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2007/2008 Looking Back


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After Blackburn then Europe, the boss had to go

So Grant was hauled in by Kenyon & Co,

As open-mouthed, we all sat and stared

Who was this man and who even cared?

Utd were next and, well off the pace

We were given some bloke with a gormless face –

Who stood looking clueless, not ‘special’ at all,

The question hung heavy, ‘how far will we fall?’

Two-nil to Utd, courtesy of the ref –

The officials, as usual, struck both blind and deaf.

Then a bore draw with Fulham, not a sight for sore eyes

‘Don’t know what you’re doing’, the new Stamford Bridge cries.

The Mestalla win though, sees the odd eyebrow raise

Then a six-nil to Citeh, back to our winning ways?

Nope, a battle with Leicester – thanks to Sheva we won

Then a draw against Schalke saw the end of our run.

Back down to earth and away to ‘the Arse’ -

Them who play pretty games and can place the odd pass.

They scraped a one-nil, with an error from Cech

‘was our reject who scored as my chin hit the deck.

Rafa’s lot next and a win in the cup

As Crouch’s drop kick goes a little tits-up.

Villa four-all with their last minute pen

And a point against Pompey – we concede late again.

Nil-nil with the Dippers, and all is not well

Then the Carling Cup final it’s to Spurs that we fell.

Back with a bang, we hit West Ham for four

Before Barnsley show us the FA Cup door.

Back against Derby as we beat them six-one

But from three point lane, we take just the one.

Back home again, now the Arsenal come calling

But with Drogba on form they’re the ones who are falling.

Boro come next – but they leave three points lighter

And the gap at the top gets a little bit tighter –

Then Heskey for Wigan, scores right at the end

Our defence is driving me right round the bend.

No rest, next it’s Europe, the Dippers away

But Riise pops up to rescue the day

As they trot out of Anfield with nothing to boast

That goal stands alone as the one I loved most.

But wait – next’s Utd, the Champions elite

Shame Carrick used his hands not his feet

Gifting Ballack the pen to take if he dare

As he slots the ball home, our win makes it all square.

Then the Dippers return and Rafa just rages

His rants about Drogba on all the back pages

But the goatee was wrong, as Drogs stayed on his feet

And the world sat and watched as the Dippers got beat.

Last day it is then, points all square, both one-nil

Then Utd’s attack sees our own go downhill

Giggsy’s just scored and when news filters through

The lads realise there’s ‘nowt left they can do.

The heads all drop down leaving Bolton to score

As we finish things off with another score draw.

So Utd have made it two in a row

As for us? We can wait til we get to Moscow!

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