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Fans anger over withdrawals


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Liverpool, Chelsea and Man Utd ignorant of fans anger

The hierarchy at Man Utd, Liverpool and Chelsea are showing immense ignorance at the anger that fans feel in light of their consistent player withdrawals from international friendlies and they are so blind to this that they continue to justify the policy despite very few in the game believing their excuses.

Liverpool are already expressing anger that Gerrard was forced to travel a round trip of 400 miles to prove his injury to the England doctors, instead of showing anger maybe they should have looked within themselves and ask why most think they are actually liars and don’t believe them.

The fans are not stupid and it does not apply to just England but most International teams, it is always the high profile clubs removing their players from these games and yet they always seem to be ok to play for their clubs.

It may be worth the worlds governing bodies implementing a rule that if a player withdraws from International duty without the consent of the International teams doctor then they are ineligible to play for their club for seven days, may be controversial but then no one is forcing players to play for their countries.

Implementing a rule making a player ineligible to play for seven days would be a non runner imo. Players can be injured for several days and be ready to return for the next game. It would be unfair on the player and unfair on the clubs.

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What is there to moan about. Lampard has been looked over by the England Physio and passed not fit to play - that was done without any drama, i am not sure though why Gerrard didn't get checked over first and was then forced to fly over to be checked.

Players get injured, it happens, this is what you get when you put an international game in the middle of a packed November playing schedule.

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The players have legitimate injuries. They turned up to the squad hotel, they got scanned, the injuries were found, they are not playing....

If the fans dont like it, its tough shit. If our 2nd team beat Germany away it will be quite funny :D

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Most of the fans who travel around following england are fans of small clubs, more so from lower divisions, their only chance of seeing these stars is when the play for england and hence their frustration should be understood if frankie case wouldn't have been there and gerrard was gonna play at the weekend i would have raised an eyebrow too..

i guess even a friendly with germany means a lot.. i'm sure had it been against norway away, no one would have bothered..

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