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The Truth About Scooby Doo
Everyone remembers the cartoon show Scooby-Doo from their early childhood, right? But something you may not remember is what the show was really all about. As I've gotten older, it has become more clear to me what Fred, Shaggy, Daphne, Velma, and Scooby were actually doing as they traversed the continent foiling crimes of all sorts in the Mystery Machine.
What We Remember:
Four teenagers and their trusted dog gallop across the country in their purple and green van solving mysteries of all sort--and in the process meet all kinds of interesting people.
The Truth:
Four high-school dropouts and their sentient dog ride around the country in their psychodelic love machine, earning their way by selling drugs. Oh, and they occasionally take some old guys mask off to solve a mystery.
It may be a little hard to swallow, but just take a look at the evidence...
Take Shaggy for example. Not only is he the inspiration for the current 'grunge' scene, with his sloppy dress and facial hair, but Shaggy is obviously a 'burner', i.e., he smokes marijuana. Why do you think he is constantly hungry? Shaggy can make a six foot hoagie and swallow it whole.
And then there is Scooby himself. While dogs do not generally smoke joints, Scooby gets his 'high' from Scooby-Snacks, which are in fact Hash-Brownies. Whenever Scooby, or Shaggy for that matter, eats a Scooby-Snack, they go ape! It just blows their mind and they do whatever they are told, because they are so lit! Scooby is also hungry all the time.
The other characters do not actively take part in the stoner-fest that Shaggy and Scooby do, but they do condone the selling of it because it helps support their jaunts across the country (and the world--they drove to China once). These other characters do have their own peculiarities however..
Fred and Daphne are always splintering off from the group to go 'solve the case' by themselves. It's no real mystery what these two are really doing--they're getting busy in the back of the Mystery Machine. Daphne with her pretty pink, well, legs and Fred are constantly bumping uglies. Fred is, by the way, pumped up on steroids. One thing that remains a mystery to me though, is why he always wore that stupid scarf around his neck.
And what about Velma? Everyone's least favorite of the cast, was of course, a lesbian. But, as it turned out in the later episodes, she was also into beastiality. Where do you thing Scrappy-Doo came from? Scrappy, who was a dog yet spoke perfect english, was obviously a product of Velma and Scooby.
So the kids spent their teenage years driving around the world, slangin' dope, shooting steroids, eating hash brownies, and fucking their dog, while all the while looking for the perfect 'hit'.
Well, just look at him. Baggy clothes, pale skin, goatee, crackly-voice and excessive munchies (he and Scooby both). Judging from Shaggy's gaunt figure, I gather he also is into heroin. As Dave Letterman would say, he's "wacky on the junk". DEFINITIVE PROOF: Constant munchies by both Shaggy and Scooby; excessive giggles, the episode where Shaggy puts fish food on his sandwich
Possibly cocaine. Cocaine is (supposedly) a powerful aphrodisiac. The episode with Don Knotts comes to mind: After being trapped in a hole, Scooby finds a way out. Velma immediatly turns to Freddy, wraps her arms around his shoulders, and begins to lift her mouth to his.**I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP** Unfortunately, the shot cuts away and we are left with a sense of mystery deeper than the ones in the plots. I say speed because she looks like a worn out college student; her parents fought for her success, pushing her too far. She feels that she must impress her parents, but solving mysteries all night makes her exhausted, hence the use of speed.
Diet pills. Have you ever seen how skinny the girl is? Perhaps cocaine as well, but this is based only on the fact that she is rich and wears a scarf.
Cocaine. Most definitly. The clean cut image; the white sweater, blue pants, SCARF wore around neck, neatly combed hair and strong jaw all suggest that he is a major coke head. Freddy may also be a part time dealer, judging from the fact that none of the gang works, and yet they drive around in a conversion van with a custom paint job.
  1. Scooby and Shaggy always saw the ghosts long before anyone else saw them (if at all).
  2. Scooby and Shaggy were always getting frightened by their own reflections.
  3. Scooby and Shaggy always had the munchies. Always.
  4. Scooby and Shaggy always ate the same dog food (scooby snacks). AND wanted more!
  5. Shaggy always thought Scooby was talking to everyone, and yet Shaggy was the only one who could understand what Scooby was saying.
  6. The monsters could only groan unintelligibly, but Scrappy spoke near-perfect english (even better than shaggy).
  7. Scrappy had just a little too much energy all of the time. Yes, scrappy doo was on speed.
  8. They would dress up in costumes to evade the monster.
  9. Scooby and Shaggy always fell into the trap that was intended for the monster - even though they knew it was there.
  10. The monster chase scenes were always to some hippie-dope-smoking-rock-music, much like a music video. Music that even the BeeGees would not sing.
  11. The Gang believed that the monsters existed up until they found a clue to prove that the monster was not real. NOT the other way 'round!
  12. The Gang could run into one door, and appear out of another ACROSS the hall.
  13. The groovy sound effects.
  14. Fred was always too happy and smiled too much.
  15. Anyone watching knew who the bad guy was in the first 5 minutes of the show. It took them half an hour to figure it out.
  16. Shaggy always said "like" one too many times in every sentence.
  17. Shaggy used words that would only make sense to an impaired person - "Like, ZOIKS, Scoob, let's get outta here!!"
  18. Velma always said "Jinkies".....but somehow, it made perfect sense.....
  19. Scooby and Shaggy were always the ones in the back of the van.
  20. The Gang drove around in a sixties-hippie-dope-smoking peace mobile that they named the MYSTERY MACHINE. Could you ride in that and NOT be high as a kite?
  21. Shaggy and Scooby were always giggly and laughing uncontrollably.
  22. Shaggy and Scooby frequently had the shakes.
  23. Just LOOK at Shaggy - the clothes, the goatee, the haircut...
  24. Only Daphne ever changed clothes. No one else. And Scooby ran around naked.
  25. It took The Gang a WHOLE episode to figure out that "Old Man Withurs" did it (I mean, how obvious was THAT?!?)
  26. Not only that, but they all acted SURPRISED when they unmasked him!
  27. There was always a lot of fog.
  28. They were always willing to spend the night in a Haunted House. Repeatedly.
  29. Most of "The Gang's" waking hours occurred after dark.
  30. Scooby once actually "cut thick fog with a knife" and ate it.
  31. Scooby also once took two trash can lids, and flew like a bird with Shaggy on his back (the wolfman episode).
  32. The monsters appeared to glow brightly.
  33. When a monster was around, there was always this strange sound that eminated from the monster, yet no one noticed it.
  34. None of them were gainfully employed, they never accepted money for solving a mystery, yet they never were in need of money. Ever. (Although, I have been told that they did accept a job on a farm in one episode...)
  35. Just look at the guest stars......Don Knotts, the Three Stooges, and Phylis Diller (among others).
  36. If they were sober, the rest of them would've kicked out Velma long ago.
  37. They were, after all, "Just a bunch of meddling kids".
  38. Scooby would take a 3-foot sandwich, crush it and swallow it, and thenit would elongate in his throat (Sometimes sideways) but he never remembered anything the next time
  39. Scooby and Shaggy were willing to do anything for a Scooby snack.
  40. The more Scooby Snacks they ate the braver the got.
  41. Scooby-Dooby Doo [uses the word "dooby" in his own name]
O If we had only known these things when we watched this cartoon as children...

