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Can we win the League?


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We'd have to have a ton of dropped points from Liverpool and Man Utd if Chelsea were to win. Right now it looks like Man Utd will win it as they have games in hand and a ton of home games coming up. Oh well rather hear about a three-peat then a we've finally won the Premier League we're the best ever. Fuck Liverpool.

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there is absolutely no chance of us winning the title or of winning anything this season, even more so against man ure next weekend i dreading it, we're gonna get slaughtered and be shown up as the clowns we are, to many players in the comfort zone the squad needs a complete overhaul.

this is who we need to get rid of:








regards: josesbluediamonds

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On current form, I have to agree with Tri-Blue. However, what makes me still feel confident of lifting the trophy, is the fact that whilst we've been terrible recently, dropping points left, right and centre, Liverpool are only three points ahead, and sooner or later their luck will run out - it only takes a couple of decent results and the pressure really is on them. They have absolutely no experience of leading the pack and come 'Squeaky Bum Time,' they'll be bricking it.

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We'll turn it round i'm sure, but on current form we have no fukin chance. We aint breaking teams open or creating anything.

Can we win the league? Yes, no1 is playing great so theres every chance. We're still in a good possition to sort it all out starting with a win at old trafford on sunday.

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Well, we have been shite, I can agree with you on that, but look at the league table. Liverpool have been playing pretty well recently but they're just three three points ahead. Whilst we've been dropping points, so have the other teams.

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