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Should we sell JT?


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Was watching sunday supplement on Skysports. They were talking about JT and Manc City's bid for him. Some Valid points why we should sell JT:

1.) He has past his peak. He isnt the same player he was few yrs back.

2.) Injury prone. His body has taken a lot of battering.

3.) Chelsea need money and rumours are that JT can break the transfer record set by Jap Stam.

4.) We can blood Mancienne into JT's role.

Some Valid points why we should not sell him:

1.) a 70% fit JT is better than a 100% fit new defender.

2.) Leader through and through. One who drives the team. We dont have anyone like him at the club.

3.) Chelsea through and through. He is the image of the club.

Your thoughts......

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No!! He may not be the same player but he plays with his heart on his sleeves which seems to make up for the ones that dont.As said leader through and through.That and he wants to manage us someday...commitment!!

And beside he aint gana go City they're doing nothing.Trying to kid themselves they can challenge for things but seriously they cant.Im sorry they apprantly were thinking according to some paper of a 20m bid?!Insult! Ok its the paper talk but still

And dont want Man City to become the old Chels..they've already got two of our players they dont need another

Edited by Laylabelle
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2 years ago I wouldnt have given it a second thought, but its true that he isnt the player he was back then, so on a footballing sense I would snap Citehs hands off for a massive offer.

If Roman is going to be a tightarse with his cash, then if we can get a huge amount of money for him then why not and strengthen the team elsewhere. We do need to rejuvenate the squad. That sort of cash for a player who's getting by on reputation alone atm should not be sniffed at.

As much as JT is the heart and soul of the club we have to look outside the box to the future. JT wont be around for ever and if his injuries continue to hamper him he could well retire early and we'll have missed a great opportunity to cash in.

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2 years ago I wouldnt have given it a second thought, but its true that he isnt the player he was back then, so on a footballing sense I would snap Citehs hands off for a massive offer.

If Roman is going to be a tightarse with his cash, then if we can get a huge amount of money for him then why not and strengthen the team elsewhere. We do need to rejuvenate the squad. That sort of cash for a player who's getting by on reputation alone atm should not be sniffed at.

As much as JT is the heart and soul of the club we have to look outside the box to the future. JT wont be around for ever and if his injuries continue to hamper him he could well retire early and we'll have missed a great opportunity to cash in.

I could just not stand the sight of him in a city shirt. Either saying goodbye to our Chelsea legend.

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Well, if you think with your brain, we should sell him. He isnt the same player and we can get 50million pound for him.

If we think with our heart ie emotionally, We should not sell him cus he is Chelsea through and through.

Now then, IF we happen to sell him, I feel the squad will break down. He is the glue that binds the squad on and off the feild. He is a great asset to our club. I just hope he improves his performances.

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Even if you think with your brain, we shouldn´t sell him.

Alright, he is not that strong anymore, but he still has a huge impact on the team.

In my opinion is something like Giggs is for Manure.

The good spirit, the leading captain.

We would sell our heart.

50 million pounds is allright.

BUT i couldn´t stand the fact the he had to go and not players like Drogba

because of our financial problem...

JT shouldn´t jump over the cliff for the clubs problems.

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Food for thought.

JT has been in and out of the squad the last 2 seasons with injuries. In those last 2 seasons we were inches away from winning the title and the CL and this season we've still had a pretty decent defence. Our problem is scoring goals. I'm happy with the players who have filled in for JT and feel they are able to carry on with the job they've been doing.

If 50/60m helps us bring in the players we've been crying out for the last 2 seasons then so be it. Roman has made it clear he sees Chelsea as a business. If he sees selling JT as a good business move then he will do it.

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Can't believe this is even up for discussion he's the heart and soul of Chelsea fc.

Just another example of how money has ruined the game the fact that some people would even consider it

Good point - theres no way a club would let their talisman go in the old days, now with the lure of cash its different.

Hes been a bit pony of late, but he would not want to go, and his vocal inspiration is also underated.

Hope he has an enduring future, starting tomorrow against Villa who he debuted against 11 years ago

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