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4 minutes ago, YorkshireBlue said:

I would certainly get onboard with this, and I get that they just put it down as spoiled that's the reason I just stopped voting all together, was just wasting my time 😂

In  regional elections of 2011 in Columbia 56.7% of voters picked None of the Above, defeating the  candidates and prompting the election  to be repeated. 😃


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11 minutes ago, NikkiCFC said:


U use this for everything you don't like. 

When we discussed gays in ancient Greece = communist propaganda. Religion causes wars = communist propaganda.

Eurovision is fixed. Fa Cup final is fixed... Who fixed it? Communists again?

Is it me to blame again ?
Circa 2000 we had in Greece the famous debate about ID cards - whether they should include religion or not.
I followed because it was fun, everyday on tv a different panel.
So I counted them:
95% of those who were in favour of not including the religion were marxists of the various shades.
4.5% were dodecatheist pagans (!).
0.5% were Roman Catholics who said they did n't feel at home with the orthodox majority.
0% Jews - they decided to abstain from the debates.

But the dodecatheists may have been the same persons who appeared in many panels - their leader was a crazy woman who believed in the 12 gods.

Edited by cosmicway
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18 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

In  regional elections of 2011 in Columbia 56.7% of voters picked None of the Above, defeating the  candidates and prompting the election  to be repeated. 😃


Imagine Thier faces on live Tele if this happened, it would be absolutely priceless 😂😂

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22 minutes ago, YorkshireBlue said:

Imagine Thier faces on live Tele if this happened, it would be absolutely priceless 😂😂

Reckon we should have it -would make them up their game and get their fucking act together 👍

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3 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Reckon we should have it -would make them up their game and get their fucking act together 👍

Totally agree, is it me or since Brexit (stopping the free flowing imagination) do we know seem to be letting more people in? Your more in the know on this than me.

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9 minutes ago, YorkshireBlue said:

do we know seem to be letting more people in?

It went down, but net migration (legal and illegal has gone up again in the last 6 months.  

Apart from the 520m to Macron and 420 million to Rwanda it is also costing us taxpayers 11m a day for the 'hotels'.

Three large firms have contracts to run the hotels. Serco, Mears, and Calder. All are tory donors and have seen their profits trebled with their CEOs pay increase from 250 000 to 2.5 million a year each. Just another way the tories steal public money. No wonder they have no incentive to solve the 'crisis'. 

I think they adhere to the mantra of Genghis Khan - ''to rule a people you must first sow absolute chaos''


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2 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

It went down, but net migration (legal and illegal has gone up again in the last 6 months.  

Apart from the 520m to Macron and 420 million to Rwanda it is also costing us taxpayers 11m a day for the 'hotels'.

Three large firms have contracts to run the hotels. Serco, Mears, and Calder. All are tory donors and have seen their profits trebled with their CEOs pay increase from 250 000 to 2.5 million a year each. Just another way the tories steal public money. No wonder they have no incentive to solve the 'crisis'. 

I think they adhere to the mantra of Genghis Khan - ''to rule a people you must first sow absolute chaos''


11m a day on hotels for immigrants in a country full of English men and women that are homeless, make that make sense 😂

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4 minutes ago, YorkshireBlue said:

11m a day on hotels for immigrants in a country full of English men and women that are homeless, make that make sense 😂

I remember my politics lecturer from years ago when we looking at the different parties/ideologies. You know, we looked at Socialism, liberalism, Greens, Conservatism, Fascism etc. all the different ideologies.

When it came to Conservatism he said - ''basically the Conservative party was set up by the very rich to represent the very rich. They are against ALL public services, and their policies are flannel mainly with the express intent to divide people over gender, colour, class as they get richer.'' I always remembered that and seems to be true. 14 years and most people are actually worse off now. Unbelievable cunts still vote for 'em though.

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7 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

I remember my politics lecturer from years ago when we looking at the different parties/ideologies. You know, we looked at Socialism, liberalism, Greens, Conservatism, Fascism etc. all the different ideologies.

When it came to Conservatism he said - ''basically the Conservative party was set up by the very rich to represent the very rich. They are against ALL public services, and their policies are flannel mainly with the express intent to divide people over gender, colour, class as they get richer.'' I always remembered that and seems to be true. 14 years and most people are actually worse off now. Unbelievable cunts still vote for 'em though.

