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1. Pff IDK maybe poor was very strong word to use but generally I'm very annoyed of his movies (not films) because is so much Hype around them and usually he fails to deliever!

2. Almost all of them men! I'm huge cinema fan watched thousands of movie's in my life! Yeah I like some of his movies like Heat ofcource and Ali, maybe Miaimi Vice, also The Insider was good and it's funny I like his movies the most when he is a producer the likes of the Aviator (one of my favourite)! not so much when he directs but yeah the latests movies he produce or direct, exuse me but Public Enemies was pure shit, but was supposed to be the movie of the Decade!!! Collateral also was........ let's just say Tom Cruise was in it that's enough to ruined something you watch when he is in it!

And when puted next to theese movies especially Heat the likes of Black hat and Public enemies Collateral it's like they're made by a different person. I haven't watced that movie you posted the one from the 80's maybe is good I have to checked out!!! But generally he is a Hollywood puppet who makes predictable movies. When you watched them you know exactly what will happen the enire time, you know who's the bad who's the good and what will happended in the End! And I dont like that. And that's why Heat is his best film so far IMHO!

3. I like directors with a different approach to the fim than theese Holywood puppets! The likes of: Gaspar Noe, Nicolas Winding Refn, Lars von Trier (he is my favourite) and ofcource Coppola, Scorsese, Peter Jackson Oliver Stone can't even be copmared to Mann as in quallity!

4. And sorry but to give Black hat a 9 out of 10 is just amazing to me when there are so many good movies out there even imdb gives it 5/10 and they are prety reliable when it comes to ratings!

Well firstly I don't think there's that much hype around his films, Mann is definitely not as mainstream as somebody like Nolan. He's clearly not your taste, but to disparage his entire filmography simply because he's not your cup of tea is just lame criticism. For the record I haven't even seen Public Enemies. Collateral is a supremely badass movie, I don't get why 90% of males hate Tom Cruise. He can be a fantastic actor when working with the right director (i.e Eyes Wide Shut)

And how do Heat, Blackhat and Collateral look like made by a different person though? They're pretty consistent and look very much like the works of the same person. Do you pay attention to cinematography, shot composition, soundtracks? Mann's movies have like the same tone/themes most of the time. But anyway, you clearly judge movies only by plot. If I did that, film probably wouldn't be my favorite medium. I like some of your favorite directors, so I'm not saying you have a bad taste. Nicolas Winding Refn in particular is a fantastic director and one of my favorites. Lars von Trier is alright, but he tries too hard. Coppola and Scorsese are of course great.

But hold on a minute, who really cares about IMDb ratings? Never judge movies by their IMDb score. Interestellar for example had like a 9.5/10 score last year for a time, because the Nolan fanboys were giving it 10s without even seeing it. Besides, lots of great movies don't have really high ratings on IMDb, the site works only for extremely popular and mainstream films and most of the films are rated by general audiences and not serious cinephiles or film critics. There's so many foreign/obscure/art house films not that many people have heard about. Is Forrest Gump really in the top 15 movies ever made? Far from it.

Long story short, for me Blackhat is a directorial triumph and I'd like you to come up with arguments to convince me otherwise. Don't use claims such as plot doesn't make sense because not every film should follow conventional narrative or storytelling techniques. I love me an atmospheric film that will rely on visuals and mood rather than spoonfeed me answers along the way.

Or maybe the movie just worked for me. Taste in film is after all subjective.

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Well firstly I don't think there's that much hype around his films, Mann is definitely not as mainstream as somebody like Nolan. He's clearly not your taste, but to disparage his entire filmography simply because he's not your cup of tea is just lame criticism. For the record I haven't even seen Public Enemies. Collateral is a supremely badass movie, I don't get why 90% of males hate Tom Cruise. He can be a fantastic actor when working with the right director (i.e Eyes Wide Shut)

And how do Heat, Blackhat and Collateral look like made by a different person though? They're pretty consistent and look very much like the works of the same person. Do you pay attention to cinematography, shot composition, soundtracks? Mann's movies have like the same tone/themes most of the time. But anyway, you clearly judge movies only by plot. If I did that, film probably wouldn't be my favorite medium. I like some of your favorite directors, so I'm not saying you have a bad taste. Nicolas Winding Refn in particular is a fantastic director and one of my favorites. Lars von Trier is alright, but he tries too hard. Coppola and Scorsese are of course great.

