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David Lee and Gareth Hall in India


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Well the two ex-Chelsea players happened to be in India for the Chelsea vs Liverpool Match and so joined us at a pub for the screening.

They were really down to earth and patient, reminiscing stories and signing stuff..

Though it might not feel like a big event, it was the first ever interaction for the Indian blues with people who have any connection with the club, so close to their hearts but thousands of miles away.

Here's the article featured in 'The Times of India', India's Leading newspaper, i'm the one with the folded hands and the tongue out :P

India’s EPL craze stuns ex-Chelsea players

Kunaal Majgaonkar I TNN

Mumbai: It wouldn’t be absurd in footballing circles if you planned to cut short a trip to the moon to watch Chelsea play Liverpool in the Premier League. All the more if you turned out for the Blues in your heyday. Gareth Hall and David Lee did not have to go to the extreme. They rather decided to back Chelsea along with members of the Chelsea Mumbai Football Club when the fan base organized a screening at a pub in Khar.

In the city to conduct a coaching clinic with the Indian Tigers football academy, the duo decided to watch the game the Mumbai way. The place was swelling with supporters from either club. Flags were waved and the chants never ceased.

“The atmosphere is surreal. We feel like we in London. What we saw today just reaffirms just how global the Premiership actually is. We have been to Dubai and Hong Kong and seen this happen. But never did we imagine that we would see something like this in India. You try and tell someone that you were witness to something like this in India and they would look at you twice,’’ says David Lee, who served as central defender for Chelsea between 1988-98.

At half time, the speakers blared ‘Ten men went to mow’ with the Chelsea fans joining the chorus. “Not in my wildest dreams would I hear this song being played in a pub in India. Honestly, you would hear this song either at a pub in London or at Stamford Bridge. I’m floored to say the least,’’ says Hall, who turned out for the Welsh national side, apart from making 138 league appearances for the Blues.

Lee and Hall believe that such support bases augur well for the Indian footballing scene. “We never knew things were so religiously followed here. The support bases should keep writing to the clubs and letting them know how serious they are. Once these bases increase, it could snowball into something big for sure,’’ says Hall.

As for the fans, the presence of Lee and Hall is something they will never forget.


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