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I'm talking from a personal experience, ever since I switched to bench press, I've gotten loads of gains in both visual and strength. I know there's lots of ways to spice the exercise up with doing it on fists, getting special handlebars and so on so forth but there's a reason bodybuilders use flat bench barbell/dumbell press combined with incline bench, dips, peck machine - it hits both m. pectoral major and minor, more fibres get "torn" resulting in.. well.. results!

true. i have switched from explosivity specific weight trianing (sprint and combat sport-specific) to more bodybuilding/weightlifting training myself in january and I gained 6kgs since and improved my bench press by 10kgs. I read u press 110kg, so I reckon u are a very experienced lifter or at least have some really enviable genetics, so maybe you can help me. I am somwhere between 1,86-189m depending on time of day and naturally of really and i mean really slim built. Even though I gained about 15kg (I weigh about 82kg now) in a bit less than two years, with shirt on I still look almost as slim as back then. so my problem is I do not really have visual gains. What do you think is it training, nutrition or simply genetics? I'm gonna add my plans in a sec if u need.

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true. i have switched from explosivity specific weight trianing (sprint and combat sport-specific) to more bodybuilding/weightlifting training myself in january and I gained 6kgs since and improved my bench press by 10kgs. I read u press 110kg, so I reckon u are a very experienced lifter or at least have some really enviable genetics, so maybe you can help me. I am somwhere between 1,86-189m depending on time of day and naturally of really and i mean really slim built. Even though I gained about 15kg (I weigh about 82kg now) in a bit less than two years, with shirt on I still look almost as slim as back then. so my problem is I do not really have visual gains. What do you think is it training, nutrition or simply genetics? I'm gonna add my plans in a sec if u need.

You're almost the same heights as I am, I'm 1.92. And for us, taller lads, it's harder to look muscular than it would be for someone shorter. I started at 72kgs (around 2009-2010 when I started focusing on strength rather than purely endurance), just came off the scale and I was at 96kg. If you're gaining weight, performance is improving then it's not the nutrition nor training, it all adds up by the looks of it. Unless you focus too much on one muscle type and neglect others. Having a powerful physique comes down to having a muscular balance that creates that image. And we're all genetically different, it's all of those three combined. But judging from your description you're making nice progress, keep at it. Don't expect things to happen overnight and don't compare yourself to those bodybuilders, most of them are on steroids or been hitting the gym for 20+ years. You might think that you're still the same but I can ensure you, people around you see the difference. One tip I can give you is that take a picture of yourself every 2 months or so, easiest way to see and track your progress, pictures don't lie. Main thing is to set yourself goals, stick to them and commit to the cause. Be honest to yourself - are you working hard enough or vise versa are you overtraining? Are you hitting all the muscle groups, keep in mind we all have muscle groups which genetically are somewhat stronger, easier to develop than others.

Main thing, stay positive, keep motivated, healthy (as in foods you eat, enough rest, enough sleep,enough cardio - cardio in itself won't harm your gains unless you fall into caloric deficit because of doing cardio) and GIVE YOURSELF CREDIT.

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just a little extra on push ups. a tip from me if you are looking to work your chest but dont have anythign available to add extra weight, is power push ups. I personally make a fist (as if im punching the ground) then lower down, then instead of just raising my self, i try and push my self as hard as possible. some people like to add a clap, but its not neccesary and makes you look a knob. just push as hard as you can, imagine you are trying to push yourself back to your feet. this way you are working at your 100% max and you are working all the muscle. - make sure you have a soft mat or something to land on though!

on Magic Lamps' question, id second what Metsaj has said. you have said you are gaining weight, so just carry on. and you also probably look more muscular than you think you do. that taking photos is great advice. you ever see a photo of yourself from a year or two ago and then you realise you are actually bigger now.

if you are worried you arent gaining fast enough, then it is likely to be possible to perfect your routine to make sure you are more effecient, but as said, you are gaining weight, so i wouldnt worry too much, just carry on!

To MinSeok: why do you ask if we are power lifters?

