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1 hour ago, Beorn said:

professor Richard Lynn said the Scots average IQ of 97 was well below the England and Wales average of 100.5 and on a par with the Republic of Ireland. London and the south-east of England scored top in the UK, with an average IQ of 102.

Scotland - when split from the rest of the UK - comes two-thirds down the table of European average intelligence, beating Russia by one point and France by three.




But Prof Lynn, a lecturer at the University of Ulster, said he was not surprised by the poor Scots showing. He blamed the centuries-old tradition of Scots seeking their fortune south of the Border or overseas for a literal brain drain.


Prof Lynn said: "I believe this has been caused by selective migration. Over the course of two centuries, there has been a trend for more intelligent Scots to migrate to London and beyond, to New Zealand, Australia, the United States and Canada.



It wasn't a serious claim, it's marginal if anything. But  white Welsh people aren't dumb, sorry to disappoint you. They score much higher than many ethnic groups around the world 

Richard Lynn was an openly virulent racist, a crackpot

anyone pushing his white supremacist dross can fuck right off


Richard Lynn

 (20 February 1930 – July 2023) was a controversial English psychologist and self-described "scientific racist" who advocated for a genetic relationship between race and intelligence. He was the editor-in-chief of Mankind Quarterly, a white supremacist journal. 

He was a professor emeritus of psychology at Ulster University, but had the title withdrawn by the university in 2018. Lynn was lecturer in psychology at the University of Exeter and professor of psychology at the Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin, and at the University of Ulster at Coleraine.

Many scientists criticised Lynn's work for lacking scientific rigour, misrepresenting data, and for promoting a racialist political agenda. Lynn was associated with a network of academics and organisations that promote scientific racism. 

He had also advocated fringe positions regarding sexual differences in intelligence. In two books co-written with Tatu Vanhanen, Lynn and Vanhanen argued that differences in developmental indexes among various nations are partially caused by the average IQ of their citizens. 

Earl Hunt and Werner Wittmann (2008) questioned the validity of their research methods and the highly inconsistent quality of the available data points that Lynn and Vanhanen used in their analysis. 

Lynn also argued that a high fertility rate among individuals of low IQ constitutes a major threat to Western civilisation, as he believed people with low IQ scores will eventually outnumber high-IQ individuals. He argued in favour of anti-immigration and eugenics policies, provoking heavy criticism internationally. 

Lynn's work was among the main sources cited in the book The Bell Curve, and he was one of 52 scientists who signed an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal entitled "Mainstream Science on Intelligence", which endorsed a number of the views presented in the book.

He was also on the board of the Pioneer Fund, which funds Mankind Quarterly and has also been identified as racist in nature. He was on the editorial board of the journal Personality and Individual Differences until 2019.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Beorn said:

that's exactly what it is. would your measure of intelligence be voting remain? feel free to come to wales and call us stupid 


yeh, because every single group of humans magically evolved the exact same level of intelligence so nobody's feelings would get hurt, that is definitely how nature works.  

if you based your ideology off these studies, the only logical outcome would to become an asian supremacist anyway, impoverished vietnam and cambodia score higher than the UK, and yes it's mostly genetic. go cry about it


Edited by Vesper
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Posted (edited)
Just now, Vesper said:

you can watch it here starting in less than 15 minutes


Its live on ABC right now and I only know because my mom is complaining about jeopardy being off for it lol

Edited by Sir Mikel OBE
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Just now, Sir Mikel OBE said:

Its live on ABC right now

well, I only have the internet streams to watch it, and ABC News said it starts at 20 30 ET (02 30 here, CET, 01 30 London time)

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2 minutes ago, Vesper said:

well, I only have the internet streams to watch it, and ABC News said it starts at 20 30 ET (02 30 here, CET, 01 30 London time)

cleveland's ABC affiliate is also streaming it live:


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2 hours ago, Beorn said:

that's exactly what it is. would your measure of intelligence be voting remain? feel free to come to wales and call us stupid 


yeh, because every single group of humans magically evolved the exact same level of intelligence so nobody's feelings would get hurt, that is definitely how nature works.  

if you based your ideology off these studies, the only logical outcome would to become an asian supremacist anyway, impoverished vietnam and cambodia score higher than the UK, and yes it's mostly genetic. go cry about it

Imagine being a WELSH white supremacist:


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IQ is a notoriously hit and miss idea.
Suppose this thing happens and Scotland yard invite you to solve a crime.
There are possibilities:

- you have no clue, you don't solve the murder
- it's a copycat of a crime you 've seen before - Scotland yard are amazed and they make you detective superintendant
- you make a lucky guess

- you have n't seen it before yet you actually do solve it on the spot

Only the fourth possibility is IQ.
Old IQ Mensa tests were error prone because of the above ambiguities.
Modern tests are again not perfect but considerably improved.

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6 hours ago, Sir Mikel OBE said:

Imagine being a WELSH white supremacist:


I'm not. Imagine having no reading comprehension. 

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That Richard Lynn that Beom quotes above is a totally discredited racist fuckwit and the University of Ulster withdrew his title of Professor in 2018 because he was an unmitigated twat and editor of White Supremacist journal . 

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41 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

That Richard Lynn that Beom quotes above is a totally discredited racist fuckwit and the University of Ulster withdrew his title of Professor in 2018 because he was an unmitigated twat and editor of White Supremacist journal . 

Its actually sad.


This is a man from an, objectively, poor area who's only thing that he can grasp on to feel better about his lot is an idea of being superior for having white intellect. This flys in the face of reality he sees every day in living in a poor area, but when a man has nothing he will cling on to whatever he can get. Its an inferiority complex, and instead of being grateful to a wider UK(and specifically the south east), he looks his nose down on you for having immigrants. God bless him.

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