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Chelsea 0-1 Man United


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Essien and Lampard made Carrick look world class tonight..

What the fuck is Ramires doing on the right wing? He NEVER goes down it, Take Essien or Lampard out of the centre, Ramires in and put Kalou on the right. Why the fuck was Drogba taken off? He was our biggest threat all night.

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Rio with his boot to a chelsea players head,now where have I seen that before?

We were shite,but under Carlo I expect it.Honestly when was the last decent performance? We've had the odd 20 mins-45mins but that's it.

What do we do in training? Clearly not passing. Looks like we're going out at the first difficult team we face again.

Absoloute shit. End of.

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First of all : Torres needs to go and think about what the fuck he is doing, embarrassing useless piece of shit. Everyone can have periods of not playing well but at the very least you fight a little, run a little and stop walking around looking into the ground. Go on the bench and rot until you decide you want to bother again or just go to Milan or something like that where all players go when they still want money but don't want to play.

Second : Fucking shit ref, that was not only a clear penalty but also a red card, amazing how they with a fucking referee behind the goal too now can't see that, that was possible even more embarrassing than Torres.

Go ahead and say that Torres shows progress or whatever you want but he is embarrassing and useless, even Bebe would do more than him in our attack.

He was better than Drogba definitely. I understand that everybody expected him to score two goals per game when he joined us, but the WHOLE CHELSEA FC SQUAD is doing horribly embarrasing, apart from John Terry, Petr Cech, Ramires and Ivanovic.

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Why haven't Chelsea got any drive in the more important games?? Why?? it just confuses me to no end!! There was absolutely nothing.... NOTHING from Essien or Lampard from midfield. Drogba was just moaning like a twat, I had trouble hearing Torres' name, Chelsea's defence at times looked shaky, and the most antagonising thing about it all, was the fact that United played the better football.

Absolutely fucking abysmal from Chelsea. Once again, we fail to deliver where it mostly matters, fucking abysmal!!


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We were shocking.

Torres had SOME bright moments, but his diving put them to shame imo. Frank wasn't the same, and passes were unreasoningly bad. Drogba played well in the 20 minutes. OUr attack seemed non-consistent with every time the midfeild had it. And the defence had some shocking moments.

Who rather play 4-3-3 in the next game tbf, at least then we have an anchor man to help build from the back (Mikel/Essien) and two players running forward (Lampard/Ramires), and put Drogba on the wing as his crosses today were lethal if someone was on the end of them!

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Thats it. Our midifield is poor. I have never seen Chelsea playing so bad in CL final stages in Abramovich era like todays game. If Manchester go trough, Carlos fate is sealed.

Yup, I've been crying on the inside this whole season, our midfield is so unbelievably poor.

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Disgusting tactics from red nose, even going to the lengths of faking injuries.

10 minutes should have been added on at the end.

If united go on to win this, they will have done so by wasting time.

United possible handball waved off... fair enough TX

There is no justice in the world


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I have seen Lampard not at his best all too much as of late, but this night he was woeful. There were so many errant passes from him and the entire team. Our attack has started to remind me of a big budget Hollywood movie with a plot that goes nowhere.

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Anyone willing to make excuses for Torres and Ancelotti? I'm sure you'd love to.

Bosignwa and Essien were a fucking waste of space. The same could be said about Lampard. Our midfield is just not what it used to be.

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1-0 is not the end,but as I posted earlier I didn't want to be coming on here saying such crap like " It's not over yet"

Bosingwa although cack at passing and crossing he is fast and damn useful on the right wing. If Carlo could see it, Bos should just keep cutting inside all the time he was in acres.

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