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18 minutes ago, TheHulk said:

This is horseshit, we've been in discussions for over a day if Costa only wanted the RC there wouldn't even be discussions. This is down to structures and installments, Todd wants 6 or something, looks like he wants to penny pinch for the sake of it instead of doing 3-4 installments.

As I've said numerous times, I believe costa wants more than the clause. Indeed it seems he has been offered more than the clause, but still is holding out for more.

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4 minutes ago, bijitaq said:

You don't even own your club pal. An american owns it. Your club is the play thing of bored billionaires. Calm down.  

What the fuck are you actually doing her apart from annoying people?

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10 minutes ago, DDA said:

Listen pal... Benfica are Benfica and Chelsea are Chelsea... there is a natural order of things... it's unfortunate you support the club that has less financial sway and plays in a far weaker league.

Now that is an extremely arrogant comment. Lets get this straight, currently, we are sitting 10th lol. Natural order of things or not, Benfica well within their right and if the shoe were on other foot we’d be praising our board for their stance. 

Edited by OneMoSalah
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8 minutes ago, OneMoSalah said:

Now that is an extremely arrogant comment. Lets get this straight, currently, we are sitting 10th lol. Natural order of things or not, Benfica well within their right and if the shoe were on other foot we’d be praising our board for their stance. 

Nothing arrogant about it at all. Befinca fans should face the reality of things. They are a very well run club, you could argue that they are far better run than us from a financial point of view... but they are nothing more than a feeder club for the elite around Europe.... I think they are happy with that status from board room level but obviously their fans are going to take it harder than the suits who get their pockets lined with the sales.

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1 minute ago, bijitaq said:

Maybe afford the others the respect you want for yourselves. That's a good way of looking at things.

And I would listen to you for what reason? How the fuck a Benfica fan come on another forum and start being all high and mighty is beyond me.


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3 minutes ago, DDA said:

It seems we have another dumbo doing the rounds on TalkChelsea.

Visitors should be welcome here. If he has a different opinion to most here so what? By my reckoning the first inappropriate post was written to him not by him.

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Just now, OhForAGreavsie said:

Visitors should be welcome here. If he has a different opinion to most here so what? By my reckoning the first inappropriate post was written to him not by him.

Coming here right when it looks like the deal is in collapse, I'm sure his intentions we're pure..

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Just now, OhForAGreavsie said:

Visitors should be welcome here. If he has a different opinion to most here so what? By my reckoning the first inappropriate post was written to him not by him.

Visitors are welcome but when they come through the door and start taking swipes at what the club is or isn't it crosses a line, then that leads to heckles up.

Dead simple

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21 minutes ago, Special Juan said:

Visitors are welcome but when they come through the door and start taking swipes at what the club is or isn't it crosses a line, then that leads to heckles up.

Dead simple

His first post didn't bother me in the least, nor do I think it should have bothered anyone. He spoke directly, but he spoke the truth as he sees it. I'm sure many would see it as he does. There has indeed been a display of self-entitlement in this thread.

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11 minutes ago, OhForAGreavsie said:

I'm sure he came to give his opinion and I'm ok with that.

You're right... every one is allowed their opinion and I shouldn't resort to insults but every single fucking time a transfer involved a foreign club their fans come in here talking smack about our club and its fans.... and I'm going to defend our own, that's just how I was raised. 

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1 minute ago, DDA said:

You're right... every one is allowed their opinion and I shouldn't resort to insults but every single fucking time a transfer involved a foreign club their fans come in here talking smack about our club and its fans.... and I'm going to defend our own, that's just how I was raised. 


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