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Trump and other Republicans are running and have run tens of millions of dollars in adverts slamming Harris and other Democrats over transgender care in prisons......................


Under Trump, U.S. Prisons Offered Gender-Affirming Care

The Trump administration’s approach is notable in light of a campaign ad that slams Vice President Kamala Harris for supporting taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for prisoners and migrants.




Appointees at the Bureau of Prisons under President Donald J. Trump provided an array of gender-affirming treatments for a small group of inmates during his four years in office. Credit...Anna Watts for The New York Times

A campaign ad released by former President Donald J. Trump in battleground states slams Vice President Harris for supporting taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for prisoners and migrants, concluding: “Kamala is for they/them. President Trump is for you.”

But the Trump administration’s record on providing services for transgender people in the sprawling federal prison system, which houses thousands of undocumented immigrants awaiting trial or deportation, is more nuanced than the 30-second spot suggests.

Trump appointees at the Bureau of Prisons, a division of the Justice Department, provided an array of gender-affirming treatments, including hormone therapy, for a small group of inmates who requested it during Mr. Trump’s four years in office.

In a February 2018 budget memo to Congress, bureau officials wrote that under federal law, they were obligated to pay for a prisoner’s “surgery” if it was deemed medically necessary. Still, legal wrangling delayed the first such operation until 2022, long after Mr. Trump left office.

“Transgender offenders may require individual counseling and emotional support,” officials wrote. “Medical care may include pharmaceutical interventions (e.g., cross-gender hormone therapy), hair removal and surgery (if individualized assessment indicates surgical intervention is applicable).”

The statement, in part, reflected guidelines that officials in the Obama administration released shortly before they left office in January 2017, which were geared at ensuring “transgender inmates can access programs and services that meet their needs.”

The most significant change the Trump administration made in the treatment guidelines after it took over was the addition of the word “necessary,” which created a higher but not insurmountable barrier to federally funded surgeries.

“Kamala Harris has forcefully advocated for transgender inmates to be able to get transition surgeries, President Trump never has,” Brian Hughes, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign, said in an email response to a request for comment.

The Trump administration did not consider the issue a central policy priority at the bureau, which was in the middle of a push to enact sentencing reforms. That process caused rifts with Justice Department leaders, prompting the bureau’s director to leave in 2018.

Transgender inmates are among the most vulnerable people in the roughly 145,000-person federal system, and have received significant protections under federal law. Court rulings have fortified those safeguards and found that denying treatment, including gender-affirming surgery, violates the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment.

Mr. Trump’s conservative appointees at the bureau did take some significant steps to reverse other policies related to transgender inmates. The number of transgender inmates was estimated to be 1,200, according to a court ruling in 2022 that paved the way for the first federally funded surgery.

Most notably, they rewrote the bureau’s procedural manual to remove a provision that would have assigned housing on the basis of a person’s gender identity rather than assigned sex at birth. Under the Obama-era guidance, transgender inmates had been allowed to use facilities, including bathrooms and cellblocks, that matched their self-identified gender.

President Biden restored the Obama-era policy.

The American Medical Association defines medically necessary care for people in transition as treatments that “affirm gender or treat gender dysphoria,” the intense psychological distress associated with being unable to live according to one’s gender identity. Appropriate services in such instances include psychological counseling, hormone therapy, hair removal and surgical procedures.

The Bureau of Prisons is the only federal agency under court order to provide gender-related surgeries. But the number of inmates requesting such operations within the bureau is minuscule, with only two known surgeries approved via court action.

The amount the bureau has spent on hormone therapy was also very small — ranging from $60,000 to $95,000 a year during Mr. Trump’s term, according to internal department estimates obtained by The New York Times.

The Trump ads, which have been running in several battleground states — often during events with high male viewership, like football games — focus on a response by Ms. Harris to a question about transgender care for incarcerated people on a 2019 American Civil Liberties Union candidate questionnaire.

In her answer, Ms. Harris told the group that she “pushed” the state corrections department “to provide gender transition surgery to state inmates” while serving as California attorney general from 2011 to 2017.