The problem you have is, people fear what happened when labour were in charge more than anything the Tories have done so far, well from what I've had conversations from anyways, if you were in the building trade you can relate, people lost there businesses, they became broke over night etc, it's not the super rich keeping the cons in power it's the working man, and the working man now fear labour more than the Tories.

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Just now, YorkshireBlue said:

The problem you have is, people fear what happened when labour were in charge more than anything the Tories have done so far, well from what I've had conversations from anyways, if you were in the building trade you can relate, people lost there businesses, they became broke over night etc, it's not the super rich keeping the cons in power it's the working man, and the working man now fear labour more than the Tories.

Yeah thats true. The tory press, or press as its known 😉are scaring people about Labour - remember the note they left ''there is no money left'' 800 billion deficit. Apparently ALL  outgoing governments leave a 'jokey' message from the Treasury. 800 billion sounds a lot, current tory deficit stands at around 2.6 trillion. It was soaring before Covid so they cant use that as an excuse.

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20 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Yeah thats true. The tory press, or press as its known 😉are scaring people about Labour - remember the note they left ''there is no money left'' 800 billion deficit. Apparently ALL  outgoing governments leave a 'jokey' message from the Treasury. 800 billion sounds a lot, current tory deficit stands at around 2.6 trillion. It was soaring before Covid so they cant use that as an excuse.

But it's working, more are more people are frightened to death of Labour getting in, it used to be the working man was all for labour, not so much anymore.

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The Tories have been thoroughly discredited since they adopted brexit - Rosemarie's baby.
Labour used to have problem with their left - some of them had openly marxist views.
But essentially both parties are into making themselves rich while doing nothing and the same goes for the parties of the extremists as well (commies - blackies).
When something positive happens in the country it is always from external factors.
Take for exaple the Pfizer covid vaccine - and assume that that was a positive development.
The announcement came a few days after the elections of 2024 and Trump was furious. 
He said it was a conspiracy, he wanted the announcement to have come before so he could own the vaccine (as if he was a medical researcher !).

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37 minutes ago, YorkshireBlue said:

But it's working, more are more people are frightened to death of Labour getting in, it used to be the working man was all for labour, not so much anymore.

Yup think a few pinning their hopes on Farage, now hes ditched his Orange mate. Farage with his EU passport and EU Citizenship...Farage and Reform know that right now, the UK’s broken political system is highly vulnerable to exploitation – there’s power to be taken and money to be made. In its current state, the UK’s democratic system is a demagogue’s paradise.

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Just now, Fulham Broadway said:

Yup think a few pinning their hopes on Farage, now hes ditched his Orange mate. Farage with his EU passport and EU Citizenship...Farage and Reform know that right now, the UK’s broken political system is highly vulnerable to exploitation – there’s power to be taken and money to be made. In its current state, the UK’s democratic system is a demagogue’s paradise.

Alot of people I know, granted isn't a huge pool, (Tradesmen) they are all singing from the same hymn sheet and seem to think it will end up, a conservative and reform coalition.

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Just now, YorkshireBlue said:

Alot of people I know, granted isn't a huge pool, (Tradesmen) they are all singing from the same hymn sheet and seem to think it will end up, a conservative and reform coalition.

Would be if we had PR Proportional Representation. With that system UKIP would have had 160 MPs. With the first past the post more likely Labour win or a hung Parliament

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30 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Would be if we had PR Proportional Representation. With that system UKIP would have had 160 MPs. With the first past the post more likely Labour win or a hung Parliament

Tbh I'm getting to the point where we are thinking just leaving this country full stop lol 

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31 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Would be if we had PR Proportional Representation. With that system UKIP would have had 160 MPs. With the first past the post more likely Labour win or a hung Parliament

Better to have PR.
Britain's two party system needs scrapping.
Tories represent an ever diminishing oligarchy plus they have gone potty.
Labour are stuck with the red wall and an archaic system of socialism from before the 20th century.

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23 minutes ago, YorkshireBlue said:

Tbh I'm getting to the point where we are thinking just leaving this country full stop lol 

Mate has done that - had a skip hire company. making good living. Saw him few months ago, moving family, lock stock and barrel abroad, sold the business. His main reason said hes fed up with people being so rude and entitled

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