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The Mourinho Thread


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This guy is a fucking fraud. Not only are we playing shit, we're regressing game after game. Half the season gone and I can count the number of decent performances on the fingers of one hand. The players make the same mistakes every single game - which begs the question, what do you coach them for and about, fucker?

Also, his press releases are tedious as fuck. Stop using the t word and stop trying to pass off grossly incompetent performances all over the pitch as being due to lacking a killer instinct. Notice how he's gone all quiet on his "preparation methods" once we started shipping in those set piece goals from the Sunderland game? Yet he was more than happy to harp about how he had sussed West Ham's style of play after we beat them.

Oh and play Mata. Get over yourself you idiot.

Kneejerk of the year? I guess after some sleep you feel better today.

On topic: In Jose i trust and thats it.

First: 'Oh play Mata, Jose play Mata you know shit w/e'. Mata played plenty of matches and i didn't see a single decent performance from him.

Second: 'Play KDB he is talented , he is Belgiums nr.1 omg Mourinho hates Belgium blabla'. I admit KDB didn't get many chances but bar that performance vs Hull i didn't see anything good from him.

Ba? Eto'o? Mikel? They are so bad you could replace them with a fat guy and you wouldn't notice anything.

Ba is the weirdest footballer ever! He cannot walk(not run, WALK) on a straight line and his first touch poor. After he does his first touch he usually falls down or tries to shoot with his knee or whatever(because he cannot do a normal pass or shoot).

Eto'o... well boy... Nah, i won't say anything about him.

Scapegoat Mikel should leave as soon as he can, he got enough trophies, if he wasn't a Chelsea player he would be happy getting top3 in the Championship(his kind of quality).

Players are underperforming and it's not Jose's fault. Get over it you spoiled brats. You all want to sack a manager every 5 months? You got spoiled too much by Roman. Grow a pair of balls and be a man(Not you Barbara). Football is Football, you cannot win everytime.

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fashionable would be questionable. highly pixelated on the screen more like.

right that year.

not a single doubt.

It wouldn't be questionable in the slightest. It's when a lot of the gloryhunters started finding relatives who had long supported us.

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I don't know if the club has the philosophy it does because of the fans or if the fans react like this because of the philosophy the club has...

No patience whatsoever, everything is solved with money, no immediate success = permanent failure, no trust in the manager to actually give him time to work, money, money, money, money. All we see around this forum is about money. If Roman leaves will half of the fans that post here too?

If the players don't turn up, money is the key, buy new ones. If the manager doesn't give you immediate success, money is the key, hire a new one. What if the support is crap? Can we buy new ones too?

There's a lot of good things said in criticizing and defending posts, I'm not generalizing all of you and your ideas, but it's just so weird to have everything revolving about money. I do agree we have pivot and striker issues that should have been addressed better, I do agree another CB squad member wouldn't hurt us. And I do agree Mourinho and the board could have done better in the transfer window... but teams in the league, around the world, work around deficiencies and we should do the same. I don't know if I should blame this FM game instead (never played, don't know how it works, but many posts here talking about it gives me the idea). All teams have problems, but when things are working, those problems are sort of covered. I'll once again talk about October. I don't know what happened ever since then, and I do hold Mourinho accountable for part of the problem. It's his players!!! If they don't do what he expects them to do, it's part of his job to find a way to fix it.

@The only place to be and others defend we use more youth - but young players are unstable and if people are treating Lamps so disrespectfully I can only imagine what they (not the ones defending it) would say about Chalobah, Ake, or whoever (in addition about Mourinho) when one of them makes a capital mistake that leads to a defeat or a draw. They'll be burned alive even more vehemently which is why I'm thankful they're in the youth. They don't need to be exposed to this...

Others believe we need to offload ALL experienced players (bar JT, I don't remember reading his name among the many lists I've come across since yesterday). Then who will provide the much needed experience to them? Who will lead them? Juan Mata, who can't be shier about leadership? Other shy kids like Oscar? Or quiet blokes like Willian? There needs to be some balance, this isn't a game you play on playstation... Mourinho has started sparing Lampard more often, but issue remains he had a plan: to have Marco learn from Lamps, and I'm sure he'd rotate them and have Mikel only for certain kind of matches. The kid got a season long injury...

I do think he's made a mistake with the strikers. I'm not even saying he should have kept Lukaku (it's a plan though), but we should have got someone else. Eto'o really can't help. I was willing to give him a chance, but he blew said chance. Or we should have gotten someone else.