“I support policies ensuring that federal prisoners and detainees are able to obtain medically necessary care for gender transition, including surgical care, while incarcerated or detained,” she wrote. “Transition treatment is a medical necessity, and I will direct all federal agencies responsible for providing essential medical care to deliver transition treatment.”

Initially, Ms. Harris represented the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation in its refusal to provide gender-affirming surgery to an offender convicted of murder who was born male.

But she agreed to a settlement in 2015, clearing the path for what was believed to be the first taxpayer-funded operation for an inmate in U.S. history.

Later, in 2019, she embraced the position as a political priority, telling members of a transgender rights organization that she had “worked behind the scenes” to ensure the state gave “every transgender inmate in the prison system” access to the care they needed.


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Elon Musk’s daily $1 million giveaway to registered voters could be illegal, experts say


While stumping for former President Donald Trump on Saturday, tech billionaire Elon Musk announced that he will give away $1 million each day to registered voters in battleground states, immediately drawing scrutiny from election law experts who said the sweepstakes could violate laws against paying people to register.

“We want to try to get over a million, maybe 2 million voters in the battleground states to sign the petition in support of the First and Second Amendment. … We are going to be awarding $1 million randomly to people who have signed the petition, every day, from now until the election,” Musk said at a campaign event in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

The X owner and Tesla CEO was referring to a petition launched by his political action committee affirming support for the rights to free speech and to bear arms. The website, launched shortly before some registration deadlines, says, “this program is exclusively open to registered voters in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin and North Carolina.”

Musk, the richest man in the world, has given more than $75 million to his pro-Trump super PAC, and said he hopes the sweepstakes will boost registration among Trump voters. He recently hit the campaign trail in Pennsylvania, holding events advocating for Trump, promoting his petition and spreading conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.

“This is a one-time ask,” Musk told the crowd shortly after announcing the $1 million prize. “Just go out there and talk to your friends and family and acquaintances and people you meet in the street and … convince them to vote. Obviously you gotta get registered, make sure they’re registered and … make sure they vote.”

The first million-dollar winner was named Saturday, with Musk handing a giant check to a Trump supporter at his event in Harrisburg, saying, “So anyway, you’re welcome.” He announced the second winner Sunday afternoon during an event in Pittsburgh, handing out another check on a stage adorned with big signs reading, “VOTE EARLY.”

In an interview Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro said Musk’s giveaway was “deeply concerning” and is “something that law enforcement could take a look at.” Shapiro, a Democrat, was previously the state attorney general.

Federal law makes it a crime for anyone who “pays or offers to pay or accepts payment either for registration to vote or for voting.” It’s punishable by up to five years in prison. After legal outcry over the weekend, Musk’s group tweaked some of their language around the sweepstakes.

“When you start limiting prizes or giveaways to only registered voters or only people who have voted, that’s where bribery concerns arise,” said Derek Muller, an election law expert who teaches at Notre Dame Law School. “By limiting a giveaway only to registered voters, it looks like you’re giving cash for voter registration.”

Offering money to people who were already registered before the cash prize was announced could violate federal law, Muller said, but the offer also “can include people who are not yet registered,” and the potential “inducements for new registrations is far more problematic.”

Most states make it a crime only to pay people to vote, said Muller, who is also a CNN contributor. He said it’s rare for federal prosecutors to bring election bribery cases, and that the Supreme Court has been narrowing the scope of bribery statutes.

Regardless of the long odds of a Musk prosecution, other respected election law experts strongly condemned the billionaire’s behavior.

“This isn’t a particularly close case — this is exactly what the statute was designed to criminalize,” said David Becker, a former Justice Department official handling voting rights cases and founder of the nonpartisan Center for Election Innovation & Research.

Becker said the fact that the prize is available only to registered voters “in one of seven swing states that could affect the outcome of the presidential election” is strong evidence of Musk’s intent to influence the race, which could be legally problematic.

“This offer was made in the last days before some registration deadlines,” Becker said, bolstering the appearance that the cash prizes are designed to drive up registration.

