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Viva La Revolución

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Perhaps. But I fear an American intervention will just see more and more puppet leaders emerge, oil prices are taking a bad hit as it is over the trouble in Egypt

The EU is good for trade, the Euro itself I believe is not a great currency, it's been failing for a while and the only reason it's still about is because millions is being pumped into it to keep it just about stable. The real inflation levels of it must be awful and I personally believe if countries return to their own currency it'll be better in the long run.

Yes it's because there are also unstable countries in the Euro zone. In Serbia for example who are not in the EU, but they have their own currency and the inflation there can be ridiculous.

I think the bigger problem is unemployment and low salaries. Sure prices have been raised all over Europe, but salaries haven't

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Really good that these people in the Middle East are kicking out their puppet leaders that have been supported by US and UK. Mubareks days are numbered now.

Israel playing up the threat from theMuslim brotherhood, to try and force US to intervene :rolleyes:

One of the biggest hypocrites to speak -Tony Blair, said ''You dont need to use violence to remove these dictators'' er... Iraq ? you mass murderer.

Anyway March 26th London, massive demo against Cameron and Clegg liar millionaires. That will be our Cairo. Hopefully . :eyebrows:

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i would love to see an Egypt or Tunisian type stand off in Britain or on the streets of London,sadly it simply won't happen as us 'Brits' accept anything that's thrown at us.

I respect the young generation of Egypt and Tunisia.They simply want change and are fed up with being bullied by their governments.

We know how they feel. :(

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i would love to see an Egypt or Tunisian type stand off in Britain or on the streets of London,sadly it simply won't happen as us 'Brits' accept anything that's thrown at us.

To be fair, we're starting to protest. The youth did an impressive job during the university fee rise demonstrations (though the media definitely over-hyped the violence/vandalism) & lately for the government's plan to scrap the EMA.

This administration has seen more protests in a few months than the last Labour admin had! The days of this coalition are numbered, there's only so much the 'people' will stand for.

Yes it's because there are also unstable countries in the Euro zone. In Serbia for example who are not in the EU, but they have their own currency and the inflation there can be ridiculous.

I think the bigger problem is unemployment and low salaries. Sure prices have been raised all over Europe, but salaries haven't

Well argued. I see your points and you're right, good point on the other countries that aren't in the EuroZone.

My personal belief is that the Euro should go and countries should return to their original currency, I'm glad England never adopted the Euro, sticking to the Sterling Pound. What I'd give for us to be back on the Gold Standard :rolleyes:

None the less, I see your point, and maybe the currency will become stable and strengthen once we escape the double-dip recession we'll all be in soon enough.

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To be fair, we're starting to protest. The youth did an impressive job during the university fee rise demonstrations (though the media definitely over-hyped the violence/vandalism) & lately for the government's plan to scrap the EMA.

This administration has seen more protests in a few months than the last Labour admin had! The days of this coalition are numbered, there's only so much the 'people' will stand for.

Just a shame the momentum wasnt kept up -thats how change happens in countries -where the people are out day after day, night after night. Hopefully March 26th will reignite the anger people have with this dodgy coalition....

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Just a shame the momentum wasnt kept up -thats how change happens in countries -where the people are out day after day, night after night. Hopefully March 26th will reignite the anger people have with this dodgy coalition....

My money is on another election in June.

Power to the people!.

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Just a shame the momentum wasnt kept up -thats how change happens in countries -where the people are out day after day, night after night. Hopefully March 26th will reignite the anger people have with this dodgy coalition....

Yeah, but my Dad was telling me there is a history of protests working in this country.. The Poll Tax Riots? Can you shed some light on that for me? I'm only 17 :P

Will be urging all my friends to join me on March 26th to attend the demonstration! It's time we invoke our right to democracy!

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Yeah, but my Dad was telling me there is a history of protests working in this country.. The Poll Tax Riots? Can you shed some light on that for me? I'm only 17 :P

Will be urging all my friends to join me on March 26th to attend the demonstration! It's time we invoke our right to democracy!

