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On 17/11/2024 at 06:36, Fulham Broadway said:

yes so much media has a bias slant, especially the ones owned by billionaires. 

Your Christian news above also is pretty high on bias -which is why its always good to have as many sources as possible, and the more 'independent' the better.

That video above, I am sorry is pure Israeli propaganda and I am no fan of Hamas or islamic Jihad they do shitty things however- they have both been fostered and created by isarels policies and imprisonment of children who had no trials. The occupation, the apartheid system and the fact they cant go anywhere. add to the mix when you have had all your family killed it is a recipe for resistance

Independent assessment of CBN here

Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) - Bias and Credibility - Media Bias/Fact Check

They put this It says it mainly reports accurate news. So what I'm bringing you is not an opinion or conspiracy theory, but accurate news. Now weather it's propaganda I'm not sure. You will either accept it as truth which for me I do because I have been saying way before this video if people are starving how come Hamas is not? Well the answer to that question is in the video. 

Overall, we rate the Christian Broadcasting Network as a right-leaning promoter of conspiracy theories via Pat Robertson on the 700 Club. CBN News, however, mainly reports accurate news that sometimes does not align with science. (D. Van Zandt 3/24/2017) Updated (01/12/2024)


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3 hours ago, Vesper said:

Likely raped to death.

A doctor.

A stellar surgeon.

The embodiment of Palestinian ethics.

Likely raped to death.

The racism of Western media who are not covering this, and Western politicians who are not denouncing this, together with the thousand other testimonies and allegations of rape and other forms of mistreatment and torture that Palestinians have suffered in Israeli jails, is absolutely sickening.




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On 17/11/2024 at 05:59, Vesper said:

low labour supply equals higher wages, higher wages means the companies will pass most or all of that additional cost on to the consumer

IF Trump was to actually remove even half of the undocumented workers, there will be a HUGE labour shortage in the hellhole types of lowest jobs

meat production, food harvesting, etc

the type of jobs that native yanks would NEVER do for the wages the undocumented do


imagine one of those chubby, weak, incel, wannabe gangsta troll MAGA beta-boy keyboard commandos climbing out of mummy's basement and going and getting knee-deep in hog intestines at an Iowa meat plant for $7.25 an hour

they would not last a week, hell probably not a day

But that is the same as the minimum wage many activists and politicians push. If I'm not mistaken many liberals wanted this.....

The minimum wage increase permanently everything however this lack of labor if I'm not mistaken can be resolved by company getting especial visa for these type of workers. 

Like this one for example: 

The H-2A temporary agricultural workers program – often called the H-2A visa program - helps American farmers fill employment gaps by hiring workers from other countries.

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Gayism is but a common habit among people.
I like Jeff to be my friend, I don't like Priscilla.
So what's the problem for anybody ? *** off.
People used to discriminate, now they stopped it.

Is n't it just like me and my old friend Elias ?
I let him stay at my house for a month of so.
The idiot -for he was one- was living with his girlfriend but they had one of their usual rows.
A nurse living next door then said -and I heard her- "ho-ho-ho those two are gays".

But I 'm talking about medical facts.
When I was 12 I had a thing shoved up my bob's your uncle - and that bl**dy hurt.
It was in the hospital for colonosopy and the modern painless methods of colonoscopy were not available yet.
Now is the repeated use of such an instrument not destructive for us ? 
What do medics have to say ?


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3 hours ago, cosmicway said:

While there is always a probability, a new Putin circus will be south not in the north.

Who hates Russians the most? Baltic countries, Poland, Czech Republic. Don't know if it's paranoia but Finland and Sweden often speak about Russians as a threat. Who on South? Georgia and Moldova are possibility but they are weak and if you think Turkey or Balkan no chance. Don't think it will escalate but theoretically speaking.


3 hours ago, cosmicway said:

Now is the repeated use of such an instrument not destructive for us ? 
What do medics have to say ?

You can have safe anal sex, don't worry. Learn from porn. 

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Just now, NikkiCFC said:

Who hates Russians the most? Baltic countries, Poland, Czech Republic. Don't know if it's paranoia but Finland and Sweden often speak about Russians as a threat. Who on South? Georgia and Moldova are possibility but they are weak and if you think Turkey or Balkan no chance. Don't think it will escalate but theoretically speaking.

- Turkey may go to bed with him. Now they are bargaining for the F35 so whatever you hear from them is phoney stuff,  but when push comes to shove they might as well.
Then Romania looks fine to me for an invasion by Putin.
But most of all we are talking about political influence.
For example: In 1941 the Germans toyed with the idea of invading Turkey and then taking on the Soviet Union from the south rather than what they did. The plan was shelved but first option in the plan was to make Turkey into an ally. Last option was the use of force.

You can have safe anal sex, don't worry. Learn from porn. 

- What if it is Cassius Clay ?


