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In a few hours I will need to go do my medical exam to assess whether I'm fit for army service. Am absolutely shitting meself. If I'm fit enough I will lose 8-11 months of my life playing war in forests and mud for absolutely no reason. I hope to fuck they find something wrong with me.

Apparently I might need to strip down totally naked so they could touch my willie and ass, no idea why (am wondering if it's a good idea to take a shit before going, maybe I will have lumps of brown fury greeting the doc). Here's me hoping my wiener isn't totally shrunk so it would look bigger, but due to nerves it will probably be hiding itself as much as it can. Doctors are incredible perverts.

They will also take lots of blood from a vein, I have never done that before and I'm not very fond of big needles messing about inside of me either. I have nothing against standard syringes, but having a big ass nail stuffed directly in my vein doesn't sound very pleasing to me.


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In a few hours I will need to go do my medical exam to assess whether I'm fit for army service. Am absolutely shitting meself. If I'm fit enough I will lose 8-11 months of my life playing war in forests and mud for absolutely no reason. I hope to fuck they find something wrong with me.

Apparently I might need to strip down totally naked so they could touch my willie and ass, no idea why (am wondering if it's a good idea to take a shit before going, maybe I will have lumps of brown fury greeting the doc). Here's me hoping my wiener isn't totally shrunk so it would look bigger, but due to nerves it will probably be hiding itself as much as it can. Doctors are incredible perverts.

They will also take lots of blood from a vein, I have never done that before and I'm not very fond of big needles messing about inside of me either. I have nothing against standard syringes, but having a big ass nail stuffed directly in my vein doesn't sound very pleasing to me.

They check for STDs and whatnot. IF you have severe genital herpes they probably won't let you into the army. And giving blood is much easier than getting a shot. When I was sick to the point of death at the end of 2011 they took a lot of blood samples from me. It's just a needle with a large syringe. They put in the needle in and press this button and the blood is sucked out till the syringe is full.

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They check for STDs and whatnot. IF you have severe genital herpes they probably won't let you into the army. And giving blood is much easier than getting a shot. When I was sick to the point of death at the end of 2011 they took a lot of blood samples from me. It's just a needle with a large syringe. They put in the needle in and press this button and the blood is sucked out till the syringe is full.

they are also looking for hernias or other lumps or bumps that indicate something is wrong, any type of hormone imbalance (no not just testosterone) that might indicate an underlying health condition (thyroid problem, problems with your sugar), heart murmurs, etc.

Good luck, manpe :)

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They check for STDs and whatnot. IF you have severe genital herpes they probably won't let you into the army. And giving blood is much easier than getting a shot. When I was sick to the point of death at the end of 2011 they took a lot of blood samples from me. It's just a needle with a large syringe. They put in the needle in and press this button and the blood is sucked out till the syringe is full.

they are also looking for hernias or other lumps or bumps that indicate something is wrong, any type of hormone imbalance (no not just testosterone) that might indicate an underlying health condition (thyroid problem, problems with your sugar), heart murmurs, etc.

Good luck, manpe :)

The "naked" part was really easy actually. I dont feel ashamed of undressing, but I know there are some people who are very shy (either naturally or because of their fitness), so it might for others. I mean, it is just like a dressing room (basically), but there is a guy examining you and the other people in there are complete strangers. The rest of the exams (blood, urine, eye, etc) were also routine, no big deal.

Both tests (physical and writting) were simple as well. Pretty standard, I even tried to get it wrong on purpose, but it was too easy to try to fail.

The worst part (for me) was the interview and the fear of "losing" 1 year of your life serving. A week before, I couldnt think of anything else (it was worse than the Champions League, lol). I would go to the mirror and to my friends to simulate and see if I was being convincing. The officials know people are nervous (etc) and they still treat you like shit. I dont know if it is revenge (for being treated the same way when they were in my position) or they just feel superior, but it is horrible. I had to almost plea for the guy to let me go! I said some major bullshits of how it would change my life and I wouldnt be able to go back as before (lol) and in the end, he only dismissed me because I had been accepted in a good university and he didnt want me to risk losing it.

Anyways, good luck manpe! :)

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Am eating now, it's 6:41 in the morning, in half an hour I'll be going :cry: Curse the day when I plunged through my dad's pissing canal and outswam the female versions of myself to my mum's ovum. Three major points in favour of women: 1) No conscription, 2) Getting laid much easier, 3) Having tits to play around with all day and night.

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Am eating now, it's 6:41 in the morning, in half an hour I'll be going :cry: Curse the day when I plunged through my dad's pissing canal and outswam the female versions of myself to my mum's ovum. Three major points in favour of women: 1) No conscription, 2) Getting laid much easier, 3) Having tits to play around with all day and night.

If you are really fat and born in one of the blue countries, you eliminate 1 and 3 and get the best of both worlds!


