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Playstation 4 Or Xbox One


Playstation 4 or Xbox One  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. Which console will you get?

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Name ANY big 3rd party franchise and its sold MANY more on 360 than it did on PS3.

Name me 10 sick Sony exclusives and it comes down purely to opinion on whether they're worth playing or not. You'll say a bunch of them are, I won't.

1)3rd party franchise sales have nothing to do with anything. If you really want to bring popularity into it, you'll be smashed because Playstation and Nintendo are far, FAR more popular than the Xbox ever will be, as their sales and legacies suggest.

2) You're right, it is opinion based....and I'm sure most opinions would say Playstation DESTROYS Xbox when it comes to Exclusives...

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Oh boy! You'll get a barely noticeable graphical difference on the PS4. Just like with the PS3.

If you're a mainly a single player, offline, graphics whore get a PS4.

If you're a heavy online, competitive multiplayer gamer like myself and all of my friends get an Xbox One.

I'll get both eventually like I said.

Worldwide, there are more PS3s then there are Xbox 360s. Over here in the UK, a lot more of my mates have a PS3 than an Xbox.

Sony are massively going to improve PSN and it'll be close to Xbox Live when both next gen consoles are out.

This time it's different regarding graphics. Last time, it was a different architecture that was difficult to design and optimize for (PS3). This time they're both the same architecture so games should run with higher fps on the PS4 than the Xbox One. You'll definitely notice the difference.

I think Sony have the better gaming console for sure.

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I never said anything about Xbox having more exclusives than Playstation. You guys place a higher emphasis on 1st party titles than I do. I've spent the last 10 years playing Halo, Gears of War, and Forza and 3rd party titles like Call of Duty on Xbox so those are what's important to me. Microsoft yesterday promised 15 exclusives within a year of launch including 8 new IP's. that's good enough for me in addition to 3rd party titles.

Playstation is more popular in Europe and the Xbox is nearly nonexistent in Japan, yet still has outsold it.

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Just give me Halo, Call of Duty, FIFA, Battlefield, a handful of exclusives each year and the usual 3rd party titles and I'm golden.

Having a company bragging about how many exclusives they have when 1 in every 5 interests me means nothing to me.

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“E3 is gaming, gaming, gaming. We’ve been very clear about that internally in our planning. But we felt that there was another part, and we didn’t’ want to wait until after E3 to start telling that story. So that’s why we went with the plan tonight: to come out of the gate with the overall vision for the box, an all-in-one device with games, TV and entertainment.”

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What part of one year head start do you not comprehend? Do you honestly think Xbox will outsell Playstation this time around. LOL

The sales numbers will be close. And that's without any support in Japan for the Xbox.

Another thing working in Sony's favor in Japan on top of its already huge advantage there is the fact that the Wii U completely bombed.

Like I said earlier, in THE BIGGEST AND MOST IMPORTANT GAME'S MARKET to the companies here in the States, the Xbox is and will remain the most popular and highest selling console.

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The sales numbers will be close. And that's without any support in Japan for the Xbox.

Another thing working in Sony's favor in Japan on top of its already huge advantage there is the fact that the Wii U completely bombed.

Like I said earlier, in THE BIGGEST AND MOST IMPORTANT GAME'S MARKET to the companies here in the States, the Xbox is and will remain the most popular and highest selling console.

Justin Beiber is immensely popular in "THE BIGGEST AND MOST IMPORTANT MARKET". Does that make him any good? Japan is wise. There is a reason why 360 hasn't penetrated into the Japanese market while Playstation has done so just about everywhere. Japan and Sony know they are sitting on a winner.

Sony was supposed to be the entertainment console whereas Xbox was supposed to be for Gamers...Now Sony wins in both departments.

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Justin Beiber is immensely popular in "THE BIGGEST AND MOST IMPORTANT MARKET". Does that make him any good? Japan is wise. There is a reason why 360 hasn't penetrated into the Japanese market while Playstation has done so just about everywhere. Japan and Sony know they are sitting on a winner.

Sony was supposed to be the entertainment console whereas Xbox was supposed to be for Gamers...Now Sony wins in both departments.

Japan likes games made in Japan. Xbox doesn't make those kinds of games. Xbox has games that western gamers love, so it sells more than Playstation.

You don't honestly believe that the sole reason the Playstation does so well there is because of its amazing games. It sells well because the Japanese are notoriously xenophobic and don't want to buy an American made console with shooters and violence. They can just crank out 10 Pokemon games, 10 Final Fantasy games, and 10 Monster Hunter games and those alone will inflate numbers.