But hold on a minute, who really cares about IMDb ratings? Never judge movies by their IMDb score. Interestellar for example had like a 9.5/10 score last year for a time, because the Nolan fanboys were giving it 10s without even seeing it. Besides, lots of great movies don't have really high ratings on IMDb, the site works only for extremely popular and mainstream films and most of the films are rated by general audiences and not serious cinephiles or film critics. There's so many foreign/obscure/art house films not that many people have heard about. Is Forrest Gump really in the top 15 movies ever made? Far from it.

Long story short, for me Blackhat is a directorial triumph and I'd like you to come up with arguments to convince me otherwise. Don't use claims such as plot doesn't make sense because not every film should follow conventional narrative or storytelling techniques. I love me an atmospheric film that will rely on visuals and mood rather than spoonfeed me answers along the way.

Or maybe the movie just worked for me. Taste in film is after all subjective.

Im not disparaging anythig simpy stated that some movies I like and some of them are pure shit! Simple ofcource he is famous movie director and I'm nobody to critisise his movies just posting an opinion on the work of the famous and"great" not mainstream at all director Michael Mann! The only film I really liked with Tom Cruise is Vanilla Sky. But I agree Eyes wide shut is a great movie (thanks of reminding me of it gonna watch it again tonight)!

They look like they've made by differen person to me because i thought Heat was great didin't liked so much like at all collateral and blach hat! and usually when i like the work of some director I can't like some and hate some of it! It;s usually all good or all bad to me I mean!

Mehn, You're right I pay the most attention to the plot! And why the Fuck not! There nothing more important for me than the story I mean what else why you gonna watch something and not gonna pay atention to what is going to tell tou, What will understand of it, what you will learn from it! How the actor is going to build he's character and how is going to develop it through the movie! Yeah the music is important the lences used is important, the angles from which they shot are important ofcource making a movie is a collective effort and one out of the other can't exist! But wathching a movie for the music is unvalid for me!

I don't care of the Imdb ratings just it was strange to me that you give 9/10 and they are giving a 5 using the same analogy I guess! I agree on the part of the incorectness of those rating systems i never watch them for to chose a movie I like what i like! Sencing that you don't like Nolan particularly! I myself am a "fanboy" as you called it! Think he is fantastic and Inception was pure genius!!! and yeah why not Forrest Gump can be in the top 15 Why Not! Mybe not in yours or mines but yeah it's a beatifull and elegant lite film defining a generation!

I'm not gonna convince you why you shouldn't like that "triumph of cinema" as you called it because I can't you\re a different person with you'r own understandings and preferences If you like it so much fine! It was just strange to me how can you liked so fucking much! Was it really that good? Try to remember all of those films that you watched because clearly you know you stuff, and than after this say man yeah Black Hat can be compared and put next to one of my favourites!

Didn't state that plot doesn't make sense because that's the thing it should'n makes sense sometime's it should be typical holywood bulshit when you know what is going to happened next and t ogood guy will win and with pretty lady gonna live happily ever after. that's the not the movie I'm looking for you know to be as real as possible ( in the Black Hat genre I mean, because LOTR is the greatest movie ever made for me). Don't know why you're being so aggresive maybe I provoked you! Didn't mean to but clearly you're english is far superior than mine and that's why we can't exactly understand eachother! Anyway don't know if I'm able to answer back because theese discussions took me much time and effort to wright back! And that I don't have! If you like Michael Mann fine! If you liked Black Hat so much ok. You're not gonna be able to convince me that nor I will be able to do otherwise!

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Im not disparaging anythig simpy stated that some movies I like and some of them are pure shit! Simple ofcource he is famous movie director and I'm nobody to critisise his movies just posting an opinion on the work of the famous and"great" not mainstream at all director Michael Mann! The only film I really liked with Tom Cruise is Vanilla Sky. But I agree Eyes wide shut is a great movie (thanks of reminding me of it gonna watch it again tonight)!

They look like they've made by differen person to me because i thought Heat was great didin't liked so much like at all collateral and blach hat! and usually when i like the work of some director I can't like some and hate some of it! It;s usually all good or all bad to me I mean!