But now, the shit is done, the players we have at least until January (and there's a chance we won't get any fix in the winter window) and we have to suck it up and try to support the team through the thin and thick. Yes, we should vent about things when they don't go well, but I feel a bit of overreaction, defending Mourinho and some players, as well as dismissing Mourinho and many players. I do think the generation that got to play so much FM gets a bit carried away about having a perfect team. Newsflash, that only exists in your console.

Way before the season started I said I didn't expect titles (or at least major ones), before we touched the ball in the first pre-season game, I said we'd be transitioning based on Mourinho's first press conference and also in the overall situation. I haven't changed my stand, obviously, but I won't deny I expected things to be better. Again, I don't get why we stopped the progress and regressed. We started shaky and unsure in August, Mourinho approached ManU and Spurs game way too cautiously, but around October the team had progressed compared to August, then November happened and we had some bad results... but December seems to be worse because of the defensive issues we didn't have until then. We keep missing a lot chances (I had to write the post-match report for Chelsea Brasil and we did create at least 3 clear chances of goal, 1 with Eto'o and two with Ba, we dominated the first minutes of extra time, we just didn't try hard enough, again the problem is attitude imo), our defense leaks more goals than relegation zone teams. Instead of progressing we're now regressing and I don't have a clue of why. I do know it's Mourinho's job to fix it, even if the problem is players not being interested, invested enough. They have to turn up and play with heart and clutch. And we need to get rid of all our strikers.

I may have offended some of you with the FM thing, but all those problems we do have don't justify this idea of building a perfect team because in real life said thing doesn't exist.

Totally agree that patience and support is important.

But if we are being patience and support the current manager then it begs to ask the question whey didn't we do it with the others?

This whole season so far has mask the truth that Mourinho ain't way above a AVB, Benitez, RDM, Carlo and such.

In fact AVB said it good when he was at Porto. They thought he was a good coach for the run he had but he said it was because he had good players. Which was true as that Porto had amazing player.

And that one day he would have not so great players and he would be the "Shit One"

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Every big club in the league has lost a few matches against weaker opponents.There is no need to overreact and form sides because at the end of it all,most of us are all here to support the club.

I believe Jose is the answer to our long term success and not the problem.Patience is all what I request from you all.Also if you have an opinion about this whole situation then just remember to stick with it and not change it when things eventually get better for us.

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So much was written today about Jose & I just like to ask one more question.

Is Jose suited to accommodate the likes of Hazard,Mata, Oscar & William ?

Well, he better. Otherwise, it may not sit well with Roman for much longer. Certainly, Roman wants them to play more " beautiful " football as we read about.

In January we will see what influence Jose has over the transfer market. Whether, Zouma, Draxler & Guarin are bought. Some say, these players are more fitted to Jose´s style of play.

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It's annoying as heck!

Are you deaf? The guy has been complaining about the same thing for a month!!!!!! That the team has a chance to score 2, 3, 4 goals and doesn't and he DOESN'T like it.


Even if that's the case....he didn't buy a striker in the summer....people need to start getting over their jose fanboy attitude and see that it's his fault! the SAME players were scoring fine last season under Rafa!

Mata, Hazard , Oscar, Lampard were all on double figures , Even Torres had double figures by this point!!!!

So they players haven't changed , the manager has them trying to do extra responsibilities , that they don't really need to do , and therefore the attacking part of the game is suffering.

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So much was written today about Jose & I just like to ask one more question.

Is Jose suited to accommodate the likes of Hazard,Mata, Oscar & William ?

Well, he better. Otherwise, it may not sit well with Roman for much longer. Certainly, Roman wants them to play more " beautiful " football as we read about.

In January we will see what influence Jose has over the transfer market. Whether, Zouma, Draxler & Guarin are bought. Some say, these players are more fitted to Jose´s style of play.

It's hard to accomodade 4 AM's in one formation, plus Schurlle and KdB. Unfortunately the one's that have been put "aside" are a player of the year and the other great talent. At first I believed he could rotate them but ou just can't keep changing them and still be consistent..

And I hope we don't buy Draxler... More talented than Kevin? Maybe yes, maybe no, but he would still be the sixth choice for AM...

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It's hard to accomodade 4 AM's in one formation, plus Schurlle and KdB. Unfortunately the one's that have been put "aside" are a player of the year and the other great talent. At first I believed he could rotate them but ou just can't keep changing them and still be consistent..