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NikkiFC so you say if Putin attacks south or somehow gains hold of southern territory, Trump and will let it go - give up the southeastern flank.
Likely the brexiters and Orban are of this opinion but about Trump I don't know.

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20 minutes ago, cosmicway said:

NikkiFC so you say if Putin attacks south or somehow gains hold of southern territory, Trump and will let it go - give up the southeastern flank.
Likely the brexiters and Orban are of this opinion but about Trump I don't know.

There is no much bad blood between Russia and Balkan. He won't come here just for entertainment. Turkey is too strong plus somehow they are allies. Two authoritarians. Vlad has hundreds problems before even thinking about those countries. 


- What if it is Cassius Clay ?

Even better. There are nerve endings in anus plus stimulation of prostate gives you pleasure. 


Pleasure, pain, or both may accompany anal sex. While the nerve endings in the anus can provide pleasurable feelings, an orgasm may be achieved through receptive anal penetration by indirect stimulation of the prostate.[8][9] A study by the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (NSSHB) indicated that men who self-report taking a receptive position during anal sex in their last encounter were at least as likely to have reached orgasm as men who adopted an insertive role.

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39 minutes ago, NikkiCFC said:

There is no much bad blood between Russia and Balkan. He won't come here just for entertainment. Turkey is too strong plus somehow they are allies. Two authoritarians. Vlad has hundreds problems before even thinking about those countries. 


- What if it is Cassius Clay ?

Even better. There are nerve endings in anus plus stimulation of prostate gives you pleasure. 


Pleasure, pain, or both may accompany anal sex. While the nerve endings in the anus can provide pleasurable feelings, an orgasm may be achieved through receptive anal penetration by indirect stimulation of the prostate.[8][9] A study by the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (NSSHB) indicated that men who self-report taking a receptive position during anal sex in their last encounter were at least as likely to have reached orgasm as men who adopted an insertive role.

Turkey is not as strong as Russia and if Putin finds things easier down south as looks the case he will go south (or nowhere at all beyond Ukraine).

On the subject of Cassius Clay I did n't ask if it leads to orgasm or not. You know it's sensitive down there - hence the Queensberry rules in boxing.
Also we say "pain in the *ss", never mind that women say foot-neck because of their shyness.

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17 hours ago, Vesper said:

Likely raped to death.

A doctor.

A stellar surgeon.

The embodiment of Palestinian ethics.

Likely raped to death.

The racism of Western media who are not covering this, and Western politicians who are not denouncing this, together with the thousand other testimonies and allegations of rape and other forms of mistreatment and torture that Palestinians have suffered in Israeli jails, is absolutely sickening.




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‘Total oppression’: West Bank children being killed at unprecedented rate

Mohammad was 12, a football-mad teenager who spent his days dreaming of a career on the pitch and his last minutes practising ball skills. Ghassan was 14, a quiet, generous teenager who ran errands for elderly relatives, with an adoring six-year-old brother who stuck to him like a shadow..

Both boys were shot dead this summer by Israeli soldiers, victims of an unprecedented surge in attacks on children in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

In the last year  Israeli troops and settlers have killed 171 Palestinian children there, equivalent to one death almost every other day, according to UN data. More than 1,000 others have been injured.

The youngest victim was a four-year-old girl, shot in the head when she and her mother were sitting in a taxi near a checkpoint in January.

Officially there is no war in the occupied West Bank, and the scale of death in Gaza has overshadowed the losses there. But children are dying in greater numbers than at any time since the Israeli army seized and occupied the area in 1967.

Guardian media

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Officially, there is no group systematically killing young girls in the UK. But there is. Let’s focus on some home soil issues please. Is why the politics have been shifting. Fucked priorities. Mass hysteria. 

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7 hours ago, robsblubot said:

So the rape is not confirmed just an allegation thrown out there by x. 

This what CNN says: 

CNN cannot independently verify the claim that Al-Bursh was tortured in detention. However, testimony from dozens of Palestinians who have been released by Israel in past months has alleged the widespread use of physical and psychological abuse of those detained by Israel during the war in Gaza.


This reminds me of when USA did the same in the prison of Abru Grabi whatever its names. Those soldiers where eventually punish. If Israel is doing this then they should face justice the soldiers that break the rule. 


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15 hours ago, cosmicway said:

Gayism is but a common habit among people.
I like Jeff to be my friend, I don't like Priscilla.
So what's the problem for anybody ? *** off.
People used to discriminate, now they stopped it.

Is n't it just like me and my old friend Elias ?
I let him stay at my house for a month of so.
The idiot -for he was one- was living with his girlfriend but they had one of their usual rows.
A nurse living next door then said -and I heard her- "ho-ho-ho those two are gays".

But I 'm talking about medical facts.
When I was 12 I had a thing shoved up my bob's your uncle - and that bl**dy hurt.
It was in the hospital for colonosopy and the modern painless methods of colonoscopy were not available yet.
Now is the repeated use of such an instrument not destructive for us ? 
What do medics have to say ?



