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Remember, remember the slump in November as Blues title charge halted


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No mention of Pardew 'tactically raping' Mourinho? Not even an unsolicited over the clothes fondling?

If you select last season's team, you're going to get last season's performance.

Really don't think Pardew tactically raped Mourinho, and thought it was crazy for the TC twitter to say he did aswell. The team clearly didn't perform as Jose set out.

Think we'll bounce back, great thing about our squad is that if the likes of Mata or Hazard or whoever don't perform, there really is someone who can come in and do it.

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Really don't think Pardew tactically raped Mourinho, and thought it was crazy for the TC twitter to say he did aswell. The team clearly didn't perform as Jose set out.

Think we'll bounce back, great thing about our squad is that if the likes of Mata or Hazard or whoever don't perform, there really is someone who can come in and do it.

Pardew didn't "tactically rape" Mourinho as some people think. I think José's team selection wasn't the best, but it was good enough to win yesterday. Let down by individual performances. However our lethargy, coupled with some simple smash-and-grab tactics employed by Pardew, meant we played straight into Newcastle's hands. Really solid performance from them, can have no complaints. Onwards and upwards.

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