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The Mourinho Thread


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Same points after 12 PL games as Di Matteo, and the same 4 points off the top.

He's not going to be fired like the untrusted Italian obviously, but it's been a ridiculously lukewarm start for him. He already has his best team and plays them every game, yet they deliver inconsistent results and performances.

I'm sure it's frustrating for him too, coming from a team that had the likes of Alonso, Ozil and Ronaldo, but i guess he doesn't help himself by expecting the same players to perform 3 times a week.

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intresting way of looking at it

here's another one:

we're already 4 points behind the leaders

and as for the CL, Jose should thank whoever did the draw, and Steau Bucharest

Hahaha rolling.gif

These silly comments it's not even December.

The title particularly if you have even watched over the last few years has come down to one point or even goal difference. There is a VERY long time to go, sometimes teams like 10 points ahead DONT win.

Also when we won the CL I thought we were going out and look what turned out. I think the CL will not happen, Real and Munich are too good but we should push for the league and the cups.

Any ridiculous talk of sacking Jose and we are in a crisis is glory hunting nonsense.

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Oh shit....and there's only 26 games left this season.

Oh well, we tried.

Hahaha rolling.gif

These silly comments it's not even December.

The title particularly if you have even watched over the last few years has come down to one point or even goal difference. There is a VERY long time to go, sometimes teams like 10 points ahead DONT win.

Also when we won the CL I thought we were going out and look what turned out. I think the CL will not happen, Real and Munich are too good but we should push for the league and the cups.

Any ridiculous talk of sacking Jose and we are in a crisis is glory hunting nonsense.

still doesn't make what i said not true

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The Basle game reminded me of the first half at Spurs the team was stretched and not compact with the opposition dominating ,the difference was at Spurs he changed it for the second half, I am sure that will not have been lost on Jose and his analysis of what is wrong with us at the moment. With this formation you need to press from all positions and seek to regain possesion as high up the pitch as posssible.

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That's the thing, I agree with your sentiment. We don't have many players suited to any style of football which is why we almost always play crap, disjointed football. There has been very little thought, if any, that has gone into how our squad has been built. It's just a random assortment of players thrown together with no idea how each player affects the other(s) and the overall style of play. I've just learnt to accept that's how things are and try not to complain much any more to be honest.

Hit the nail on the head. And I know that it has become boring to keep saying this, but I can't help but think that managerial stability has a lot to do with that. Say what you want about Wenger, but all his players fit his style/philosophy while we, in the past two years, have gone from AVB's high-press/high-line to RDM's....errm...let's call it "tactical freedom", to Jose's counter-attacking football (didn't mention Rafa because he was not involved in any transfers). It is no wonder that Jose still doesn't know what his starting XI is; we don't even have 11 players that fit the same style!

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Last night against Basel, we were rubbish and got exactly what we deserved....nothing. But we cannot blame Mourinho for that. The team he put out SHOULD have won that match easily. But Basel rose their game against us and the team (that's our guys on the pitch!!) failed to produce what they are capable of. They were sloppy in their passing, sloppy in their closing down and seemingly disinterested in creating any shots on target. The boss cannot be held responsible for poor player performance, and I am fully sure he has already told them that.

Wait and see the changes he makes for Southampton. I am sure there will be a shake up :blue scalf:

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Most teams approach us as a cup final, we need to match that attitude and hunger.

No game is a given, not team has a right to lay down for us, we need to start getting back to being difficult to play against and team not looking forward to facing us.

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