Rick Hasen, an election law expert at the UCLA School of Law and a Trump critic, said in a blog post that Musk’s sweepstakes was “clearly illegal vote-buying.” He pointed out that the Justice Department’s election crimes manual specifically says it’s illegal to offer “lottery chances” that are “intended to induce or reward” actions such as voter registration.

In a social media post late Sunday night, the Musk-backed group reframed the giveaway as a job opportunity, saying winners “will be selected to earn $1M as a spokesperson for America PAC.” The two winners picked over the weekend have appeared in promotional videos on the super PAC’s account on X, formerly Twitter.

Both Muller and Becker said the distinction likely didn’t have much impact on the potential illegality of the program. The fine print on the super PAC’s website hasn’t changed as of Monday morning, and the lottery is still only being offered to registered voters, they pointed out.

Another top Democratic official, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, blasted Musk on Saturday for “spreading dangerous disinformation” about the integrity of the voter rolls after he falsely claimed there were more voters than citizens in the state.


52 U.S. Code § 10307 - Prohibited acts


(c)False information in registering or voting; penalties

Whoever knowingly or willfully gives false information as to his name, address or period of residence in the voting district for the purpose of establishing his eligibility to register or vote, or conspires with another individual for the purpose of encouraging his false registration to vote or illegal voting, or pays or offers to pay or accepts payment either for registration to vote or for voting shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both: Provided, however, That this provision shall be applicable only to general, special, or primary elections held solely or in part for the purpose of selecting or electing any candidate for the office of President, Vice President, presidential elector, Member of the United States Senate, Member of the United States House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, Guam, or the Virgin Islands, or Resident Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.


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Trump prepares to seize power even if he loses election

Power grab plan

According to lawmakers, congressional investigators, party figures, election officials, and constitutional law experts, the plan looks something like this:

・He will deepen distrust in the election results by making unsupported or hyperbolic claims of widespread voter fraud and mounting longshot lawsuits challenging enough ballots to flip the outcome in key states.

・He will lean on friendly county and state officials to resist certifying election results — a futile errand that would nevertheless fuel a campaign to put pressure on elected Republican legislators in statehouses and Congress.

・He will call on allies in GOP-controlled swing-state legislatures to appoint “alternate” presidential electors.

・He will rely on congressional Republicans to endorse these alternate electors — or at least reject Democratic electors — when they convene to certify the outcome.

・He will try to ensure Harris is denied 270 votes in the Electoral College, sending the election to the House, where Republicans are likely to have the numbers to choose Trump as the next president.

Some of the necessary ingredients for this extraordinary campaign are already in place. Trump has launched a clear mission to stoke as much uncertainty as possible about the election results.


Its hard to understand how any Republican Senator can endorse this man who is bent on creating the next Dictatorship. The vote means nothing to this man. He will just disregard anything that he does not agree with with. Its a long time since he threw his pacifier out of the pram, and he obviously hasn't grown up!

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Poltically, I am mostly a synthesis of these 3 interrelated ideological camps:

In order from most infused to least infused:

Social democracy

Social democracy is a political, social, and economic philosophy within socialism[1] that supports political and economic democracy and also supports a gradualist, reformist and democratic approach to governance. In modern practice, social democracy has become mainly capitalist, with the state regulating the economy in the form of welfare capitalism, economic interventionism, partial public ownership, a robust welfare state, policies promoting social equality, and a more equitable distribution of income.[2][3]

Social democracy maintains a commitment to representative and participatory democracy. Common aims include curbing inequality, eliminating the oppression of underprivileged groups, eradicating poverty, and upholding universally accessible public services such as child care, education, elderly care, health care, and workers' compensation.[4][5] Economically, it supports income redistribution and regulating the economy in the public interest.[6]

Social democracy has a strong, long-standing connection with trade unions and the broader labour movement. It is supportive of measures to foster greater democratic decision-making in the economic sphere, including co-determination, collective bargaining rights for workers, and expanding ownership to employees and other stakeholders.[7]



Social liberalism

Social liberalism[a] is a political philosophy and variety of liberalism that endorses social justice, social services, a mixed economy, and the expansion of civil and political rights, as opposed to classical liberalism which favors limited government and an overall more laissez-faire style of governance. While both are committed to personal freedoms, social liberalism places greater emphasis on the role of government in addressing social inequalities and ensuring public welfare.