Mehn, You're right I pay the most attention to the plot! And why the Fuck not! There nothing more important for me than the story I mean what else why you gonna watch something and not gonna pay atention to what is going to tell tou, What will understand of it, what you will learn from it! How the actor is going to build he's character and how is going to develop it through the movie! Yeah the music is important the lences used is important, the angles from which they shot are important ofcource making a movie is a collective effort and one out of the other can't exist! But wathching a movie for the music is unvalid for me!

I don't care of the Imdb ratings just it was strange to me that you give 9/10 and they are giving a 5 using the same analogy I guess! I agree on the part of the incorectness of those rating systems i never watch them for to chose a movie I like what i like! Sencing that you don't like Nolan particularly! I myself am a "fanboy" as you called it! Think he is fantastic and Inception was pure genius!!! and yeah why not Forrest Gump can be in the top 15 Why Not! Mybe not in yours or mines but yeah it's a beatifull and elegant lite film defining a generation!

I'm not gonna convince you why you shouldn't like that "triumph of cinema" as you called it because I can't you\re a different person with you'r own understandings and preferences If you like it so much fine! It was just strange to me how can you liked so fucking much! Was it really that good? Try to remember all of those films that you watched because clearly you know you stuff, and than after this say man yeah Black Hat can be compared and put next to one of my favourites!

Didn't state that plot doesn't make sense because that's the thing it should'n makes sense sometime's it should be typical holywood bulshit when you know what is going to happened next and t ogood guy will win and with pretty lady gonna live happily ever after. that's the not the movie I'm looking for you know to be as real as possible ( in the Black Hat genre I mean, because LOTR is the greatest movie ever made for me). Don't know why you're being so aggresive maybe I provoked you! Didn't mean to but clearly you're english is far superior than mine and that's why we can't exactly understand eachother! Anyway don't know if I'm able to answer back because theese discussions took me much time and effort to wright back! And that I don't have! If you like Michael Mann fine! If you liked Black Hat so much ok. You're not gonna be able to convince me that nor I will be able to do otherwise!

Oh wow, you didn't provoke me dude, no way. Maybe I have a pugnacious attitude when I discuss movies as it's my biggest passion, but you did no wrong. I wasn't being aggressive at all either, it probably seemed like that to you but I believe I was being super friendly. And don't worry, your English is fine and I understand you perfectly.

Anyways, I'm not trying to say Blackhat is a masterpiece of cinema or that it redefines the action genre or anything crazy like that. But obviously, I analyze films differently from you. Personally when I judge films all I care about is the execution, and in that regard Blackhat is nearly flawless for me. Why? Because it's pretty much perfect in what it tried to achieve.

I'm also a huge fan of Mann because his films are pretty artistic to me. Look at 90% of the crap Hollywood produces each year and notice how lame these movies are, but most importantly, how lame they look. I thought The Avengers was a really weak and boring movie as a result of this (though the cinematography and the technical aspect of it weren't the only things I disliked about the movie). Most films shot on digital these days have this boring and tasteless "grey" look or "teal and orange" look. The color palettes in most movies these days are not exciting at all and they bring nothing new. Another example of this is Man of Steel. But there are thousands of them really.

In contrast, Mann's movies are quite artistic because they're extremely stylish and audiovisual marvels. His visuals and color palette not only are they masterfully executed but they even complement the characters in his movies. I know that a lot of people only care about story, but I (and millions of other cinephiles) don't care only about story. Some of the more profound/life changing movies are those that don't explain everything and shove the film's message down your throat. Like most great art, great movies too should leave some room for meditation and they should be open to interpretation. The Mona Lisa would be just another painting if it didn't have that mystery about it or had Da Vinci explained what it all meant.

As for Nolan I don't mind Nolan, I just think he's far from being one of the greatest directors. He's not even in my top 10 of his own generation, let alone all time. You criticize Mann and Blackhat because the narrative isn't straightforward and you don't like Chris Hemsworth, but what if I criticize Inception for not succeeding entirely at what it tried to achieve? What if I criticized it for looking too real for a surreal/dreamlike movie. Dreams look nothing like in Inception. What if I complained that the film tried to explain too much too quickly? So basically, it's the films execution and the way it handles its themes and ideas that I rate, not whether the film stars Chris Hemsworth or Leo Di Caprio.

Besides, do you seriously think it's fair that Nolan has like 3-4 films in the IMDb top 20? Does cinema consist of just post-2000 Hollywood? What about all those countries and great directors? What about all those great decades and film movements?