Blimey where to start. There were local anti poll tax unions set up all over the country. We set our own up, and there were demonstrations outside town halls as individual councils set there figure for how much people were going to pay. These invariably culminated in riots, and at then people started being jailed for non-payment, and bailiffs seized peoples goods etc.

We launched an attack on a bailiffs house and sold off all his possessions in a mock auction. Needless to say he didnt operate against non payers off the poll tax any more. Funny thing about that was the cops just stood by and watched -they were as fucked off as everyone else with the stupid tax.

it all cuminated on 31st March 1990 in the riots in London (theres a video of this going about). Within weeks the polltax was gone and Thatcher followed pretty sharpish afterwards. Job Done.

irony is the Council Tax-people actually were paying MORE. Hence the pressure must always be kept up

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Within weeks the polltax was gone and Thatcher followed pretty sharpish afterwards. Job Done.

irony is the Council Tax-people actually were paying MORE. Hence the pressure must always be kept up

Brilliant story, at true inspiration for people who do go to demonstrations and protests!

Precisely why we everyone should attend on March 26th! Let history repeat itself, the voice of revoltion should echo through Trafalgar Square, even Nelson's Column will shudder at it. The people led to Thatcher leaving, and the people can push out this non-elected government.

The People drove out Thatcher and now the People can drive out this shambles they call a government!

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Brilliant story, at true inspiration for people who do go to demonstrations and protests!

Precisely why we everyone should attend on March 26th! Let history repeat itself, the voice of revoltion should echo through Trafalgar Square, even Nelson's Column will shudder at it. The people led to Thatcher leaving, and the people can push out this non-elected government.

The People drove out Thatcher and now the People can drive out this shambles they call a government!

What has been really impressive about the Student demontrations is there unwillingness to be coralled and shepherded by 'leaders'. This avoids the 'kettling' and has the police running round like Keystone Cops. It seems the young people have learned not to be railroaded by so called 'leaders' and 'stewards'.

The NUS leader (forget his name) wanted a candlelit vigil on the banks of the Thames for fucks sake. This cunt, you just know wants to be on Question Time and in the House of Lords in a few years.

I dont have much faith in the Union leadership either -it took the worst living standards since the 1920s to be brought up by the head of the Bank of England. Wakey wakey !! Brendan Barber.

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What has been really impressive about the Student demontrations is there unwillingness to be coralled and shepherded by 'leaders'. This avoids the 'kettling' and has the police running round like Keystone Cops. It seems the young people have learned not to be railroaded by so called 'leaders' and 'stewards'.

The NUS leader (forget his name) wanted a candlelit vigil on the banks of the Thames for fucks sake. This cunt, you just know wants to be on Question Time and in the House of Lords in a few years.

I dont have much faith in the Union leadership either -it took the worst living standards since the 1920s to be brought up by the head of the Bank of England. Wakey wakey !! Brendan Barber.

I'm sorry but the student protest is nothing but a sham. From the beggining it was just an excuse for the Socialist Workers Party to rub their dicks and grow their egos and for various Anarchist groups to hijack it and give their own deluded opinions by trashing the place and swing around on the Cenotaph. Its a bit ironic that a group that follows the idea of no state or any kind of authority is at a demostration of whiny fucktarts demanding that governed state hands everything to them on a plate.

You say that the students are not being shepherded by leaders, yet their blindly follwing anyone who has far-left view points and claims to be a Marxist. Most of the students I have seen are naive and are wearing left wing ideology like a t-shirt, a trend that they will support until they get bored. Most that are interviewed can't put atleast two sentances together or actually know what ideology they are follwing.

Dumb, naive morons who wear Che Guevara shirts that don't know who he is.

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I'm sorry but the student protest is nothing but a sham. From the beggining it was just an excuse for the Socialist Workers Party to rub their dicks and grow their egos and for various Anarchist groups to hijack it and give their own deluded opinions by trashing the place and swing around on the Cenotaph. Its a bit ironic that a group that follows the idea of no state or any kind of authority is at a demostration of whiny fucktarts demanding that governed state hands everything to them on a plate.