Economically, social liberalism is based on the social market economy and views the common good as harmonious with the individual's freedom.[9] Social liberals overlap with social democrats in accepting market intervention more than other liberals;[10] its importance is considered auxiliary compared to social democrats.[11] Ideologies that emphasize its economic policy include welfare liberalism,[12] New Deal liberalism and New Democrats in the United States,[13] and Keynesian liberalism.[14] Cultural liberalism is an ideology that highlights its cultural aspects. The world has widely adopted social liberal policies.[15]

Social liberal ideas and parties tend to be considered centre to centre-left, although there are deviations from these positions to both the political left or right.[b][10][16][17] Addressing economic and social issues, such as poverty, welfare, infrastructure, health care and education using government intervention, while emphasising individual rights and autonomy, are expectations under a social liberal government.[18][19][20] In modern political discourse, social liberalism is associated with progressivism,[21][22][23] a left-liberalism contrasted to the right-leaning neoliberalism,[24] and combines support for a mixed economy with cultural liberalism.[25]


and finally, by the ideological grouping I have the least amount of affinity for (but I do agree with some thinkers on some issues in this camp) of the three would be:


Left-libertarianism,[1] also known as left-wing libertarianism,[2] is a political philosophy and type of libertarianism that stresses both individual freedom and social equality. Left-libertarianism represents several related yet distinct approaches to political and social theory. Its classical usage refers to anti-authoritarian varieties of left-wing politics such as anarchism, especially social anarchism.[3]

While right-libertarianism is widely seen as synonymous with libertarianism in the United States, left-libertarianism is the predominant form of libertarianism in Europe.[4] In the United States, left-libertarianism is the term used for the left wing of the libertarian movement,[3] including the political positions associated with academic philosophers Hillel Steiner, Philippe Van Parijs, and Peter Vallentyne that combine self-ownership with an egalitarian approach to natural resources.[5] Although libertarianism in the United States has become associated with classical liberalism and minarchism, with right-libertarianism being more known than left-libertarianism,[6] political usage of the term libertarianism until then was associated exclusively with anti-capitalism, libertarian socialism, and social anarchism; in most parts of the world, such an association still predominates.[3][7]

Left-libertarians are skeptical of, or fully against, private ownership of natural resources, arguing, in contrast to right-libertarians, that neither claiming nor mixing one's labor with natural resources is enough to generate full private property rights, and they maintain that natural resources should be held in an egalitarian manner, either unowned or owned collectively.[8] Those left-libertarians who are more lenient towards private property support different property norms and theories, such as usufruct[9] or under the condition that recompense is offered to the local or even global community.[10][11]

Like other forms of libertarianism, left-libertarian views on the state range from minarchism, which argues for a decentralised and limited government, to anarchism, which advocates for the state to be abolished entirely.[12]


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'Those were crack-smoking times,' admits May


THERESA May has admitted she smoked up to ten rocks of crack a day while prime minister because 2016 to 2019 were very much crack-smoking years. 

Following Boris Johnson’s claim that he needed to spend £200,000 on refurbishing Downing Street because it ‘looked like a bit of a crack den’, his predecessor has confirmed it was her recreational substance of choice.

She said: “Cast your mind back. The minute that referendum verdict dropped, the entire nation went insane.

“Brexiters immediately decided it meant a dictatorship run by themselves. Remainers who hadn’t existed a week earlier demanded the flow of time be reversed. These were not challenges one could surmount with the aid of a sweet sherry.

“One night, after we’d watched Vera, my husband Philip turned to me and said: ‘You know what I really fancy? Crack cocaine,’ so we dispatched a constable to score us some. And it went down beautifully.

“After that, and after long days of David Frost and the Malthouse Compromise and all of that nonsense, it became a regular thing. We’d get out our glass pipes and smoke our rocks while listening to only the hardest Jamaican dancehall. It helped us relax.

“And yes, after a while we began to sell the furniture, a dealer moved in, all the usual stuff. But come on. We were on three Brexit votes a night by the end. Crack was the least of it.”

