and they pulled one back.3 more to go etc...then the Arsenal fans will forget a few weeks ago they wanted Wenger out blah....

And if they do go out then attention will turn to Europa lol seeing as quite a few English teams still in it so far



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