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Chelsea Reject Inter Approach For Frank


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Chelsea Football Club can confirm it has received an official approach from Internazionale to discuss the possible transfer of Frank Lampard. Contrary to reports no financial offer was made.

Chelsea FC has informed Inter this morning (Tuesday, July 8) that we will not enter into any discussions regarding the transfer of Frank Lampard.

Well done Chelsea.


What's everyone's take on 'the Lampard situation'? Obviously, I want him to stay, although if he did go, I wouldn't hold any grudges.

I'm very 50/50 on the whole situation. I think the club owe Frank for being such a great player for us over the years and perhaps should respect his wishes, but at the same time I think Frank owes Chelsea a lot too.

We'll see.

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It seems that the club and Frank are for whatever reason unable to find common ground on terms for a new contract, both have expressed their willingness to have Frank here next season and until he finishes football altogether. It looks like the club mean business, i just hope they can come together and sort out a new deal ASAP.

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Wouldnt want him to go -but if it comes to it the midfield would develop with a new identity. Maybe not one with an indivudual goalscorer -in fact no way can he be replicated -but with more direct playmakers such as Deco , Arshavin and another decent winger - more chances would be created for attackers...

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Wouldnt want him to go -but if it comes to it the midfield would develop with a new identity. Maybe not one with an indivudual goalscorer -in fact no way can he be replicated -but with more direct playmakers such as Deco , Arshavin and another decent winger - more chances would be created for attackers...

We can still do all that with Lampard in the team too. Would be very silly for us to let him go. I am still convinced that he doesn't want to go. Whatever is stopping a new contract being done and dusted i hope they can work around it.

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We can still do all that with Lampard in the team too. Would be very silly for us to let him go. I am still convinced that he doesn't want to go. Whatever is stopping a new contract being done and dusted i hope they can work around it.

It wont be the end of the world if he goes....both sides are haggling over the wage I suspect. Negotiating, I think they call it.

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It wont be the end of the world if he goes....both sides are haggling over the wage I suspect. Negotiating, I think they call it.

Lol. I think it is more likely they are haggling over the length of contract.....

It won't be the end of the world, but it would certainly be dissapointing.

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I think its been common knowledge that both parties want this concluded, I dont know exactly what the sticking point is, wehter its his contract length or the financial side of things.

Chelsea want him to take a 2 year deal, Lampard wants 4-5 I understand at 150k pw.

Just haggle ffs and take a 3 year deal and lets get back to concentrating on football

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I think its been common knowledge that both parties want this concluded, I dont know exactly what the sticking point is, wehter its his contract length or the financial side of things.

Chelsea want him to take a 2 year deal, Lampard wants 4-5 I understand at 150k pw.

Just haggle ffs and take a 3 year deal and lets get back to concentrating on football

Well Scolari has put the ball firmly in Franks court! We want you to stay, you want to stay, so prove it....

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Scolari won't let him go - he's basically said that publicly. The club aren't going to enter negotiations with any club, let alone Inter. I think its safe to say FL8 is going to be at Stamford Bridge next season. I'd just appreciate it if he made his desires public.

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The Frank Lampard saga at Chelsea is one that just will not seem to come to an end. The two sides claim to want the same thing, and yet for two years now this story has persisted. Chelsea wants Frank to stay. Frank “wants” to stay. Inter would like Frank to leave, and have offered a £7.95million bid in hopes of landing him. Am I tired of this situation? Absolutely, but while that may be the case, my thoughts on this are the same as they’ve been since murmors of Frank leaving first popped up.

Before I go any further, allow me to make one thing crystal clear: I love Frank Lampard. The amazing moments he’s produced for Chelsea over the years will live in my memory forever. For the past 6-7 years, along with John Terry, has been the face of the club. But the situation lends itself for me to be impartial to the player and look at it more from being a supporter of Chelsea Football Club.

The key question is obviously: Do I think Chelsea should sell Frank Lampard to Internazionale?