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I don't know, you could earn a lot of money being extremely handsome. And there's always a chance you'll get richer in the future, even if you don't get to be a model or something. Besides, 150 plastic surgeries turned MJ into some weirdo, you can improve yourself by plastic surgery only up to a certain point.

I think there should be cotas/quotas for now, yes. But as I said, something temporary. Not longer than something like 10 or 20 years, time for our government to try to improve basic educational system. But this is Brazil, so it's probably gonna be a long-term "solution", then I can't agree with that. And when I say I accept cotas/quotas, I mean the socio-economic ones, no racial quotas bullshit.

Not the 50% bullshit though, sorry!

It is completely unfair that I had to almost die studiyng in my last year of high scool to enter POLI (you know how difficult it is) while half of the new students will get in with 1/3 of my grade. I wont babysit people who enter Engineering without knowing how to integrate, I just wont.

I am totatly in favour of the quotas as a "band-aid", but not 50%. I would have given 30% (it is fair enough), create a decent improvement plan for our public schools and estipulate a period for it to finish (15-20 years).

The majority of the students that enter such difficult courses (Law, Engineering, Medical, etc) wont be able to keep up. They will make the international statistics (which is what matters), but will never graduate.

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Not the 50% bullshit though, sorry!

It is completely unfair that I had to almost die studiyng in my last year of high scool to enter POLI (you know how difficult it is) while half of the new students will get in with 1/3 of my grade. I wont babysit people who enter Engineering without knowing how to integrate, I just wont.

I am totatly in favour of the quotas as a "band-aid", but not 50%. I would have given 30% (it is fair enough), create a decent improvement plan for our public schools and estipulate a period for it to finish (15-20 years).

The majority of the students that enter such difficult courses (Law, Engineering, Medical, etc) wont be able to keep up. They will make the international statistics (which is what matters), but will never graduate.

If you look at the data, 50% is not even fair enough. It's something like 90% of brazilian students are in public schools in high school, but then you take a look at our public universities and only 10% came from public schools. It was to be expected the number to be close to 90%, let's say, 70% at least. There's no such a difference in intelligence between private students and public students to make it go from 90-10 to 10-90. I say 50% would be nice because we can't forget meritocracy all together.

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If you look at the data, 50% is not even fair enough. It's something like 90% of brazilian students are in public schools in high school, but then you take a look at our public universities and only 10% came from public schools. It was to be expected the number to be close to 90%, let's say, 70% at least. There's no such a difference in intelligence between private students and public students to make it go from 90-10 to 10-90. I say 50% would be nice because we can't forget meritocracy all together.

What do you mean? (explain it better, lol)

28% of USP is from public school. Those 28% earned to be there, it is not about intelligence, it is about preparation. It is not fair that someone who got 72/90 on FUVEST does not get in, but another who got 45/90 does. The second one will live on DPs...

Also, the new quotas arent improvements on grade (which would be fair), they are places. For example, there are 110 places for Mechanical Engineering (1500 fighting for it), 55 competing for the "public school" spots and other 55 for the "private school" ones. This idea is totally fucked up, to say the least.

We need a system that will slowly increase the amount of percentage publi school students have. It can suddently start with 50%, those people wont be able to handle it and you know it. I needs to start with 20-30% and then in a 4-5 year time go up until 50%. They could even enter a prep-course of 1-2 years before really starting to take classes. Not this utter bullshit ENEM is doing!

Seriously, we need people who can make a plan for our education. USP, UNICAMP and UNESP are studying a very good option...

Read this: http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/saopaulo/1224368-usp-comeca-2013-de-olho-no-polemico-debate-sobre-as-cotas-paulistas.shtml

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Am eating now, it's 6:41 in the morning, in half an hour I'll be going :cry: Curse the day when I plunged through my dad's pissing canal and outswam the female versions of myself to my mum's ovum. Three major points in favour of women: 1) No conscription, 2) Getting laid much easier, 3) Having tits to play around with all day and night.

Number 2 is complete bullshit and you know it.

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What do you mean? (explain it better, lol)

28% of USP is from public school. Those 28% earned to be there, it is not about intelligence, it is about preparation. It is not fair that someone who got 72/90 on FUVEST does not get in, but another who got 45/90 does. The second one will live on DPs...

Also, the new quotas arent improvements on grade (which would be fair), they are places. For example, there are 110 places for Mechanical Engineering (1500 fighting for it), 55 competing for the "public school" spots and other 55 for the "private school" ones. This idea is totally fucked up, to say the least.

We need a system that will slowly increase the amount of percentage publi school students have. It can suddently start with 50%, those people wont be able to handle it and you know it. I needs to start with 20-30% and then in a 4-5 year time go up until 50%. They could even enter a prep-course of 1-2 years before really starting to take classes. Not this utter bullshit ENEM is doing!

Seriously, we need people who can make a plan for our education. USP, UNICAMP and UNESP are studying a very good option...