You say that the students are not being shepherded by leaders, yet their blindly follwing anyone who has far-left view points and claims to be a Marxist. Most of the students I have seen are naive and are wearing left wing ideology like a t-shirt, a trend that they will support until they get bored. Most that are interviewed can't put atleast two sentances together or actually know what ideology they are follwing.

Dumb, naive morons who wear Che Guevara shirts that don't know who he is.

Sigh. Where to start..

I don't know where this myth has emerged from that all youth protesters are uneducated fools looking for a day to bunk and cause mayhem. It's such a derogatory, blind, ignorant, old fashioned, simplistic point of view, which is pure bullshit and I take personal offence to. Facebook and Twitter has now become the #1 honest media reporter in the world, they are not bound by censorship and they are not in the pocket of any government, free speech lives there. That is why the youth of today are more educated than their elders. No I don't mean A's in useless subjects like ICT or Food Technology or 1st in their Law course. I'm talking educated in terms of knowing the real world.

All of my friends know why we are protesting, because the government is reducing right to education at University which they had for free. The destruction is perhaps a flaw of revolting, but it's something that works because it get the attention it deserves. We are fighting a real cause. We are tackling an issue which could cripple future generation chances for getting a university degree and, thus, giving back to society. Something the older generation claim we don't do. No, they see us as hood wearing, knife welding, thugs. It's wrong.

We should be given credit, where credit's due.

As for your theory that most who bare the face of Ché Guevara and don't know who he is, have you actually ever spoken to most of them? Or are you just basing this on your own opinion that we simply.. blindly follow current trend? :rolleyes:

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Sigh. Where to start..

I don't know where this myth has emerged from that all youth protesters are uneducated fools looking for a day to bunk and cause mayhem. It's such a derogatory, blind, ignorant, old fashioned, simplistic point of view, which is pure bullshit and I take personal offence to. Facebook and Twitter has now become the #1 honest media reporter in the world, they are not bound by censorship and they are not in the pocket of any government, free speech lives there. That is why the youth of today are more educated than their elders. No I don't mean A's in useless subjects like ICT or Food Technology or 1st in their Law course. I'm talking educated in terms of knowing the real world.

All of my friends know why we are protesting, because the government is reducing right to education at University which they had for free. The destruction is perhaps a flaw of revolting, but it's something that works because it get the attention it deserves. We are fighting a real cause. We are tackling an issue which could cripple future generation chances for getting a university degree and, thus, giving back to society. Something the older generation claim we don't do. No, they see us as hood wearing, knife welding, thugs. It's wrong.

We should be given credit, where credit's due.

As for your theory that most who bare the face of Ché Guevara and don't know who he is, have you actually ever spoken to most of them? Or are you just basing this on your own opinion that we simply.. blindly follow current trend? :rolleyes:

From what I see a lot of these people are just protesting and whining for the sake of thinking that they are somehow oppressed. The guy who threw the fire extinguisher basicially comes from a middle class stable family http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1346672/Tuition-fees-rioter-Edward-Woollard-jailed-mother-Tania-Garwood-turns-in.html

Education has never been free, its funded by taxpayers money, which has become such a burden due to this stupid idea that "50% of students should go to university" which means Taxpayers money alone can not fund it. There are far too many going to University, we should really be thinking about cutting University places dramaticly and turn some of them into Colleges but if we did that there would still be mass protesting.

Yes the violence got media attention, and in doing so managed to make many people give no sympathy to the idiots causing the violence. The fact is that many people don't really care about the protest as it really does not affect them. I'm suprised that people over 30 are not protesting that they would have to give more money as tax on something that will hardley benefit them.

