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Official - Carlo sacked


Should Ancelotti be replaced in the summer?  

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  1. 1. Should Ancelotti be sacked?

    • Yes, he should go
    • No, he should stay

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I think the expectation is there that we should be winning trophies every season and if we don't then we are deemed a failure, hence us changing managers in recent years. It's interesting to note, that the last time we had a manager for longer than 4 years was between 1967 and 1974 with Dave Sexton, since then all of the managers have stayed between 1 and 4 years.

I think we should have more faith in Carlo, as perhaps we should have done with some of our past managers as it must be immensely frustrating for the players not knowing if the current manager will be staying after only one year in the job! Give the manager a chance, have faith in him, let him develop his ideas and methods, acknowledge his acheivements. All this can only be possible over a long period imo.

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But why do you so called debaters think that only you are able of constructing proper argument?

Why do you keep mentioning that you can argue and put your views properly? Big selfconfidence? I see that only 17-18 yos do that?

Because the only response we ever get is ignorant fools saying "glory hunter". Not only is that the total opposite of what we are, but it's personally insulting to, as I've been supporting this club since as long as I can remember! I was a fan before Abramovich arrived, before all the success & I am entitled the criticise the coach because of his decisions NOT because some fool who can't be bothered to have a reasonable discussion can't think of anything better to say than "glory hunter"

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Because the only response we ever get is ignorant fools saying "glory hunter". Not only is that the total opposite of what we are, but it's personally insulting to, as I've been supporting this club since as long as I can remember! I was a fan before Abramovich arrived, before all the success & I am entitled the criticise the coach because of his decisions NOT because some fool who can't be bothered to have a reasonable discussion can't think of anything better to say than "glory hunter"


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Because the only response we ever get is ignorant fools saying "glory hunter". Not only is that the total opposite of what we are, but it's personally insulting to, as I've been supporting this club since as long as I can remember! I was a fan before Abramovich arrived, before all the success & I am entitled the criticise the coach because of his decisions NOT because some fool who can't be bothered to have a reasonable discussion can't think of anything better to say than "glory hunter"

Ok I really isn't nice to see someone being called gloryhunter..

But when you say how others aren't able to put an argument you are bashing others with that.. Is "CL manager my ass" a proper argument?

Why would you think that you are a better debater? So called debaters can also write things that make you like this :rolleyes:.

Like..writing a million different lineups and then at the end they say it won't be like this it will be same old same old..

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Ok I really isn't nice to see someone being called gloryhunter..

But when you say how others aren't able to put an argument you are bashing others with that.. Is "CL manager my ass" a proper argument?

Why would you think that you are a better debater? So called debaters can also write things that make you like this :rolleyes:.

Like..writing a million different lineups and then at the end they say it won't be like this it will be same old same old..

I don't think I am a better debater at all, I have said nothing of the sort. My critique with some other's is simply their use of the terms "hater" & "glory hunter". If they hold a proper discussion without personal insults I'm happy to have a proper debate/discussion.

The specific content of other's posts is for them to discuss/you to discuss with them. My only problem was with the glory hunter part, nothing else. I respect opposing views to mine :)

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I don't think I am a better debater at all, I have said nothing of the sort. My critique with some other's is simply their use of the terms "hater" & "glory hunter". If they hold a proper discussion without personal insults I'm happy to have a proper debate/discussion.

The specific content of other's posts is for them to discuss/you to discuss with them. My only problem was with the glory hunter part, nothing else. I respect opposing views to mine :)

Fair play..I agree that isn't nice.

I enjoy discussing with you. :D

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Don't need to, you show your true colors with one post. Group phases and knock out phase went perfectly, as it did last year. Now we have a tough opponent and we lose 0-1, still have second leg ahead of us and many are quick to jump to conclusions. Very fast trigger finger you've got mate.

You registered on the day we completed 70m transfers, claim to know our views on Ancelotti from all the way back to the summer and you have the audacity to say that I've got a fast trigger finger?