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11 hours ago, cosmicway said:
Meanwhile amidst the gloom and doom Greece's top model Julia Alxandratos has decided to make herself available to the people and became member of an escort site.
The price only 400 euros for one hour.
I 'm pimping for her.
... but the prices go up to 2000 euros for a weekend.
What am I going to do with her for a whole weekent ?
Ask her to boil me eggs ?

Well, I think people your age prefer talk over sex. Among others, majority are dysfunctional down there. 

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1 hour ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Trump prepares to seize power even if he loses election

Power grab plan

According to lawmakers, congressional investigators, party figures, election officials, and constitutional law experts, the plan looks something like this:

・He will deepen distrust in the election results by making unsupported or hyperbolic claims of widespread voter fraud and mounting longshot lawsuits challenging enough ballots to flip the outcome in key states.

・He will lean on friendly county and state officials to resist certifying election results — a futile errand that would nevertheless fuel a campaign to put pressure on elected Republican legislators in statehouses and Congress.

・He will call on allies in GOP-controlled swing-state legislatures to appoint “alternate” presidential electors.

・He will rely on congressional Republicans to endorse these alternate electors — or at least reject Democratic electors — when they convene to certify the outcome.

・He will try to ensure Harris is denied 270 votes in the Electoral College, sending the election to the House, where Republicans are likely to have the numbers to choose Trump as the next president.

Some of the necessary ingredients for this extraordinary campaign are already in place. Trump has launched a clear mission to stoke as much uncertainty as possible about the election results.


Its hard to understand how any Republican Senator can endorse this man who is bent on creating the next Dictatorship. The vote means nothing to this man. He will just disregard anything that he does not agree with with. Its a long time since he threw his pacifier out of the pram, and he obviously hasn't grown up!

I totally expect him to try it, but don't think it's going to work at all.
It's missing the key ingredient: the king-like powers of the presidency.

Edited by robsblubot
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3 minutes ago, Vesper said:

What was the theorem?

finger + arse + milf = latently gay?


You proposed the nonsense theory that gay-ism is congenital.
I proved to you otherwise.

(*) no offense to the city of Piraeus - it was a coincidence

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I have a question if anyone can answer. 

I heard this from someone but I just don't believe it. It does not make senses to me. 

He said that if Trump wins he can do another term after because he took a 4 year break after his first presidency. That they can't do 2 terms consecutive but that if you took a break like Trump did after his presidency, in theory if he get elected he can run again for another term. 

Example he did his 4 years, took a break for 4 years now running for presidency and if he wins it will be his second term after a break. so 4 years plus 4 year break, plus a second term of 4 year. 

This person says that he would in theory run for a third term.....so 4 years plus 4 year break, plus a second term of 4 year and a potential third term of 4 years because of the break?

I don't believe this guy that mentioned this but I want to confirm because of the 4 year break he had, thus no consecutive terms. 

Edited by Fernando
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Just now, Fernando said:

I have a question if anyone can answer. 

I heard this from someone but I just don't believe it. It does not make senses to me. 

He said that if Trump wins he can do another term after because he took a 4 year break after his first presidency. That they can't do 2 terms consecutive but that if you took a break like Trump did after his presidency, in theory if he get elected he can run again for another term. 

Example he did his 4 years, took a break for 4 years now running for presidency and if he wins it will be his second term after a break. so 4 years plus 4 year break, plus a second term of 4 year. 

This person says that he would in theory run for a third term.....so 4 years plus 4 year break, plus a second term of 4 year and a potential third term of 4 years because of the break?

I don't believe this guy that mentioned this but I want to confirm. Because of the 4 year break he had, thus no consecutive terms. 

Think that might be hypothetical. His mental faculties have been shown to be lacking in the last few weeks, more degenerative than Biden, and thats being kind - a second term would mean he would end up being 86 definitely not fit for office.

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15 minutes ago, cosmicway said:

You proposed the nonsense theory that gay-ism is congenital.
I proved to you otherwise.

(*) no offense to the city of Piraeus - it was a coincidence

your story 'proved' fuckall


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