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ESPN's going on my unreliable list.

They're reporting Barcelona has offered to sign Neymar next January. This is a lie. Barcelona are broke at the moment, they will not pay £45million for Neymar when they couldn't manage to land Rossi & Sanchéz for £30million each. Not to mention, they're still keen on Fiberglass.

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Welcome back! Hope those bombings didn't effect you.

Thanks mate. Nope, was out of town all this while. Can't help but get used to this shit now. We in Mumbai go through this every couple of years and there's no pain anymore, just numbness.

Welcome back :smiliecap1:

Cheers Nonnes!

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Thanks mate. Nope, was out of town all this while. Can't help but get used to this shit now. We in Mumbai go through this every couple of years and there's no pain anymore, just numbness.

Agreed. Very true..

It's a shame people are getting riled up with racial tension now, horrible to see. Accusations are already being thrown at the neighbouring countries without a shred of evidence. However in lighter news of people's intuition: http://www.economist.com/blogs/babbage/2011/07/online-crisis-management

I'm back myself you lucky sods.

Do you bring cookies? No? Be gone, homer curses you!

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It's a shame people are getting riled up with racial tension now, horrible to see. Accusations are already being thrown at the neighbouring countries without a shred of evidence. However in lighter news of people's intuition: http://www.economist...isis-management

Don't really know of any racial tensions at all. Certainly no outbreak of violence between two communities. You might see the odd right-wing nutter on the telly spouting the usual anti-Pakistan lines, but of course it's all politically motivated, seeing as speaking out against Pakistan is the ultimate brownie point earner in India.

I am astounded though as to the callousness with which the Congress government is treating this. Irresponsible statements like "every such attack cannot be stopped" from Rahul Gandhi (not sure if you know him) paints a picture of how much human life is valued here.

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I am astounded though as to the callousness with which the Congress government is treating this. Irresponsible statements like "every such attack cannot be stopped" from Rahul Gandhi (not sure if you know him) paints a picture of how much human life is valued here.

Pah, typical. Doing anything to cover their asses. Any actual progress been made in attempting to find out the perpetrators or even motives?

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Pah, typical. Doing anything to cover their asses. Any actual progress been made in attempting to find out the perpetrators or even motives?

Zilch. They're flailing their arms about and not naming any names. Well they can't, because they don't know shit. Amazingly the Union Home Minister refuses to call this an intelligence failure. It's all just dandy in the Congress' world.

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