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Javier Pastore joins PSG

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Can PSG offer him bigger wage...no way...just can't believe...I just hope that this is not true..that's all..

Maybe they can..but if Chelsea is really holding out against splashing extravagant amounts of cash, on the grounds that it can offer CL football instead...,then I would have to stand by our club...The reputation we've built to become one of the top teams in Europe has to count for something....

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Hold on here a minute, where does it say he has signed for psg? SSN nor BBC are running anything and Zamp said he is coming here so where are yous getting your info apart from dubious french press

A suspect in the French press as you said, many Italian mediaresume information ..

Go and see the site of the Corriere dello Sport and La Gazzetta dello Sport that resume and the information transmitted first!

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Keep the PSG board URL bookmarked for:

If Pastore does sign for them then that show they have good sources

Ha...the sources they refer to are more or less the same ones that we look at from time to time...and they're nothing special...

Last week Sky Italia said he would be a Chelsea player by Tue (the one that passed) and now they say he's going to PsGrolleyes.gif

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A suspect in the French press as you said, many Italian mediaresume information ..

Go and see the site of the Corriere dello Sport and La Gazzetta dello Sport that resume and the information transmitted first!

Who is the best player of PSG ever?? :) :) :) Safet Susic :)

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A suspect in the French press as you said, many Italian mediaresume information ..

Go and see the site of the Corriere dello Sport and La Gazzetta dello Sport that resume and the information transmitted first!

Where do you think the news came from? Sky italia. And apparently Zamparini said that it was made up. But honestly i don't know whats real or not, guess we will know tomorrow.

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Where do you think the news came from? Sky italia. And apparently Zamparini said that it was made up. But honestly i don't know whats real or not, guess we will know tomorrow.

wouldnt bet on it! We were meant to here initially on Wednesday. PS anyone else find it strange that the major news sources in Britain aint really running much about this, i dont just mean tonight but in general

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Intervenuto ai microfoni di Stadionews, il presidente del Palermo, Maurizio Zamparini, ha smentito la notizia, lanciata da Sky, relativa alla cessione di Javier Pastore al Paris Saint Germain: 'Non è vero, è una notizia inventata - ha dichiarato il patron rosanero - Domani Simonian (agente del fantasista rosanero, ndr) sarà a Londra per incontrare il Chelsea'.


Translate :

Speaking at the microphones of Stadionews, the Palermo president Maurizio Zamparini has denied the report, launched by Sky, on the sale of Javier Pastor at Paris Saint Germain: 'It is not true, is a fabricated story - said the patron Rosanero - Tomorrow Simonian (Rosanero playmaker's agent, Ed) will be in London to meet with Chelsea '.



Javier Pastore transfer to Chelsea or PSG 'to be announced in 24 hours'

Read more: http://www.metro.co.uk/sport/football/870714-javier-pastore-transfer-to-chelsea-or-psg-to-be-announced-in-24-hours#ixzz1TR8MJC9f

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are u on drugs?

On 5 February 2010, France Football choose Sušić as the best player in the history of Paris Saint-Germain, ahead of players such as Carlos Bianchi, Mustapha Dahleb, Ronaldinho, George Weah, Joël Bats, Raí and Luis Fernández.


Footballer Darko Pančev declared:

It's well known how much I valued and still do value Safet Sušić. For me he's unsurpassable, the best Yugoslavia had. Probably one of the best in the world. I was often known to say that us other players should have to pay to play in the same team as Pape. At least I always talked and thought like that. Pape was a treasure for every forward. His crosses were unbelievable. Sometimes his ball would hit me without me even being aware of it. A wonderful player.

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safet_Su%C5%A1i%C4%87

Am I still on drugs? :)

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Paris Saint Germain have completed the signings of Mohamed Sissoko and Salvatore Sirigu and are tipped to finalise a deal for Palermo's Javier Pastore.Reports in both Italy and France are suggesting that PSG are set to beat Chelseaspacer.gif to the signing ofPastore.spacer.gif

Palermo president Maurizio Zamparini has issued contrasting statements about whether Pastore is bound for either Chelsea or PSG.

"The only thing that is certain is that he is going abroad," Zamparini told Radio Radio.


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They don't know whats going on either, notice how they say 'tipped'.

Ive been watching him on youtube (i know) and it seems like he would fit into our squad very nicely, he also seems like the player we're missing in terms of putting players through on goal.

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