Now i like it even more

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So... anyone participating in Movember?

Ha, finally some good stuff.

Count me in. I'm going for more like Noshember- No shave November( moustaches look weird on me) and hopefully, i'll put up a mugshot if i succeed in growing a good one.

Actually, our Medicine HOD asked us to do the Movember thing. Till then, i didn't even knew such a thing existed.

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The No Shave Rules

Welcome to the home of the great annual event called "No-Shave-November" where guys and girls alike unite in the height of laziness agreeing to not shave their beards or legs (respectively) for the entire month of November.

After all, it is in the busiest part of the semester or work year, and you are the farthest behind on sleep, so why waste the time? Plus, it is cold enough to wear scarves or jeans (respectively) to cover that unsightly hair.

Everyone, young and old, male and female can participate in No-Shave-November by following this simple calendar of guide-lines. The festivities shall unfold thusly:

Nov 1:

Razors are stowed, indifference ignited. Noshember begins.

Nov 1-7:

The week of scratching that itch. Push yourself, control the desire to shave and relieve the itchiness.

First Wednesday:

Itch hump day.

Nov 7:

Day of Gnashing of Teeth.

Nov 14:

Finally the men don't look ridiculous (boys may look rediculous).

Nov 14:

Finally the women do look ridiculous.


Quoth Flan: "Moms and grandmothers just don't understand."

Nov 27:

Finally the boys or follicularly-challenged do look ridiculous.

Nov 30:

Photograph day. Take your best hair exhibiting celebration photos. You have truly completed something great.

Dec 1:

Great festival of many razors, shaving commences.

Dec 2-24:

Careful planning and shaping of your follicle resources grown and nurtured above your upper lip.

Dec 25:

Mustache Christmas Morning. The subsequent greatest day of the year. Time to creep some people out.

Let the race begin!

Among No Shave November traditions, perhaps the strongest is the beard and/or leg hair contest (or armpits or whatever...be creative). Lets see who is the fullest, bushiest, and most natural after a month, and then join in a ritual corporate shoring of our hides!

