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Ashamed of Chelsea


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what gives me the right to call them gutless and lacking in will power well I will tell you my story i am so passionate about chelsea I use to go to my local every time we were on tele and argue the toss with anyone who dist my team i argued about our history when they dared to talk the crap then one day was rushed to Papworth and had two heart opps age 47

well i fought back quit the smokes and spent two years getting fit then one night going down to watch the match i colapsed found my self in hospital they said i was ok but I woke in the morning and found i could not move my left side was paralised well I bloody fought back learnt to walk learnt to use my left hand again and i watched chelsea fight and win the CL with a never say die attitude that helped me to fight so where has that chelsea gone because i fight every day you only have to do it for 90 mins please please show me the real chelsea

appolagies for harping on

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Wish you all the best with your personal health. It's clear to everyone that this team does not want to play for Rafa so the lack of passion is expected.

they dont have to play for the Fat Waster ...they MUST play for the fans ...EVERYTIME 90MINS REGARDLESS,,,

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Wish you all the best with your personal health. It's clear to everyone that this team does not want to play for Rafa so the lack of passion is expected.

Fuck the players seriousley. Rafa is an interim manager. He wont be long here. Their responsibility is the club, and the fans. They need to man the fuck up, do that they are supposed to do.

Its simple as. I dont buy into the idea that this is just Rafa's blame. I fucking hate the guy, but he IS leaving. I blame the players more than i blame rafa tbh. Its their club, not his

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This whole wont play for whoever is just bollocks!You cant just decide not to play cause you dont like the Manager.In a normal world you'd be sacked!
And like said the fans who pay money and make the effort manage to do so about time they bloody do.Not playing for Rafa is no excuse at all!

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totally get you dude. this team is nothing but a pathetic excuse for a footballing team. we have no gameplan, no plays, no passion, no heart. its nothing short of DISGUSTING to watch this team play twice a week. believe me i have tried to stop watching but unfortunately end up doing the thing that now i have come to dread the most, watching this chelsea play. all through this season, whenever anythin shitty happened i would always say to my friends, my brother or myself that "we are the european champions and i would take all this shit in a heartbeat at the same time last year if it meant winning the cl". but no longer because simply put watching this team play HURTS. i dont expect chelsea to win every match infact i dont care if we win every match, but the performances that we have put are indeed embarrasing and downright shameful.

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Personally, I am even surprised to see this heading here.

Am I ashamed of the club ? No, I am not.

No matter how bad things look now, I will support them.

Am I happy to see the club in this mess ? No, I am not.

I honestly believe, in the summer all of these adversities will be solved.

Meanwhile, I keep my fingers crossed & hoping for the best, at least I am.

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Personally, I am even surprised to see this heading here.

Am I ashamed of the club ? No, I am not.

No matter how bad things look now, I will support them.

Am I happy to see the club in this mess ? No, I am not.

I honestly believe, in the summer all of these adversities will be solved.

Meanwhile, I keep my fingers crossed & hoping for the best, at least I am.

I agree with most of this tbh... I am disapointed by the lackluster performances recently. And seeing rafa in charge annoys me greatly, but i still love the team that i have always supported and that will never change. I don't think everything will be solved in the summer, but a lot of the big problems will be. The biggest one being the lack of a never say die attitude and lack of effort which isn't helped by the way this season has gone, and rafa etc which we will hopefully see solved soon.


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I agree with most of this tbh... I am disapointed by the lackluster performances recently. And seeing rafa in charge annoys me greatly, but i still love the team that i have always supported and that will never change I don't think everything will be solved in the summer, but a lot of the big problems will be. The biggest one being the lack of a never say die attitude and lack of effort which isn't helped by the way this season has gone, and rafa etc which we will hopefully see solved soon.


We all are disappointed with this season.

Sometimes, I do have or I questioned the lack-lustered performances. However, something is telling, the tiredness just might be attributed to the players. Otherwise, I really do not have any other explanation.

Despite of it. I still do not believe one should be ashamed of the team.

I still get much joy just by watching the team.

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