And no man, Forrest Gump doesn't deserve top 15, no way. It doesn't even deserve top 500 films of the 1990s, let alone top 15 all time. Why is it top 15 all time? Because most of the world population have seen very few from that particular decade, and Forrest Gump is very popular and shows very frequently on TV, that's why. Hitchcock alone made 15 better movies than Forrest Gump. And where are the movies of all-time greats like Orson Welles, Tarkovsky, Lynch, Bergman, Fellini?

And back to Blackhat once again, notice that 5.4 is just the average rating. Over a thousand people (out of about 20,000) rated it 10 and 9 respectively (see here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2717822/ratings?ref_=tt_ov_rt). Not really that important, just wanted to point it out.

I know I said that film is all subjective at the end of the day, but I'm trying to be as objective as possible here. Obviously a lot of people care only about plot and only about what happens in a movie, but film shouldn't be limited to just narrative. It is a means of artistic expression and I love it when I see directors change the language of cinema by making radical movies and trying to make a statement with their art. I hate run-of-the-mill movies. They're just a waste of time and celluloid.

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Blackhat (2015)


I thought Mann couldn't top Manhunter but he's gone and totally outdone himself. What a stunning piece of cinema.

Our ICT teacher asked if we wanted to see it at the cinema, few people went and apparently those who went hated it (then again there opinions aren't too important ;p).

since I had my IGCSEs, when I had spare time I was usually watching some comedy (like stand up and even Monty Python)

so I saw Police Academy!!!! Michael Winslow is amazing with his 'sound effects'.

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Can't argue with that. Not one bit! You're so far from my level of knowedge of the cinema! I watch foreign films, but rarely prefer an english speaking one! Didn't also watch a lot of the clasics the work of the likes of Hitchcock (but i was interested a lot in him as person and his proces of filming)! Do you study or studied cinematography you seem to know a lot?

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Can't argue with that. Not one bit! You're so far from my level of knowedge of the cinema! I watch foreign films, but rarely prefer an english speaking one! Didn't also watch a lot of the clasics the work of the likes of Hitchcock (but i was interested a lot in him as person and his proces of filming)! Do you study or studied cinematography you seem to know a lot?

I wouldn't say I'm so far from your level of cinema, judging from those directors you mentioned which you said you liked, I'd say you know about film a lot more than most people. And no I don't study film (I don't go to film school if that's what you meant), but I pretty much 'study' it online because I'm constantly watching films and reading about them a lot.

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I wouldn't say I'm so far from your level of cinema, judging from those directors you mentioned which you said you liked, I'd say you know about film a lot more than most people. And no I don't study film (I don't go to film school if that's what you meant), but I pretty much 'study' it online because I'm constantly watching films and reading about them a lot.

same here. Love watching fims! They're are and I spend Huge part of my life watching! there're is nothing more satisfactional than a good film for me! Can you recommend something, like one of your favourites?

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same here. Love watching fims! They're are and I spend Huge part of my life watching! there're is nothing more satisfactional than a good film for me! Can you recommend something, like one of your favourites?

Sure. I have lots of favorites but most of them are films from directors that I am a huge fan of. So I'm just going to give you the names of some of my favorite directors because if I listed all their films this post would be huge:

David Lynch, Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorsese, Andrei Tarkovsky, Federico Fellini, Terrence Malick, Nicolas Winding Refn, Luis Bunuel, Quentin Tarantino, Paul Thomas Anderson, Coen brothers, Alfred Hitchcock, Jean-Pierre Melville, Jean-Luc Godard, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Ingmar Bergman, Roman Polanski, Brian De Palma, Wong Kar-wai... list goes on.

Do you use Letterboxd? It's a great site for rating movies, me and another member from this forum use it.

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Sure. I have lots of favorites but most of them are films from directors that I am a huge fan of. So I'm just going to give you the names of some of my favorite directors because if I listed all their films this post would be huge:

David Lynch, Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorsese, Andrei Tarkovsky, Federico Fellini, Terrence Malick, Nicolas Winding Refn, Luis Bunuel, Quentin Tarantino, Paul Thomas Anderson, Coen brothers, Alfred Hitchcock, Jean-Pierre Melville, Jean-Luc Godard, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Ingmar Bergman, Roman Polanski, Brian De Palma, Wong Kar-wai... list goes on.

