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Chelsea 0-1 Man United


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We're kidding ourselves if we blame that could-have-been penalty decision as the reason for our loss.

We were boring, shit & lacked any creativity. First time United have deserved to win to be honest..

We were awful, I have no doubt about it. But the penalty was blatant and could have changed a hell of a lot of things.

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Ok fuck this red nose twat and his little cunts..

Play Mikel and Yossi instead of Essien and Lampard.. and Alex as a CB.

And attack them at OT.. They are a shit team...

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We're kidding ourselves if we blame that could-have-been penalty decision as the reason for our loss.

We were boring, shit & lacked any creativity. First time United have deserved to win to be honest..

Thank you.

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We're kidding ourselves if we blame that could-have-been penalty decision as the reason for our loss.

We were boring, shit & lacked any creativity. First time United have deserved to win to be honest..

We did not deserve to win, but that was a penalty.

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In all fairness, I guess 1:1 would have been fair but it doesn't matter - WE NEED TO SCORE IN OLD TRAFFORD either way. Hold your horses and RE-GROUP. Ok we had no luck, we botteled 2-3 good chances, Van Der Sar brilliant save, 100% penalty waved away - whatever. Winners just accept it, forget it and move on to WIN not jabber about some fucking history. We ain't liverpool so stop whining and self pitying, we did fine and all they did was score 1 defensive blunder, something we couldn't. Get over it and let's move on, OT awaits.

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lmao at you guys still expecting the ref to save us from disgraceful performances in europe. we know that will never happen.

our last chance at silverware this season. the players look like they just don't care anymore despite that.

major overhaul needed in the summer.

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Again a poor performance from Frank but today he was shocking, hope the club is looking for a replacement. Absolutely love the guy but no room for sentiments when he's simply not performing.

We need a new midfield, starting by making Mikel a starter (replacing Essien.. can't belive i'm saying this but those two major injuries have 'killed' him).

Thats it. Our midifield is poor. I have never seen Chelsea playing so bad in CL final stages in Abramovich era like todays game. If Manchester go trough, Carlos fate is sealed.

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Again a poor performance from Frank but today he was shocking, hope the club is looking for a replacement. Absolutely love the guy but no room for sentiments when he's simply not performing.

We need a new midfield, starting by making Mikel a starter (replacing Essien.. can't belive i'm saying this but those two major injuries have 'killed' him).

Yeah, agreed. Lampard will always be a legend, but no time to be sentimental now. He can be the Scholes of Chelsea, the occasional sub appearance & maybe a few starts. I have a lot of respect for Lampard, 500 appearances coming from the pre-Abramovich days is an achievement within itself! But we need a new creative spark now.

And definitely agreed about Mikel > Essien!

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lmao at you guys still expecting the ref to save us from disgraceful performances in europe. we know that will never happen.

our last chance at silverware this season. the players look like they just don't care anymore despite that.

major overhaul needed in the summer.

I usually don't like when people say overhaul the team but I'm in your boat, changes are needed, we have NO FLAIR what so ever. I'd rather take players like Hernandez, who was considered unknown but works his socks off every game. If we buy players like Torres etc, the pressure just piles. We need changes

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First of all : Torres needs to go and think about what the fuck he is doing, embarrassing useless piece of shit. Everyone can have periods of not playing well but at the very least you fight a little, run a little and stop walking around looking into the ground. Go on the bench and rot until you decide you want to bother again or just go to Milan or something like that where all players go when they still want money but don't want to play.

Second : Fucking shit ref, that was not only a clear penalty but also a red card, amazing how they with a fucking referee behind the goal too now can't see that, that was possible even more embarrassing than Torres.

Go ahead and say that Torres shows progress or whatever you want but he is embarrassing and useless, even Bebe would do more than him in our attack.

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The only positive out of all of this is that we won't be under pressure at OT and I expect Carlo to change his boring tactics for once in his lifetime, and attack and look for the goal. Inter lost versus Bayern at their home too but never gave up until the 90th minute. Even though Man U are not as bad as Bayern, and even though it's a Premiership game where you can't expect unexpected comebacks and especially from Chelsea FC, but the ball is round and ANYTHING is possible.


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We did not deserve to win, but that was a penalty.

Doesn't matter. Days are gone of blaming the penalty. We did it vs Inter, Barca & now United? Fair enough 1 of those was horribly wrong (you know which) but we're in denial if we're saying that penalty decision is the sole reason of why we will not go through

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Chelsea didn't break anyone's hearts, the ref ruined the game by not giving us a blatent penalty!!

Blame UEFA!!

i expected nothing from the ref so he didnt break my heart. i expected the players to turn up and they didnt, they broke my heart.

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