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Issues are somthing to talk about haha. I'm just a bit sillt. The other day I got a coupon for wine. So I bought 21 bottles for AUD$70.00.

Nice, wine is ridiculously expensive here because anything decent is imported and taxed 20 to 50%! It is enough to make me stop drinking some days!

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make me stop drinking some days!

But most days Blueschick just goes like:


I can't even see the picture because of my crappy Internet and I am still afraid lol

Honestly, I though I have cut back on my sweets and alcohol since I came back from the US. The cost of the wine just makes denying myself my favorite vice a little easier! I need to lose about 10 kg and empty calories were the first to go.

Of course, finding out that I have a strained ligament in my ankle is not fitting in with my plans to exercise more:(

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I can't even see the picture because of my crappy Internet and I am still afraid lol

Honestly, I though I have cut back on my sweets and alcohol since I came back from the US. The cost of the wine just makes denying myself my favorite vice a little easier! I need to lose about 10 kg and empty calories were the first to go.

Of course, finding out that I have a strained ligament in my ankle is not fitting in with my plans to exercise more:(

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Strained ligament. That's gotta hurt. How did that happen?

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Strained ligament. That's gotta hurt. How did that happen?

It is one of those injuries that is the result of a series of other things...it was like a ball rolling downhill gaining momentum! The doctor said the root cause is that I have a bone by the ball of my big toe that is too short. As a result I have altered the way I walk and my big toe has actually turned to compensate. Which caused pain on the right inside. To avoid the pain I twisted my foot to the outside straining the ligaments to do it causing more pain!

So literally, I have done this to myself! Hopefully, with the inserts for my shoes and physio it will correct itself and help my knee problems!

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I'd give everything to change yesterday's score, deception is big, funny how a football match can change your mood for some time.

Not at all....

I wouldnt give our UCL trophy for instance! ;)

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Not at all....

I wouldnt give our UCL trophy for instance! ;)

Crazy, are you ? I know it is only the Supercup, but the way we lost it, is cruel, more cruel than Bayern's defeat at Allianz.A trophy is a trophy, we lost and it is difficult to accept.I'd have the same reaction if it was the Community Shield for example, its not important trophy, but I craved for a good start under José.What I know is that Mourinho is a fighter, and be sure that we'll win a trophy this year, we are having the same mentality Inter Milan had under Mourinho, not because of the defensive display we showed after the red card, more about the 86 fantastic minute we played before Ramires red card, and how the team and the atmosphere changed under the new management.I trust Mourinho even more after this match, I'm sure if Bayern played United or Barcelona or Juve or any big champion, they'd win the match easily compared to the one they had yesterday.

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Crazy, are you ? I know it is only the Supercup, but the way we lost it, is cruel, more cruel than Bayern's defeat at Allianz.A trophy is a trophy, we lost and it is difficult to accept.I'd have the same reaction if it was the Community Shield for example, its not important trophy, but I craved for a good start under José.What I know is that Mourinho is a fighter, and be sure that we'll win a trophy this year, we are having the same mentality Inter Milan had under Mourinho, not because of the defensive display we showed after the red card, more about the 86 fantastic minute we played before Ramires red card, and how the team and the atmosphere changed under the new management.I trust Mourinho even more after this match, I'm sure if Bayern played United or Barcelona or Juve or any big champion, they'd win the match easily compared to the one they had yesterday.

Right, losing a Supercup being the prohibited underdogs on penalties (after playing more than 1 hours with 10 men) is more cruel than losing the UCL Final at home after being the big favorites and getting ahead of the score board with 7 min remaining!

Was it heart-breaking? OF COURSE! But I was happier than the normal because I was impressed with how we approached the game...The team was giving their all and that is what counts, even more than the final result. We now have a soul and a decent manager who can take us forward. If it didnt work out this time, we will have better luck later on.

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Crazy, are you ? I know it is only the Supercup, but the way we lost it, is cruel, more cruel than Bayern's defeat at Allianz.A trophy is a trophy, we lost and it is difficult to accept.I'd have the same reaction if it was the Community Shield for example, its not important trophy, but I craved for a good start under José.What I know is that Mourinho is a fighter, and be sure that we'll win a trophy this year, we are having the same mentality Inter Milan had under Mourinho, not because of the defensive display we showed after the red card, more about the 86 fantastic minute we played before Ramires red card, and how the team and the atmosphere changed under the new management.I trust Mourinho even more after this match, I'm sure if Bayern played United or Barcelona or Juve or any big champion, they'd win the match easily compared to the one they had yesterday.

Dude, you're overreacting. Just sleep over it and you'll realise that regardless of the result the boys did exceptionally well against the best team in Europe.

This doesn't compare to Bayern's loss against us in the CL at all. They were in their stadium, their city, their home... And looked like winning until the 88th minute when Drogba's intervention struck the first blow. Robben's penalty miss in extra time and then to lose it on penalties when Germans are renowned for those...

The CL loss was a lot crueler to Bayern than this loss was for us.

Chin up and take pride in the guys. We've made a great start under Jose and we still aren't even at our best yet.

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Right, losing a Supercup being the prohibited underdogs on penalties (after playing more than 1 hours with 10 men) is more cruel than losing the UCL Final at home after being the big favorites and getting ahead of the score board with 7 min remaining!

Was it heart-breaking? OF COURSE! But I was happier than the normal because I was impressed with how we approached the game...The team was giving their all and that is what counts, even more than the final result. We now have a soul and a decent manager who can take us forward. If it didnt work out this time, we will have better luck later on.

The comparaison was over-reacting, yes, but its definitely the big heartbreak since Iniesta's goal.Underdogs or not the win would have been very sweet.

@The Skipper, I know its a bit of overreaction, the future is definitely bright, I only need time to recover from this.

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The comparaison was over-reacting, yes, but its definitely the big heartbreak since Iniesta's goal.Underdogs or not the win would have been very sweet.

@The Skipper, I know its a bit of overreaction, the future is definitely bright, I only need time to recover from this.

Relax, we will meet them in the knock-out round of UCL this year and we will beat them!

I left the game with a much more positive spirit than when I started it. This game showed to me we can compete with anyone and win...

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