You've hardly taken part in any of the previous discussions and resort to playing the "I'm a better fan than you" card before even bothering to check arguments, some of which were voiced during the last season (ie shit subs).

My previous post still stands.

Pretty much like "Kalou hater", isn't it ? :rolleyes:

Kalou hater isn't as bad.. It's used only on a specific subject while Glory Hunter could be used, or abused (see Justin 3d) for every single debate regarding this club or football in general. Not to mention that Kalou hater isn't nearly as insulting as questioning your love for a club that you've been following for years, even decades.

Oh okay, so you say I haven't exactly made an arguement about this.... fine, well if you really want my honest opinion, this is what I think of it all....

Much, much better.

Styles answered to the fallacy about the plethora of managers after Mourinho and I'm sure you'd agree that, even ignoring the competition that he was allegedly brought for, the "he did better than Mourinho" part is subjective.

Because I never saw how winning the league with 86 points and a cup having to beat Watford, Preston, Cardiff, Stoke, Villa and Portsmouth is better than 95 points and overcoming West Ham, Newcatle, Fulham, United and Liverpool.

Moreover, while I dislike Arsenal as much as you do Wenger and Ancelotti are not really comparable. The difference between the resources available to them is vast and Wenger has consistently managed to keep a side worth half as much as ours in the top 4 for many years while had it not been for an injection of 70m during the winter transfer window our double winning team was in real danger of missing the CL spot and everything it means Chelsea.

I don't remember anyone denying that the players deserver their share of blame but as spuz points out witnessing a group of world class players underperform for almost the whole season is hardly a coincidence and at the end of the day the manager has to take responsibility for things like that (and Ancelotti has).

Finally I've never see anyone on this board claiming that CA should be sacked because Chelsea could go a whole season without winning anything.

However bad we play, whether we win trophies or we don't, I back Carlo 100%
An odd view to say the least. Tbh this sounds more like supporting Carlo FC than Chelsea FC I'd suggest you check your priorities.
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a side worth half as much as ours

That's an understatement. The amount of money the club paid for Fernando Torres was more than Arsenal spent on their starting line-up.

Agree with the rest of your post.

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I ask this question. How would Carlo do with Arsenals squad?

Well infact they have an ok squad.. They have players like Nasri and Fabregas.. we don't have players like that..They have more options than we do..Good wingers and that. Their problem is when someone from starting XI gets injured, andd then someone like Diaby plays..

I don't know how someone can even think to compare Wenger and Carlo..That's mad..

And it's really unfair how Kostas abuses facts or/and neglects some of them just to feed his ego..

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Well infact they have an ok squad.. They have players like Nasri and Fabregas.. we don't have players like that..They have more options than we do..Good wingers and that. Their problem is when someone from starting XI gets injured, andd then someone like Diaby plays..

I don't know how someone can even think to compare Wenger and Carlo..That's mad..

I think we have a better squad than them,I bet Carlo would struggle.

I compare them because they're both managers.

They wouldn't be willing to pay his wages


I dunno, Whinger is on a pretty penny.

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I think we have a better squad than them,I bet Carlo would struggle.

I compare them because they're both managers.

Some positions yes.. But in those important no. We would be great if we had Nasri on that left side. And they have Walcott on that right side who is quite useful.. Who do we have?

You didn't compare them, you just asked how would Carlo do with their squad. And I said to you that they at least have options for any systems..We don't have them even for one system..

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Some positions yes.. But in those important no. We would be great if we had Nasri on that left side. And they have Walcott on that right side who is quite useful.. Who do we have?

You didn't compare them, you just asked how would Carlo do with their squad. And I said to you that they at least have options for any systems..We don't have them even for one system..

Walcott? No we don't have him thank god.

Of course we have options for more than one system.

Carlo seems very confident he'll be here next year anyway, even if we lose Tuesday.

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Guardiola is a good manager just because he manages Barcelona.


Let's see how he does if he leaves them.

Agreed, he is the manager of the strongest club side in the world. If, say Alan Shearer was to manage Barca he'd probably do pretty well!

I wonder how pep would get on at a club like Villarreal or Sevilla

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