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Daily Mail

Terry 'sets a terrible example to youngsters' and 'should not be allowed to captain England again', says Doncaster chairman

The FA have been told that John Terry should not be allowed to captain England again after the professional foul that saw the Chelsea centre-half sent off but later cleared when referee Mark Halsey's decision was overruled.

Doncaster Rovers' chairman John Ryan, who has made his views clear to the FA, is 'disgusted' that Halsey's red card was wiped out and claims that plenty of football insiders, including other club chairmen, agree with him.

Ryan said: 'Mark Halsey is a first-class referee whose decisions should be backed by the FA. Instead they capitulate at the first sign of flak. It's in danger of becoming a thug's charter if you can get away with doing what Terry did.

'You suspect that Alex Ferguson was right when he said it wouldn't have happened if the club in question had been Manchester United. Not everybody in the game thinks the FA were right to reverse the decision, far from it.

'I've spoken to plenty of people who thought that Mark Halsey made the right call. Other referees will feel undermined by this. Halsey deserved to get the full support of the FA. I'm not sure how this reflects on their new regime of respect.

'John Terry's action was certainly not that of an England skipper. Billy Wright would have lost the captaincy for good if he had done something like that. It's sets a terrible example to youngsters. I've told the FA but I don't expect to hear back.'

People are making out as if JT went at him with the intention of breaking him in half. All he done was take him out and took (what he thought) was one for the team. You'll see hundreds of tackles all season with the intent to break play up and take a caution for the team. Halsey got a rush of blood to the head and was proved to be wrong.

Get over it FFS. :rolleyes:

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John Who?....Doncaster...Wheres that? lol cunt, if thats a red card offence we might aswell just stop playing football all together or make it a non contact sport. If the ref had just given a yellow card, nothing else wouldve been said and it wouldve been forgotten about. Whats the fucking difference? fuck the northern prick hes full of complete shit.

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People like some spotlight. Who is he btw? and what club is Doncaster Rovers.?

The fact that he called Haseley a First Class referee proves that this guy needs to be given some credit for having the balls to actually come out with that sort of tosh.

Edited by warnie_666
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