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Hi from Chelseadaft


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Hi Everyone

I am Chelseadaft and have signed up to the forum as we have just confirmed Official Site links from this site to my blog " A Chelsea Fans Blog for Chelsea Fans " and from mine to this site.

I am Andy, 34 years old and was born in Chelsea, London UK. My whole family is Chelsea through and through. My earliest memories of going to see Chelsea was when i used to go with my Dad to North End Road, Fulham where my Grandad had a Fruit & Vegatables Market Stall. So we would go there and leave about 14:30 and walk up to Stamford Bridge. My other Grandad worked on the turnstiles so we would look for him and get in for nothing or pay 2-for-1!

Would walk up the stairs and stand in the Shed End. I have memories of packed terraces, electric fences, being in the 2nd division and being part of crowds of 5,000 or so. More recently one of my particular highlights has to be the 2nd leg of the Champions league semi final last season against Liverpool where i was in the Matthew Harding stand as we beat them 3-2 on the night and later celebrated on Fulham Broadway! What a night! Of course we will always be grateful for Jose Mourinho and i personally hope we get him back!

Thats the thing you see, we are Blue through and through. We have our ups and we have our downs but we live through it because we love Chelsea.

My Blog has everything from Match Previews & Reports (including goals), rumours, old videos and much more. So come and pay my site a visit and spread the word around all Chelsea Fans you know as i am trying to get as much interest as possible. You can follow me on Facebook and Twitter or by simple Feed Readers. I hope to read your comments soon on the site! Chelseadaft.

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