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This won't stop until I end it. So, let me kindly end it. Let's sum up.

-Inferior Specs all across the board

-Horrible name

-Poor aesthetically

-Will almost certainly require constant/almost constant internet connection

-Possibly used games fee (However this may have been disproven, so I'll give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt).

-Requires Kinect to even fucking function

-Controller has remained the same whereas Sony has added awesome features to its one.

Stack on Xbox's existing problems

-Crappy, pre-pubescent fanbase

-Pay for online

-No exclusives

-Nowhere near as popular as the Playstation

Oh also no head start for Microsoft this time. One clear winner here. *Looks at poll* The other TC members seem to overwhelmingly agree with me.

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@Clevemayer, thought you'd find this interesting.

PS4 seems to beat Xbox One hands down hardware wise.




Also pretty sure PS4 is running at 2.0ghz CPU frequency, which is another plus over the Xbox One.

Not at all mate, not at all,

- they both run at 1,6 GHz thats a fact of the jaguar Architecture,

- wether that GPU-Count is reliable I don't know but you firstly have to use all of them but there is more potential in it

- eSRAM is AWESOME as a developer I can tell you, thats cracking, its unbeliveable fast, let me tell you SRAM has an latency as about <1ns while DRAM (DDR is also D) <40ns if I remember my lessions correctly... thats where the xbox gains ground.

- as you can see there is a slight difference of 0,6 TFLOPS wether this will come into the account with integer number calculation you need for gamesgraphics like I've mentioned is to be seen.

so there are some pros and cons, and there is NOTHING new you're telling me there, because we all knew that the ps4 is slightly, really slightly above the xbox one, so what?

But thanks for the SPECS really nice, I'm interested in that stuff

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This won't stop until I end it. So, let me kindly end it. Let's sum up.

1. Inferior Specs all across the board

2. Horrible name

3. Poor aesthetically

4. Will almost certainly require constant/almost constant internet connection

5. Possibly used games fee (However this may have been disproven, so I'll give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt).

6. Requires Kinect to even fucking function

7Controller has remained the same whereas Sony has added awesome features to its one.

Stack on Xbox's existing problems

8. Crappy, pre-pubescent fanbase

9. Pay for online

10. No exclusives

11. Nowhere near as popular as the Playstation

Oh also no head start for Microsoft this time. One clear winner here. *Looks at poll* The other TC members seem to overwhelmingly agree with me.

1. :blink: WTF, seriously inferior? what are you talking about we've now said this onethousand times?

2. to be fair I thought Xbox 720 was an awfull name, I can live with one, because it mentions all in one device maybe but what does this matter its an Xbox, if its named starfighert, deathstar, you will always say xbox to it, great reasoning there...

3. thats a matter of taste, for someone loving the NES, grown up with that stuff I think its nice and seemless, you can put it anywhere next to youre tv and it just looks like an device, you can put it on your audio reciever rack etc... so I think its a very good design for somebody whom is no Kid anymore and wants it to fit the rest of his Inventar... but after that ps3 desaster in the esthetical part in my eyes you should wait till ps4 is officially

4. yeah I'm pissed with that too, and hope they'll fix it till september

5. another Point I'll give you but I think this will come (is already with STEAM and apple stuff, and amazone kindle) with the ps4 too, because the sony CEO has mentioned they will wait till MS announces what they will do, this fuck'n annoys me

6. do you have to use it? You will get it for FREE ADDITIONAL to it, so whats you're point? you will still use the controller if you don't want to use Kinect? Kinect is usefull if you want an standby mode, I put my xbox completely off always so what? its there its for free, what is the negative there? :wank2:

7. this is redicioulus http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/05/22/xbox-one-controller-hands-on , more then 40 improvements mate... just read it and come back its awesome, you can simulate from where the bullet is hitting you and you can even give you different haptics and reactions for different weapons... seriously... you're a real fanboy there, I'll admit that the ps4 has come forward, but seriously? what is that with the touchpad?


8. thats nice for someone like you to say really, I'm not a fan, maybe I won't get both maybe the ps4, because I hate that pay for used Games models but still this is rediciulus cause you're just acting like it with youre posts with no facts behind it just talking nonsense... really...