Sod off with your awkward homophobic rantings.

Why don't you stay out of other consenting adults' sex lives?

It really is none of your fucking business.

My experience with so many anti gay crusaders/zealots is that they have serious projection/guilt/denial/latency issues, thus their obsession with it all.

I suggest you deal with your own issues mate, whatever they may be.

Mirror, mirror..........

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China’s Soaring Emissions Are Upending Climate Politics


For many years, wealthy places like the United States and Europe have had the biggest historical responsibility for global warming and have been tasked with taking the lead in stopping it.

China’s astonishing rise is upending that dynamic.

Over the past three decades, China has built more than 1,000 coal-fired power plants as its economy has grown more than 40-fold. The country has become by far the largest annual emitter of greenhouse gases in the world.


The United States has still pumped more total planet-warming pollution into the atmosphere since the 19th century, in part because the country has been burning coal, oil and natural gas for longer. But China is quickly catching up.

Last year, China for the first time passed Europe as the second-largest historical emitter, according to an analysis published on Tuesday by Carbon Brief, a climate research site.

When humans burn fossil fuels or cut down forests, the resulting carbon dioxide typically lingers in the atmosphere for hundreds of years, heating the planet all the while. That’s why historical emissions are often used as a gauge of responsibility for global warming.

China, for its part, has promised that its emissions will peak this decade and then start falling. The country is installing more wind turbines and solar panels than all other nations combined and leads the world in electric vehicle sales. But even with China’s shift to low-carbon energy, the Carbon Brief analysis found, the nation’s historical emissions are projected to approach those of the United States in the coming years.

A question of money

China’s historical responsibility for climate change has become a major point of contention in global climate politics.

This week, diplomats and leaders from nearly 200 countries have gathered at the United Nations climate summit in Baku, Azerbaijan, to discuss how to raise the trillions of dollars that vulnerable nations will need to shift to clean energy and to cope with droughts, heat waves, floods and other hazards of a warming planet. One big question is where that money should come from.

Traditionally, the answer has been that wealthy, industrialized countries — like the United States, Japan, Canada, Australia and most of western Europe — should pay up.

Under a United Nations framework originally written in 1992, these developed countries have been called upon to provide financial aid. Countries like China, India and Saudi Arabia, as well as every nation in Africa, are classified as developing by that framework, and have not been required to chip in.

Today, however, many wealthy nations say this distinction no longer makes sense. Leaders from both the United States and European Union have called on China to contribute more climate finance to poorer countries as part of a final deal at Baku.

“An expanded donor base has been long warranted,” John Podesta, President Biden’s international climate adviser, said last week. “This is not 1992 in terms of the economic structure of the world.”

China, for its part, has argued that it has already provided roughly $24.5 billion in climate finance to other developing countries since 2016. But European officials have said that China is not subject to the same transparency requirements and have urged the country to formalize the aid they provide under U.N. agreements. So far, China has been reluctant to do that.

In a speech last week, Ding Xuexiang, China’s vice premier, said that wealthy countries taking the lead on providing financial aid was a “cornerstone” of global climate agreements.

At the same time, other world leaders have criticized wealthy emitters like the United States and Europe for falling behind on earlier promises for climate aid and have urged them not to point to China as an excuse for inaction.

“We cannot continue to hear the same promises as small islands suffer in the absence of real action from those most responsible for climate change,” said Prime Minister Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda.

A different way to look at emissions

Total emissions aren’t the only metric to consider in issues of fairness. Another is emissions per person.



Because China has 1.4 billion people, its historical emissions per capita are still lower than those of the United States, European Union, Japan and Canada.

And while India is today one of the world’s largest consumers of fossil fuels, its historical emissions per person are relatively small. India is the most populous country in the world but still relatively poor, with tens of millions of people still lacking reliable access to electricity. India says it should be granted time to burn more fossil fuels as it develops.

At the same time, some affluent oil- and gas-producing nations, like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, have disproportionately large emissions per capita. American and European leaders have suggested that these countries, too, should be called on to contribute more climate finance.

How these disputes get resolved will go a long way toward determining whether negotiators from nearly 200 countries in Baku can agree to a new goal for delivering as much as $1.3 trillion per year in climate aid. Experts say it won’t be easy to strike a deal at the summit, which is scheduled to end on Friday.


Data for carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions from 1850 to 2023 is from Jones et al (2024); data for 2024 from Carbon Brief; projected data for 2025 to 2100 is based on the International Energy Agency’s “stated policies scenario” tracking nations’ climate actions.

European Union totals were calculated for the current 27 member countries. Lines show cumulative territorial CO2 emissions from fossil fuels, cement, land use, land use change and forestry.

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Oh god let's hope the next 24 hours is not going to get shit started with this.

Tuesday 26 November 2024 - I turn 34 years old. Let's hope my birthday things don't get intense.

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