We should really be thinking about rebalancing the economy so that we don't just have people getting degrees in media studies filing up the work force. The problem is that too many people think they have to go to university so it means the value of a degree goes down due to too much supply and not enough demand. Its not good for society if everyone is an intellectual and not someone who can go into manufacturing, or become business entrepreneurs and do something innovating.

Like I said the protest is nothing more then a group gathering for the extreme left such as Anarchists and Socialist to basicly put ther own political message. As seen with large quantities of flags which are either Anarchists symbols or placards that have the Socialist wokers logo on it.

Basically University is no longer about bright students who got into it through hard work and could get them a really good career, but instead is seen as a 'right' for even the most lackluster of pupils.

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From what I see a lot of these people are just protesting and whining for the sake of thinking that they are somehow oppressed. The guy who threw the fire extinguisher basicially comes from a middle class stable family http://www.dailymail...d-turns-in.html

Education has never been free, its funded by taxpayers money, which has become such a burden due to this stupid idea that "50% of students should go to university" which means Taxpayers money alone can not fund it. There are far too many going to University, we should really be thinking about cutting University places dramaticly and turn some of them into Colleges but if we did that there would still be mass protesting.

Yes the violence got media attention, and in doing so managed to make many people give no sympathy to the idiots causing the violence. The fact is that many people don't really care about the protest as it really does not affect them. I'm suprised that people over 30 are not protesting that they would have to give more money as tax on something that will hardley benefit them.

We should really be thinking about rebalancing the economy so that we don't just have people getting degrees in media studies filing up the work force. The problem is that too many people think they have to go to university so it means the value of a degree goes down due to too much supply and not enough demand. Its not good for society if everyone is an intellectual and not someone who can go into manufacturing, or become business entrepreneurs and do something innovating.

Like I said the protest is nothing more then a group gathering for the extreme left such as Anarchists and Socialist to basicly put ther own political message. As seen with large quantities of flags which are either Anarchists symbols or placards that have the Socialist wokers logo on it.

Basically University is no longer about bright students who got into it through hard work and could get them a really good career, but instead is seen as a 'right' for even the most lackluster of pupils.

I didn't say there aren't that handful that take it out of hand. Of course throwing fire extinguishers off the roof is stupid and reckless but do you also remember hearing about that girl who stopped an entire mob who were vandalising a police van? Or did that slip out the mainstream media who were too busy showing our dark side. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2010/nov/25/student-protests-tuition-fees-schoolgirls-definace

I do agree that there are those where university has been placed on them as a must when this is not the case and that's labour's fault. The fact is though, for places on courses such as medicine, law & economics, which are useful, are being cut as a result of a cut in teaching fund. How does it make sense for a student, who wishes to carry on their education to then reach an employment level, efficient enough to contribute to our economy, to be in debt of such a monumental sum. This debt will last students a life-time. In the long run this reduces the disposable income of such people, and they spend less. A factor which contributes to the overall economy.

But I didn't start this thread for University fees :lol:

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I'd like to ask whats the alternative. Yes Sam, there are the usual Trots SWP'ers and other boring lefty groups trying to coral the students into there organisations. But what I noticed that there were a lot of students ignoring this and doing there own thing. Every demonstration you get SWP, Militant or whatever they're called now getting involved, but all they're after really is paper sellers.

Violence. Yup the middle class mong with the fire extinguisher. Twat of highest order. But i can categorically say every demonstration I've benn on 9 times out of ten the old bill start it. They are up for a ruck. That said , all through history the Working Class get what they fight for. This govt since they've been in, every bill, law has been an attack on our living standards, whilst they prosper in luxury, having meals with a bottle of wine which costs the same as what we earn in a week.

I am old enough in the tooth to know now how the establishment works here. Every four or five tears you get the chance to put a cross on a bit of paper. The Faces change, but its the same Eton/ Oxbridge clique, ruling us and getting all the wealth. People fall for that con, and they continue to get away with it.

Back on track, thats where Mubarek has fucked up, by hanging araound for 20+ years, not even the illusion of choice there, and the people have said ''enoughs enough''.

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