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Mourinho: Who The Hell Is Lo Monaco?

Jose Mourinho has responded to Pietro Lo Monaco’s astonishing attack on him from earlier today by spitefully stating that he has never heard of the Catania director.

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Lo Monaco issued a stunning outburst this morning against Mourinho for the so-called ‘disrespectful’ comments he made after Inter’s 2-1 win against Catania on Saturday night.

“Someone who says these kind of things does not have respect for his adversaries,” roared Lo Monaco.

“He doesn’t respect the host nation [italy], or the coaches. He should think about his own problems. If he does not win this year, he should pack his suitcase and go back to his own country.

“Mourinho is simply someone who should be smacked in the mouth."

Mourinho has now responded to these comments, during which he belittles Lo Monaco by saying that he has never heard of the person.

"Some time ago I said that there were people who wanted to be on the first page of the newspapers by using my name and talking about me,” said ‘The Special One’.

“I have a sponsor who pays me to advertise him, and I do not give free publicity to anyone.

“As for Lo Monaco I do not know who he is. With the name Monaco I have heard of Bayern Monaco (Munich) and the Monaco GP, the Tibetan Monaco (Monk), and the Principality of Monaco.

“I have never heard of any others.”

This response by Mourinho, as amusing at is, is likely to lead to more accusations of arrogance and disrespect by the Calcio community.

Luca Capofranco



Statment of the month:

“As for Lo Monaco I do not know who he is. With the name Monaco I have heard of Bayern Monaco (Munich) and the Monaco GP, the Tibetan Monaco (Monk), and the Principality of Monaco."

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it's not that warnie

i love the man really - when he was our manager and still now :)

and i understand the reasoning behind taking the pressure off the players but sometimes feels that the way people feel about him (and his ego) negatively affects the club that he manages

it happened with us obviously - but if you take the JT sending off this past weekend for example - i think that LPS's reaction to it was a major factor in helping them overturn the card - if that was Jose he woulda ranted and raved and they wouldn't even have considered changing that decision

it's just that sometimes Jose thinks and acts like he's bigger than the club he's managing - and no one is

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