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I thought we should have a thread for some CFC news that don't deserve a new thread but are worth a mention.

Anyone hear about us suing Juve for 14.2m over the Mutu case?



I have no idea why our lawyers think we have a case or what do Juventus have anything to do with Mutu's addiction. Sounds just like another case of bad PR by the club..

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I thought we should have a thread for some CFC news that don't deserve a new thread but are worth a mention.

Anyone hear about us suing Juve for 14.2m over the Mutu case?



I have no idea why our lawyers think we have a case or what do Juventus have anything to do with Mutu's addiction. Sounds just like another case of bad PR by the club..

My understanding is (I'm in no way legally trained) that we went after Mutu personally and won, probably breach of contract, loss of future value, loss of the 'asset' after the original transfer fee.

He hasn't/wouldn't pay up and we took him to court again and won again. In between these cases he signed for Juventus and Livorno for nothing. We tried to force sale of properties he owns in the USA, couldn't get at those apparently.

Anyway now we are going after Juventus and Livorno as they gained the benefit of his services for nothing whereas normally (without the drugs issue) a fee would have been involved and as we can't get him to pay up, the lawyers representing Chelsea Fc believe they have a case to get the award out of the clubs he went to subsequently.

Pity, as I thought he had a lot of promise when he first arrived. However the stories of what he was up to were astonishing, Jose supposedly gave him at least 4 opportunities to own up and get help but he wouldn't take the offers.

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My understanding is (I'm in no way legally trained) that we went after Mutu personally and won, probably breach of contract, loss of future value, loss of the 'asset' after the original transfer fee.

He hasn't/wouldn't pay up and we took him to court again and won again. In between these cases he signed for Juventus and Livorno for nothing. We tried to force sale of properties he owns in the USA, couldn't get at those apparently.

Anyway now we are going after Juventus and Livorno as they gained the benefit of his services for nothing whereas normally (without the drugs issue) a fee would have been involved and as we can't get him to pay up, the lawyers representing Chelsea Fc believe they have a case to get the award out of the clubs he went to subsequently.

Pity, as I thought he had a lot of promise when he first arrived. However the stories of what he was up to were astonishing, Jose supposedly gave him at least 4 opportunities to own up and get help but he wouldn't take the offers.

Thanks that makes more sense than the article I posted. I'd still imagine Juve are not too happy about it.

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Thanks that makes more sense than the article I posted. I'd still imagine Juve are not too happy about it.

Tarnished goods and all that.

Sometimes a 'freebie' doesn't quite turn out quite as free as you first believe it will or if the deal appears too good to be true, then generally it's too good to be true.

I hope we get something back as both Mutu and the clubs have acted poorly in my opinion. The clubs could have said to Mutu pay your debt, then we'll take you on. They saw an opportunity and exploited it.

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Tarnished goods and all that.

Sometimes a 'freebie' doesn't quite turn out quite as free as you first believe it will or if the deal appears too good to be true, then generally it's too good to be true.

I hope we get something back as both Mutu and the clubs have acted poorly in my opinion. The clubs could have said to Mutu pay your debt, then we'll take you on. They saw an opportunity and exploited it.

I guess it doe make sense that Juve pay some kind of compensation, but I don't think it's fair they pay everything while Mutu, the guilty party in the whole issue, escapes unpunished.

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I guess it doe make sense that Juve pay some kind of compensation, but I don't think it's fair they pay everything while Mutu, the guilty party in the whole issue, escapes unpunished.

In the UK if a person is self-employed and the company they are working for doesn't make a 22% deduction or go through a proper payment process to ensure as far as is reasonably practicable that tax will be paid by the individual/company then the employing company can be liable for the tax.

As with most things in law, what can have been done reasonably is the starting point.

Buyer beware!

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