9. there is NO problem with that if you're delivering a WAY better service then the other platforms, and thats a FACT with LIVE, thats the mentality hindering innovation, its ok to demand free stuff on the Internet, really but you can't demand perfect online experience for free, the servers, the energy, the software, the developers, all want to get payed

10. Oh really? for me PS is loseing all its exclusives despite that ones they develop them selfs how about that? no facts and no evidence like I've said since 2008 the exclusives on BOTH sides have decreased and thats good so


- Fable series

- Forza (way better than GT, really)

- DoA

- Gears of (hell fuckin yeah) Wars

- The Gunstringer absolute fun with kinect

- Halo

- Naruto Raise of Ninja

- Naruto broken bond

- The First Templar

- Trials HD (legen wait for it dary)

and still most of them are published by the developers, there are nearly NO Exclusives on BOTH sides published by free partners, so what?

11. Thats not true, the xbox was sold out from ps4 thats true but the customers seemed to realize what a crappy move it was to present an ps3 slim with acutally LESSER power for MORE Money and telling ppl this was a great move, selling a GT5 - Demo at full price, haveing a crappy network compared to the others, and it was this that xbox 360 in the last monthes of 2012 was even sold MORE in JAPAN and USA then ps3, so what?

Conclusion---> A fanboy calling another fanboy a fanboy is actually still a fanboy... twisting facts and makeing a huge shit out of nothing is a shitmove

here are fanboys and I have some favours in xbox way because of the pricetag last time around, the quality of the product compared to the sony product

they're both company and they're that bad that both of them would sell they're childrens for money thats it and i will wait at least 1 year after release and just try to find the best solution for ME...

I'm not argueing I just want to put some things told over here right... not more not less...

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I'm just throwing this out there, but perhaps it's supposed to look like a console? The Playstation 4 will probably look like one. The previous generation consoles looked like consoles. Microsoft just screwed up here in terms of Aesthetics and Name (Especially the name...).

But these aren't just consoles anymore. I watch Netflix and Hulu on them as much as I play games so why shouldn't they look like every other part of my AV setup?

The one part comes from the input situation I think. They want to be 'input one' on people's setups and if I can run my Sky box through it then that makes sense.

The thing is, Sony isn't like Microsoft. The console itself probably won't be ridiculous in various aspects and they won't mention 'TV, Sports or Call of Duty' every 2 sentences. It was only boring because Microsoft made it boring. It could have been so much better. I expect Sony to give Microsoft a master class and knock it out of the ball park.

I think I've reached the point where I'm not a 'proper gamer' or something like that. To me Microsoft showed what it would be like to use this thing everyday. I like the idea of being able to tell my Xbox to come on and then it turning my whole system on. That's actually useful.

To me Sony spent way too much time focusing on the Share aspect, which is something I have no interest in whatsoever.

Personally I think there's a large percentage of people who are like me, who play a lot of FIFA and COD because we're just not cool enough to learn how great Battlefield is. We'll have a go on Journey but we'll spend more time faffing with our fantasy teams.

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After two generations of Xbox I'm switching to PS again. Very dissapointed with MS.

The specs ARE worse then PS4. Sony went with Gddr5 while MS went with regular Ddr3, witch is why they had to put in the ESram.

On sheer fillrate the ps4 will have a massive advantage plus the gpu has 50% more raw power. Ps4 games will look the same as xbox one games but will have a higher framerate and better imagequality.

Also the focus was on live tv while in the real world the focus is on time lapse tv watching. And i dont event know how theyll make it work in europe with hundreds of different digital tv providers..

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After two generations of Xbox I'm switching to PS again. Very dissapointed with MS.

The specs ARE worse then PS4. Sony went with Gddr5 while MS went with regular Ddr3, witch is why they had to put in the ESram.

On sheer fillrate the ps4 will have a massive advantage plus the gpu has 50% more raw power. Ps4 games will look the same as xbox one games but will have a higher framerate and better imagequality.

Also the focus was on live tv while in the real world the focus is on time lapse tv watching. And i dont event know how theyll make it work in europe with hundreds of different digital tv providers..

That's a good point. In Britain they've got a partnership with Sky so I can watch most stuff on demand, but it's not in HD yet (I think). Plus it's a pain in the arse waiting for it to load the app when TV is instant.

As for the graphics stuff, I can't see most games looking better on the PS3 apart from some exclusives. Will FIFA or COD look significantly different from platform to platform? I can't see the publishers having any incentive whatsoever to do that.

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