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Cardiff in the FA Cup


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CHEATING John Terry is to miss a vital FA Cup match so he can spend Valentine's Day trying to win back his wife Toni.

England captain Terry, 29, has been given compassionate leave by his club Chelsea to fly to her side and beg forgiveness.

Heart-broken Toni, 28, demanded a divorce and fled to Dubai over his affair with sultry French lingerie model Vanessa Perroncel.

The warring couple had an emotion-charged phone conversation yesterday to set up their summit in Dubai, where Toni is staying with their three-year-old twins.

But being in the Gulf state for Valentine's Day on February 14 means Terry cannot play in Chelsea's Fifth Round clash with Cardiff City the day before.

A source close to Chelsea said: "John still thinks he can win Toni back and rescue his marriage.

"This is the last throw of the dice. He's determined not to come back from Dubai without a reconciliation. He knows he's hurt her badly.

"He's just hoping his words will be enough - but he'll have to grovel like never before.

"John is a football man through and through. But this is about more than football. He's got no option but to miss the Cup tie.''


The source added: "John just hopes that holding the marriage summit over the Valentine's weekend will help sway Toni into seeing they still have a life together.''

Terry, who trained with Chelsea yesterday, bedded Vanessa, 28 - girlfriend of his England team-mate Wayne Bridge - twice a week for four months. And he arranged an abortion after getting her pregnant.

Toni flew out on Saturday night, the day after a High Court judge lifted an injunction Terry took out in a bid to gag the media.

She is holed up in an ocean view apartment she and Terry own at the exclusive Palms resort.

A friend said: "It's the perfect place for her to escape and clear her head."

But Dubai also holds special memories for Toni.

It was where Terry proposed to her and where they had their honeymoon.

Any divorce settlement could cost Terry £10million.

And the scandal leaves his job as England's World Cup captain in doubt.

The FA confirmed yesterday that England boss Fabio Capello alone will decide Terry's future.


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wouldn't surprise me. Will you be singing "we support our local team" and "where was you when you was shit?" too like all other small time clubs?

No we will be getting behind our team ;)  The games of Chelsea ive seen on the box you lot wanna try it :D 

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Cardiff will be vocal we always are. But you can put out your second side and still beat us. Watched the Birmingham game on tv and the movement was just incredible. If we can hold on in there for 30 mins or so we have a chance. City do have a couple of decent finishers. Personally I'm hoping for a replay so I can see The Blues back in Cardiff. It's win win for me a week Saturday

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As far as I'm concerned, I wish Cardiff the very best of luck. I really admire the honesty of Dave Jones, and think on the whole you have a decent squad.

It'd be great to see an old-fashioned cup-tie between the two teams. Of course I want the Blues to win, but you've got to have a bit of romance in the FA Cup!

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Dont quite understand that one. Thought Iwas in turmoil being a Blues supporter and Cardiff ST holder!

12 months ago City would have had a chance at the old Ninian Park, but I think its Chelsea for the quarters by 3 clear goals. Still, can wait for the game. It's 34 years since I've been to The Bridge.(Oct 76 Chelsea 2-1City)

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No we will be getting behind our team ;) The games of Chelsea ive seen on the box you lot wanna try it :D

I'm sure if your players stand outside our dressing room we'll sign a few jerseys. Would also been a nice gesture by the club if they supplied you with some 'I was there' T-shirts ;)

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