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Ozil is the casualty, and rightly so. A very limited player, if anyone ever saw Guti from madrid play, Ozil is like a refined version him, the mold of what guti should have been, but he also has the same downfalls, no midfield play, ozil is basically a forward, doesnt help defend...

He will need for arsenal to be wrapped around him more so that in madrid so that he can shine, lets see how wenger deals with the defending.

Ozil not needed in madrid, good riddens to the german maestro.

Its a trend that managers are punishing players who are "lazy" when it comes to defending, and are too 1 dimensional in a sense.

This is what midfielders like isco, iniesta, oscar, kroos, gotze, have over guys like mata and ozil

Thus mourinho trying to ostracize mata out with new signings that are more akin to his flavor, and ozil leaving.

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Ozil is the casualty, and rightly so. A very limited player, if anyone ever saw Guti from madrid play, Ozil is like a refined version him, the mold of what guti should have been, but he also has the same downfalls, no midfield play, ozil is basically a forward, doesnt help defend...

He will need for arsenal to be wrapped around him more so that in madrid so that he can shine, lets see how wenger deals with the defending.

Ozil not needed in madrid, good riddens to the german maestro.

Its a trend that managers are punishing players who are "lazy" when it comes to defending, and are too 1 dimensional in a sense.

This is what midfielders like isco, iniesta, oscar, kroos, gotze, have over guys like mata and ozil

Thus mourinho trying to ostracize mata out with new signings that are more akin to his flavor, and ozil leaving.

Wenger deserves a pat on the back.He has signed a really good player and surprisingly has splashed out a huge amount.Piers Morgan and their other fans must be buzzing now.This signing is definitely like a trophy for them.

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yes !

But don't know why he would chose Arsenal :(

Maybe because he'll get the opportunity to be the main man at Arsenal and also be able to adapt more easily and quickly as Arsenal play his style of football.Its actually a great signing for them as well as for the league in whole too.

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Ozil is the casualty, and rightly so. A very limited player, if anyone ever saw Guti from madrid play, Ozil is like a refined version him, the mold of what guti should have been, but he also has the same downfalls, no midfield play, ozil is basically a forward, doesnt help defend...

He will need for arsenal to be wrapped around him more so that in madrid so that he can shine, lets see how wenger deals with the defending.

Ozil not needed in madrid, good riddens to the german maestro.

Its a trend that managers are punishing players who are "lazy" when it comes to defending, and are too 1 dimensional in a sense.

This is what midfielders like isco, iniesta, oscar, kroos, gotze, have over guys like mata and ozil

Thus mourinho trying to ostracize mata out with new signings that are more akin to his flavor, and ozil leaving.

So he's not worth 43 million?

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This JayC case hasn't reflected well on this forum so far.

He has insulted several members of this forum on countless occasions and a blind eye has been turned to his behaviour. He has started fights in almost every thread he has entered so far. He has insulted members for disagreeing with him on numerous occasions. Since we have already had many threads made regarding these issues over the past few days. I am just going to make it a post.

It is against the forum rules to insult other members and derail threads. Since JayC has come that has become customary on this forum. We have had fights in nearly all the threads, started mostly by JayC disagreeing with someone (Wayne Rooney thread, Man U match thread, Munich Thread, English Football Thread [there might even be more I do not know about]). It is incredible that he is getting away with calling someone a "vile, rancid stain on the forum" (because

@The_Flash, believed De Gea wasn't a good keeper) and pretty much calling everyone he encounters pathetic, idiots or delusional. Look at how he insults people for simply disagreeing with his keeper choice. There are people here disagree with others regarding the Mata issue. Do they go around insulting them, calling them vile, rancid stains? No.

This does not reflect on the forum since several members have been banned for stranger reasons and JayC has constantly gotten away his behaviour simply because he is a Manchester United fan. Rupert was banned from this forum for simply disagreeing with the general consensus. He claimed Mourinho was a rubbish manager and that Benitez was a brilliant manager. He was banned for being a 'troll'. He never broke any laws of the forum, didn't insult anyone as a matter of fact he received a lot of insult for having an unpopular opinion. He always backed his claims with evidence and as a matter of fact, his opinions might not have been popular here but on a neutral forum they might have been. I did not agree with his views. As a matter of fact I completely disagree with him yet banning him for having a different opinion and letting another person get away with insulting members on a daily basis.

and then we make threads about opinion tolerance.........

We have been super lenient with him. I am surprised he has not received a suspension yet. He has fought with half the forum and no action has been taken against him. I wish this leniency was shown with other members who have been banned permanently. From what I read Capricossio was an extremely popular member (and I have talked to him a bit on Twitter and I also see why he was so popular here), a post regarding the Hillsborough disaster resulted in him getting permanently banned. Why wasn't any leniency shown to him when it is being shown to someone purely because they are a United fan?

Backstreet, I actually don't know the exact reasons why he was banned, but I still wonder why any leniency wasn't shown to him? He was an extremely popular member as well who not even once got into a fight with people. Whenever he had debates, he would have them in an extremely friendly manner and always a very well behaved member. Yet 1 incident (which I do not much about so I apologise in advance if I have got this wrong) and he was permanently banned. Not even a suspension. Why wasn't any leniency shown to him when it is being shown to someone purely because they are a United fan?

KOF, I didn't know him at all tbh. Except that he was an Australian who loved cricket. I read his posts and they can I believe still be read on the cricket thread. I do not much about him but I know he was banned for simply disagreeing with the English members about 'Which team has been more superior in the Ashes'. It led to him saying that Australia were the masters of the game and things like England would always be in Australia's shadow in cricket. JayC has said much worse about Chelsea and has insulted and attacked members for disagreeing with him. KOF was permanently banned, not even a suspension. Why wasn't any leniency shown to him when it is being shown to someone purely because they are a United fan?

His behaviour has been shocking. As a matter of fact, admins warned him to stop his unacceptable behaviour- did he stop? No. He has continued to insult members on this thread. He has never conveyed his opinion in a civlised and acceptable manner, yet has resorted to insults. We like hearing the opinion of other clubs and that is why we even have an Opposition Views article. Yet if someone misbehaves. Regardless of the fact that they are a Man United fan or not, they should be punished.

Oh I wonder where those people who were defending him earlier are? They seem to have gone awfully quiet recently........

one word - HYPOCRISY.

but a brilliant post. :clap::clap: :clap:i agree with every thing u said except for rupert. the guy was a "troll".In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog), either accidentally or with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. no doubt about it. his evidence and claims were very poor and were called out a number of times, after which he would take one off the smallest weak point in your debate and continue on that.

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one word - HYPOCRISY.

but a brilliant post. :clap::clap: :clap:i agree with every thing u said except for rupert. the guy was a "troll".In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog), either accidentally or with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. no doubt about it. his evidence and claims were very poor and were called out a number of times, after which he would take one off the smallest weak point in your debate and continue on that.


Now where's my rep! :P

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