Do you use Letterboxd? It's a great site for rating movies, me and another member from this forum use it.

I'm using it now!Never herad of it before If you want you can find me there and befriend I guess IDK how exactly this works is it like a sociall network for movies? TheIceMan9182! To be honest not used to share about films with other people I take this art for very serious and personal a thing just for me! Terrence Malick i was sure you gonna mension him just had a feeling you like his films!I like him a lot aslo despite that sometimes think that they're too damn long like thin red line (my god and i watched the directors cut aslo)! Unfortunately I know and have watched the masterpieces of many of this artists you listed certainly watched everything from: Martin Scorsese Nicolas Winding Refn ( of course), Tarantino. Paul Thomas Anderson, the Coen brothers de Palma.

Watched some of Lynch, Kubrick, Tarkovsky. Hitchckock, Bergman, Polanski (Oh, the pianist what a film) Fellini of course I herad of him but didn't see anything from him (might sound strange and classical popcorn movie fan, and a holywood puppet but don't digg a lot black and white movie's the one I can remember to be able to enjoy are Good Night, and Good Luck. and Ed wood and maybe a few others can think of any of them right now,but theese are modern so not comparing them to the old clasics wich they didn't simply didint have the technology, but still It's barrier for me which I have to cross someday!

and finnaly I absukutely did't heard or can't remember watching something from and thus have to check them out: Luis Bunuel,Jean-Pierre Melville, Jean-Luc Godard, Krzysztof Kieślowski,Wong Kar-wai!

And also forgot to mention in my previous post about a favourite of mine Steve McQueen Shame it was just OMG still when i remembered it I'm shivering. And Yeah, aslo Hunger!

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I'm using it now!Never herad of it before If you want you can find me there and befriend I guess IDK how exactly this works is it like a sociall network for movies? TheIceMan9182! To be honest not used to share about films with other people I take this art for very serious and personal a thing just for me! Terrence Malick i was sure you gonna mension him just had a feeling you like his films!I like him a lot aslo despite that sometimes think that they're too damn long like thin red line (my god and i watched the directors cut aslo)! Unfortunately I know and have watched the masterpieces of many of this artists you listed certainly watched everything from: Martin Scorsese Nicolas Winding Refn ( of course), Tarantino. Paul Thomas Anderson, the Coen brothers de Palma.

Watched some of Lynch, Kubrick, Tarkovsky. Hitchckock, Bergman, Polanski (Oh, the pianist what a film) Fellini of course I herad of him but didn't see anything from him (might sound strange and classical popcorn movie fan, and a holywood puppet but don't digg a lot black and white movie's the one I can remember to be able to enjoy are Good Night, and Good Luck. and Ed wood and maybe a few others can think of any of them right now,but theese are modern so not comparing them to the old clasics wich they didn't simply didint have the technology, but still It's barrier for me which I have to cross someday!

and finnaly I absukutely did't heard or can't remember watching something from and thus have to check them out: Luis Bunuel,Jean-Pierre Melville, Jean-Luc Godard, Krzysztof Kieślowski,Wong Kar-wai!

And also forgot to mention in my previous post about a favourite of mine Steve McQueen Shame it was just OMG still when i remembered it I'm shivering. And Yeah, aslo Hunger!

It is basically a social network for films, yeah. You can follow people and they can follow you, and you can see what films the people that you follow have recently seen. It's also a really good site to keep a diary, this way you know how many films you've seen during a month/year. I'm following you now.

Oh and I like McQueen too. I'm not a huge fan of Hunger, but I think Shame is an excellent movie. You seem to have great taste!

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So because the new Terminator looks bad...me and a mate decided to watch the first three again.

The Terminator: 8/10 - Awesome. More serious than the others and nice to see Arnie as the bad guy. Awesome ending.

Terminator 2: 9/10. - I love this film, just about my favourite but I can see why people would prefer the first. Laura Hamilton's transformation from T1 to T2 is great. Having Khaleesi play Sarah Connor is embarassing.

Terminator 3: 4/10. - Woeful. Absolutely hated it. Laughably bad at points.

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Just watched great torrent copy of Spy. Its hard coked with Hong Kong subtitles uploaded by EVO. One of those that you get used to the subs really quick and you dont notice them after a short time.

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