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Belletti keen on a new Blues contract

the wes

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JULIANO BELLETTI wants to commit himself to Chelsea by signing an extension to his contract.

The Brazilian, 32, signed a three-year deal last year but has played a more prominent role since Phil Scolari arrived at Stamford Bridge.

Belletti’s impressive form as a utility player has put him within sight of a new agreement.

He said: “I feel proud and ready to play at least two or three more years at this level.

“England is the best of all worlds, where technique, tactics, atmosphere, infrastructure and management combine. It’s like the highest possible level of professional football.

“I thank the heavens every day for letting me taste this amazing life at Chelsea.”

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Apart from the obvious lampard and deco, Belletti has been my favourite player this season. He looks so different to the guy suffering as a exposed right back last season lol. He started off as a midfielder and thats where he should be and stay. The guy has got undoubted ability and a great shot on him. Defo great squad man and maybe even more than that. I like him a lot.

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