And I hope we don't buy Draxler... More talented than Kevin? Maybe yes, maybe no, but he would still be the sixth choice for AM...

Well, the way I see it. Roman spent plenty on Mata, Hazard, Oscar, William. He bought them cos he wants to see his Chelsea playing an attractive football, I feel. Subsequently this Jose comes back, apparently the differences between him & Roman were settled, be it. Now, Roman sees his Chelsea playing shitty football & not winning. What do you think Roman will say to Jose ?

Welcome Jose, how much money do you need to buy YOUR TYPE OF PLAYERS ?

I get the feeling, of course I am not certain, he just might say. Dear Jose. I hired you to play gradely football & I do not want to go back to your defensive, boring 1 nothing games. Either you succeed or start packing.

Would you invest one billion into a football team & watch them to park the bus ? Di Mateo was fired because of it & I agreed,then. So this my view of it & we will see who gives in come January.

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Well, the way I see it. Roman spent plenty on Mata, Hazard, Oscar, William. He bought them cos he wants to see his Chelsea playing an attractive football, I feel. Subsequently this Jose comes back, apparently the differences between him & Roman were settled, be it. Now, Roman sees his Chelsea playing shitty football & not winning. What do you think Roman will say to Jose ?

Welcome Jose, how much money do you need to buy YOUR TYPE OF PLAYERS ?

I get the feeling, of course I am not certain, he just might say. Dear Jose. I hired you to play gradely football & I do not want to go back to your defensive, boring 1 nothing games. Either you succeed or start packing.

Would you invest one billion into a football team & watch them to park the bus ? Di Mateo was fired because of it & I agreed,then. So this my view of it & we will see who gives in come January.

If he wants to play defensive crap and 1-0 wins with this team of amazingly talented attacking players, I'd rather he left now and we get someone in who wants to play football.

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If he wants to play defensive crap and 1-0 wins with this team of amazingly talented attacking players, I'd rather he left now and we get someone in who wants to play football.

Exactly as I feel, but tell it to the others here. Soon, a swarm of bees are coming out their hive.

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Exactly as I feel, but tell it to the others here. Soon, a swarm of bees are coming out their hive.

He is not going to be sacked until 2015 at the very least, if he is sacked now he will get £52m pay off because he is on £13m per year, just never gonna happen especially with FFP. That money would be better used to sign a top class striker.

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At the end of the day, we needs to stick with him because he is quite possibly the last chance we have at building a properly sustainable club for the next decade.

Who are the alternatives? Some other rent-a-coach who gets his paycheque, doesn't fix the underlying issues and then is replaced after two years? We need to go all-in with Jose and hope it pays off.

100% agree.

I believe in Jose, there are certain patterns of play he's trying to implement and it looks very promising, but the team need time and some reinforcements in key areas.

Last night it was very strange again, as was at Stoke. We pressed them very high, winning the ball in great positions to counter attack and if we had a proper striker on the pitch, we'd have been 3 up by 60th minute.

On Monday we have a huge test, psychologically for the players its a massive task. More important than a win at the Emirates is what happens after that, if we can win our next 5 games then it makes us title contenders.

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I'd like to see us return to the dominating, speedy system of yesteryear and I think we have players that it suits. We're just lacking the midfield to do it.

I also think that system is completely wrong for Mata, but perfect for players like Hazard, Schurrle, Willian and Oscar.

I'd like us to also invest in defenders who are stoppers and just get the ball to the next level....and then we need that next level. Rami can drive the ball out of defence with pace and so could Guarin potentially.

If you look at our academy, we have players who are powerful and speedy so why not just make that our ethos? We seem perfectly set up to play that style effectively for the next decade.

I agree we have to build a system and stick to it and unfortunately, that means jettisoning players who don't fit even if they are talented. However, even in a specific, system, you need players who can give you a little something else to help give your attack variety. Willian, Schurrle, Oscar, and Hazard all fit Mourinho's style but they all do the same thing offensively. They all prefer to come through the middle. They dribble past players, cut into the middle and shoot. You need something else. You either need a magician sort of player in the middle there who can create for others like Ozil did at Real Madrid or at least a natural wide player who can pull defenders away from the middle and cross the ball into the box. It means we will have a lot of trouble breaking down solid defensive teams. Our offensive predictability makes it too easy to play us and also ensures that we are too reliant on spectacular individual play.

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