No Shave November Matters!

Another very important Noshember tradition is the causes and charities world wide that it supports. Many of the worlds greatest Noshemberers and Noshember events of our time have been when the people rally around a great cause. Whether collecting funds throughout the month, or just raising awareness, be sure to check out some of the many important issues and charities supported by Noshemberers world wide.

The Council of Noshember met to decide some critical issues and questions that the peoples have been crying out. Issue 1. The peoples cry out: "Can I keep my existing beard come the end of October and just start from there?"

Council's Decree: The goal of Noshember is not so much the contest or even the ritual shaving, but rather the shear laziness of being unkempt and rough together for an entire month. Let us not get bogged down in detail, but keep our eyes on the prize. Or prizes as it were. We're just glad to have you beard-keepers along for the ride.

Issue 3. The people's cry out: "Must I leave the chomo hair on my upper lip? It is unsightly and unfriendly."

Council's Decree: Again, the theme is laziness and unkemptness. If you are not ready for real laziness and unkepmtness, you can shave the stache, but remember, we encourage you to grow and improve in your slovenly ways. Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the cause.

As it was written: "Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard." Leviticus 19:27

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The No Shave Rules

Welcome to the home of the great annual event called "No-Shave-November" where guys and girls alike unite in the height of laziness agreeing to not shave their beards or legs (respectively) for the entire month of November.

After all, it is in the busiest part of the semester or work year, and you are the farthest behind on sleep, so why waste the time? Plus, it is cold enough to wear scarves or jeans (respectively) to cover that unsightly hair.

Everyone, young and old, male and female can participate in No-Shave-November by following this simple calendar of guide-lines. The festivities shall unfold thusly:

Nov 1:

Razors are stowed, indifference ignited. Noshember begins.

Nov 1-7:

The week of scratching that itch. Push yourself, control the desire to shave and relieve the itchiness.

First Wednesday:

Itch hump day.

Nov 7:

Day of Gnashing of Teeth.

Nov 14:

Finally the men don't look ridiculous (boys may look rediculous).

Nov 14:

Finally the women do look ridiculous.


Quoth Flan: "Moms and grandmothers just don't understand."

Nov 27:

Finally the boys or follicularly-challenged do look ridiculous.

Nov 30:

Photograph day. Take your best hair exhibiting celebration photos. You have truly completed something great.

Dec 1:

Great festival of many razors, shaving commences.

Dec 2-24:

Careful planning and shaping of your follicle resources grown and nurtured above your upper lip.

Dec 25:

Mustache Christmas Morning. The subsequent greatest day of the year. Time to creep some people out.

Let the race begin!

Among No Shave November traditions, perhaps the strongest is the beard and/or leg hair contest (or armpits or whatever...be creative). Lets see who is the fullest, bushiest, and most natural after a month, and then join in a ritual corporate shoring of our hides!

No Shave November Matters!

Another very important Noshember tradition is the causes and charities world wide that it supports. Many of the worlds greatest Noshemberers and Noshember events of our time have been when the people rally around a great cause. Whether collecting funds throughout the month, or just raising awareness, be sure to check out some of the many important issues and charities supported by Noshemberers world wide.

The Council of Noshember met to decide some critical issues and questions that the peoples have been crying out. Issue 1. The peoples cry out: "Can I keep my existing beard come the end of October and just start from there?"

Council's Decree: The goal of Noshember is not so much the contest or even the ritual shaving, but rather the shear laziness of being unkempt and rough together for an entire month. Let us not get bogged down in detail, but keep our eyes on the prize. Or prizes as it were. We're just glad to have you beard-keepers along for the ride.

Issue 3. The people's cry out: "Must I leave the chomo hair on my upper lip? It is unsightly and unfriendly."

Council's Decree: Again, the theme is laziness and unkemptness. If you are not ready for real laziness and unkepmtness, you can shave the stache, but remember, we encourage you to grow and improve in your slovenly ways. Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the cause.

As it was written: "Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard." Leviticus 19:27

I didn't assume their was so many rules, I just thought you didn't shave from the 1st of November until the 30th of November even if you look like a prick with a moustache or not.

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Ha, finally some good stuff.

Count me in. I'm going for more like Noshember- No shave November( moustaches look weird on me) and hopefully, i'll put up a mugshot if i succeed in growing a good one.

Actually, our Medicine HOD asked us to do the Movember thing. Till then, i didn't even knew such a thing existed.

I am participating, well when I say participating I just can't be bothered shaving. Have had a head start by not shaving for like 2 weeks so

Yeah, Noshember sounds better (and looks better as well, lol).

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