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Chelsea Officially Signed Willian


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General Director of Shakhtar Sergei Palkin said at Ukrainian TV that Chelsea did not make bids on Willian this summer.

I think it was quite obvious.

Just papers to link with us everyone cause they are lazy as hell, or bored out of their minds that they need to create headlines to sell paper.

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I am sure the powers that be just give roman a catelog, annd he points and says " i want that one, that one and that one,ooooo and him"... The only explanation for how we seem to be linked with everyone lol.

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@SkySports: Shakhtar Donetsk manager Mircea Lucescu claims the club have shunned a £26million bid from Chelsea for Willian. http://t.co/NlQHhLNY

Palkin said it's a bullshit.

- I think that the guys who reported this information to make a mistake in currency exchange rates, or misunderstood Lucescu.

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I do not trust this source but it would not surprise me in the slightest if clubs are licking their lips when we come calling for one of their players given the money we are prepared to pay for players. If it is true then i will be very, very disappointed if our board do stump up the asked £32 million for a player of Willian's ability. He is worth £16 million at the most.


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I am sure the powers that be just give roman a catelog, annd he points and says " i want that one, that one and that one,ooooo and him"... The only explanation for how we seem to be linked with everyone lol.

No, it's because the media adopt a scattergun approach. They link about 20 players a season per club. They'll at least get 2-3 of those right so they can look good.

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No way is he worth 30 million, I would rather take the risk with Hulk if Willan was even considered at that amount...

Drives me mad, whenever we want a player, it's player value x2 (min) for us to secure their services!

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No way is he worth 30 million, I would rather take the risk with Hulk if Willan was even considered at that amount...

Drives me mad, whenever we want a player, it's player value x2 (min) for us to secure their services!

hulk will cost atleast 20 million euro's more not to mention hulk's wages will be much more than willian

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hulk will cost atleast 20 million euro's more not to mention hulk's wages will be much more than willian

Yeah but in 'My Opinion (just mine)' - Hulk seems much more worth it... Hulk would be 40million, an extra 10million... 30million IS LOTS of money, but @ 30million, getting a 7-8/10 player, an extra 10million for a 8-9/10 player does represent slightly better value...

Luckily, I'm not in charge of Transfers - so guess we'll have to rely on RDM + Scouts to settle this one :)

Lastly, if we do get Willan, I will cheer him on 100% every game - just something makes me want Hulk more... :D

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i dont dispute the fact that hulk is much better and if we get him I will be the first to get chelsea shirt with hulks name on but if we get willian its not something to frown upon he is a good player and if we get him he will improve our team, Rw is a problem and its a problem that willian could solve if we dont get hulk.

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WOW!! Stop buying into the media BS. If you believe everything there saying we have bid for at least a dozen players this summer. I mean at the moment media are reporting:

£35 million fr Cavani

£27 million willian

£25 million for Oscar

£7 million for Cesar

Last week it was

£35 million for Modric

£38 million for Hulk

£6 million for Maicon

£20 million for Schurle

It's crap, it's crap designed to sell rag papers.

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He say he want to leave, and he says about FOUR CFC offers.

First: 15,5m pounds, second: 15,5m pounds + 4m bonuses, and last two 19,5m. All rejected. And now he is unhappy and want to leave the club to play in Chelsea shirt.

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William revealed that Shakter refused 4 Chelse's offer. First was 20m euros, second one 20m euros + bonus, anas the last two were 25m euros. He is really unhappy, because he helped the club all those years and now the club is not willing to let him go, even for a good price.

He said it is like a prison, its always difficult to make deals there. He remains optimistic, and untill the end of the transfer window he believes something can happen.

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General Director of Shakhtar Sergei Palkin said at Ukrainian TV that Chelsea did not make bids on Willian this summer.

He is a liar, because William revealed today the details of the offers, and he wants to leave Ukraine so bad.

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