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one for the spurs


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walking around the supermarket today,bored outta me tits and thought pf this one,

it's just a funny one though, cause it's a bit anti-semetic.

#you are a yiddo bast*** your nose is fuc**** huge,

and when you come to stamford bridge you always fuc**** lose#

the tune is........hmmmmmm.......how to explain it.......?

oh yeah, the arsenal wenger song (arsene wenger's magic.......)

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antisemitic bullshit :thumbsdown:

care to tell me why?!?!?!

1) ''yiddo'' is derived from the yiddish language which is jewish.......nothin bad there!

2) them having big noses is just stereotypical which is bad, but everyone does it!!!

so there! you :wank2:

oh and :moaning: !!!!!

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first of all

why do you insult me ?


just because everyone is saying "jews have big noses" is no reason to use that stereotype, you even know it os one

i know they call themselves "yid armee" and all that jazz

what i want to say is, that i think that this chant is going to far at the tottenham-insulting

they play worse football, there is no need for chants like that

they know they are shit

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