Answer: Yes, for the following reasons:

  1. 1978: That makes Frank Lampard 30 years old. And while he is by no means done, I don’t see him having more than one more outstanding seasons in him. Thankfully, Chelsea have gotten the best years of the career, and there is nothing wrong with getting as much as you can get for a player before it’s clear he’s on the decline.
  2. Ballack, Deco, Essien, Lampard: That is a lot of big players (and big egos), and I don’t think Scolari can keep all of them happy. And out of those four, I would have to say I’d take the first three on that list. Yes I know Deco is older than Frank, but I’ve always rated him higher than Frank.
  3. Get the money: I personally believe that this move IS going to happen. If not now, Frank will move on a free transfer and Chelsea will be left holding their collective junk. If it is inevitable, as I believe it is, then get what you can for Frank now which isn’t much due to his remaining contract. Get what you can for him now.

I know many people can only see Frank Lampard as the Chelsea legend and someone who is untouchable when it comes to transfer rumors. And all I can say to them is that I understand where you are all coming from. But for me, sorry, but I support Chelsea Football Club. Not the players, not the manager, but the badge on their kits. I’ll thank Frank for everything he’s done for Chelsea if he should leave and wish him good luck but that’s about it. Same for when Jose went to Inter. I’ll always love Jose for his Chelsea years, but I’ll never care what happens during his Inter career.

It’ll be interesting to see what Chelsea’s attitude is towards a transfer if Inter bumps it’s offer up to £8-£10million, which would be hard to see due to his 1 year left on the contract. But who knows what José has up his sleaves.

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The Frank Lampard saga at Chelsea is one that just will not seem to come to an end. The two sides claim to want the same thing, and yet for two years now this story has persisted. Chelsea wants Frank to stay. Frank “wants” to stay. Inter would like Frank to leave, and have offered a £7.95million bid in hopes of landing him. Am I tired of this situation? Absolutely, but while that may be the case, my thoughts on this are the same as they’ve been since murmors of Frank leaving first popped up.

Before I go any further, allow me to make one thing crystal clear: I love Frank Lampard. The amazing moments he’s produced for Chelsea over the years will live in my memory forever. For the past 6-7 years, along with John Terry, has been the face of the club. But the situation lends itself for me to be impartial to the player and look at it more from being a supporter of Chelsea Football Club.

The key question is obviously: Do I think Chelsea should sell Frank Lampard to Internazionale?

Answer: Yes, for the following reasons:

  1. 1978: That makes Frank Lampard 30 years old. And while he is by no means done, I don’t see him having more than one more outstanding seasons in him. Thankfully, Chelsea have gotten the best years of the career, and there is nothing wrong with getting as much as you can get for a player before it’s clear he’s on the decline.
  2. Ballack, Deco, Essien, Lampard: That is a lot of big players (and big egos), and I don’t think Scolari can keep all of them happy. And out of those four, I would have to say I’d take the first three on that list. Yes I know Deco is older than Frank, but I’ve always rated him higher than Frank.
  3. Get the money: I personally believe that this move IS going to happen. If not now, Frank will move on a free transfer and Chelsea will be left holding their collective junk. If it is inevitable, as I believe it is, then get what you can for Frank now which isn’t much due to his remaining contract. Get what you can for him now.

I know many people can only see Frank Lampard as the Chelsea legend and someone who is untouchable when it comes to transfer rumors. And all I can say to them is that I understand where you are all coming from. But for me, sorry, but I support Chelsea Football Club. Not the players, not the manager, but the badge on their kits. I’ll thank Frank for everything he’s done for Chelsea if he should leave and wish him good luck but that’s about it. Same for when Jose went to Inter. I’ll always love Jose for his Chelsea years, but I’ll never care what happens during his Inter career.

It’ll be interesting to see what Chelsea’s attitude is towards a transfer if Inter bumps it’s offer up to £8-£10million, which would be hard to see due to his 1 year left on the contract. But who knows what José has up his sleaves.

Interesting read,but Lampard is better than Deco and Ballack,and thats a fact.I would like him to stay he can still give a lot to Chelsea,Jose can keep his hands away.

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1. Disagree that Lampard only has one good year in him left. He has such good stamina, I'd say three minimum

2. Lampard is on par with those players and yet different in so many useful ways. And having all four is better than having only three. One on the bench each match isn't too much of a problem for Scolari.

3. We don't need the money, if the club do feel they can get Lampard to sign, then £8 million just ain't enough.

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