Read this: http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/saopaulo/1224368-usp-comeca-2013-de-olho-no-polemico-debate-sobre-as-cotas-paulistas.shtml

What I mean is that there are only 28% students from public schools in your public university. It means 72% are from private schools. But if you consider all school students, about 10% of them are in private schools. Don't you find it weird that it comes from 10% at high school level and become 72% in university? Do you really think that it all can be resumed to merit? Do you think those private school students are more intelligent than the public school ones?

No, they are not. That's some warped meritocracy. It's like saying to 2 people, you'll race and the first to cross the finish line is allowed to join the university, then one goes by car and the other goes running. Most probably the one in the car is gonna win, but that doesn't mean he has more merit than the loser, it only means he had better support. And that's what this is about, quotas come to balance the poor public education we have at basic education level, that's it.

And I'm assuming USP has already taken some quotas or other measures to help the public school students, so the number should be even lower. And actually, I don't think it matters if it is an assured place for public schools only or and additional in your grades. You just have to tune it accordingly, the latter can be even more devastating than the former. Just look at what happened in ENEM to join UFF.

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What I mean is that there are only 28% students from public schools in your public university. It means 72% are from private schools. But if you consider all school students, about 10% of them are in private schools. Don't you find it weird that it comes from 10% at high school level and become 72% in university? Do you really think that it all can be resumed to merit? Do you think those private school students are more intelligent than the public school ones?

No, they are not. That's some warped meritocracy. It's like saying to 2 people, you'll race and the first to cross the finish line is allowed to join the university, then one goes by car and the other goes running. Most probably the one in the car is gonna win, but that doesn't mean he has more merit than the loser, it only means he had better support. And that's what this is about, quotas come to balance the poor public education we have in basic education, that's it.

And I'm assuming USP has already taken some quotas or other measures to help the public school students, so the number should be even lower. And actually, I don't think it matters if it is an assured place for public schools only or and additional in your grades. You just have to tune it accordingly, the latter can be even more devastating than the former. Just look at what happened in ENEM to join UFF.

Again the intelligent stupid argument? This has nothing to do with intelligence, it has nothing to do with being smarter. It is about not being able to follow what you will learn. If you will teach how to multiply for two kids, but one did not learn how to add. Do you think they will both learn? NOOOOOOOO! What will happen is that the student will either drop university and then the whole point goes downhill or he will try until he fails and get some serious psycological problems.

You are looking at things from a completely wrong perspective. People arent against quotas because they dont want to balance things and want USP to be dominated by rich boys with Porsche's as their 18yo gift. They are against it because it is the worse way of doing it. (I can explain why, but it would be absurdly long and I dont think you want to discuss it).

We cant put a bunch of people, that already suffer a lot, in top Universities just to cause a good impact on international statistics and expect them to thrive and be happy. It must be a careful and gradative process...

You are being really naive to think the "vestibular" is the main poblem here.

EDIT: Anyways, if you want to contiune with it, just reply on that PM of ours!

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Again the intelligent stupid argument? This has nothing to do with intelligence, it has nothing to do with being smarter. It is about not being able to follow what you will learn. If you will teach how to multiply for two kids, but one did not learn how to add. Do you think they will both learn? NOOOOOOOO! What will happen is that the student will either drop university and then the whole point goes downhill or he will try until he fails and get some serious psycological problems.

You are looking at things from a completely wrong perspective. People arent against quotas because they dont want to balance things and want USP to be dominated by rich boys with Porsche's as their 18yo gift. They are against it because it is the worse way of doing it. (I can explain why, but it would be absurdly long and I dont think you want to discuss it).

We cant put a bunch of people, that already suffer a lot, in top Universities just to cause a good impact on international statistics and expect them to thrive and be happy. It must be a careful and gradative process...

You are being really naive to think the "vestibular" is the main poblem here.

EDIT: Anyways, if you want to contiune with it, just reply on that PM of ours!

There are studies showing most students can keep up with the classes. It is harder in engineering, though, because there are some concepts you must have learnt to progress. But even in those cases it is reversible, they only need to be oriented and visit some library to catch up. In most cases the difference isn't as big as this. That's clear when you look at the grades, just compare, for exemple, ENEM grades between quotas and non-quotas, the difference isn't as big as one would think. The gap becomes bigger only in courses "no one" wanna take. In Engineering, Law and Medicine the grades are all close.

Yeah, it's gonna be a bit harder for them, but totally doable. Quitting argument is false also. It is more common for the rich boys to quit. I have "quitted" (interrupted) for a year, for example, just because I didn't feel like doing it. I was really depressed that year.

In fact, it is quite the opposite, most people who came from public schools I knew were more motivated than the norm, because university is like the only shot they've got to make a good amount of money in their life.

And I admitedly said this is not the best way to do it. It should be an emergencial measure to help those students while they fix the real problem, the public schools.

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