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just a little extra on push ups. a tip from me if you are looking to work your chest but dont have anythign available to add extra weight, is power push ups. I personally make a fist (as if im punching the ground) then lower down, then instead of just raising my self, i try and push my self as hard as possible. some people like to add a clap, but its not neccesary and makes you look a knob. just push as hard as you can, imagine you are trying to push yourself back to your feet. this way you are working at your 100% max and you are working all the muscle. - make sure you have a soft mat or something to land on though!

on Magic Lamps' question, id second what Metsaj has said. you have said you are gaining weight, so just carry on. and you also probably look more muscular than you think you do. that taking photos is great advice. you ever see a photo of yourself from a year or two ago and then you realise you are actually bigger now.

if you are worried you arent gaining fast enough, then it is likely to be possible to perfect your routine to make sure you are more effecient, but as said, you are gaining weight, so i wouldnt worry too much, just carry on!

To MinSeok: why do you ask if we are power lifters?

Just wondering.. Most guys that go to gyms that often in the states are usually power lifters.

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Ok, got the results, but since they are disgraceful I wont show anyone! B)

... and you're on a mission to change that. In a month you won't be as disgraced, let alone 12 months. You took a big step towards bettering yourself by actually joining a gym, good on you.

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Ok, got the results, but since they are disgraceful I wont show anyone! B)

Disgraceful would be to say "fuck it, I got bad genes, no time, sun is too high, wind too strong etc to change whatever you think needs changing". There are alot of people around the world who'd take your "disgraceful" stats in a heartbeat but we're all caught in an illusion that only one body image is the perfect one.. not the case at all. If you're not happy, great! - gives you more reason to work on yourself till you are

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Just wondering.. Most guys that go to gyms that often in the states are usually power lifters.

Well im not. In England we have a lot of advertising recently on healthy lifestyles. 90% of the people in the gym i go to are either old people who have been perscribed exercise, people just trying to lose weight, younger people trying to tone up/general fitness. there are a handful of people who go there who are just massive tanks and recently i have noticed a lot of hte rugby club guys using the gym. The gym i go to is one funded by the council etc, It may be a different story at private gyms, but i've not been so i can't say.

It may be different in other countries depending on the role of sport/fitness in their societies.

Me personally I go just for general fitness. recently ive focused on cardio. as I mentioned earlier, in a couple of weeks time im gonna hit the weights pretty hard to gain 3 or 4 kgs.

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Just wondering.. Most guys that go to gyms that often in the states are usually power lifters.

Most people in the gym are actually more bodybuilders then power lifters.

Power lifting is centered around only 3 exercises: Squats, deadlift, and bench press. Power lifters usually do 7-10 sets of each with low reps(3-4) all at max weight. Some add a few more exercises in there after, but you will be exhausted after doing squats, deadlift, or bench press depending on which one you worked on that day.

Most people in the gym attempt to do a lot of exercises with low sets and high reps from 8-12 which is attempting to enter hypertrophy stage.

Back in the day power lifters and bodybuilders were pretty much the same, until they figured out that you don't need to lift the heaviest to gain muscle.

I like the power lifting concept, very simple. But your risk of injury does go up, so you have to be careful.

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Most people in the gym are actually more bodybuilders then power lifters.

Power lifting is centered around only 3 exercises: Squats, deadlift, and bench press. Power lifters usually do 7-10 sets of each with low reps(3-4) all at max weight. Some add a few more exercises in there after, but you will be exhausted after doing squats, deadlift, or bench press depending on which one you worked on that day.

Most people in the gym attempt to do a lot of exercises with low sets and high reps from 8-12 which is attempting to enter hypertrophy stage.

Back in the day power lifters and bodybuilders were pretty much the same, until they figured out that you don't need to lift the heaviest to gain muscle.

I like the power lifting concept, very simple. But your risk of injury does go up, so you have to be careful.

Yea, your probably right.....

I use to do power lifting for high school football, than when I went to my university, the lifting coach wanted me to join as a power lifter since my body would of probably excel in it, however, I DONT WANt TO BE STOCKY! lol

Anyways, I aiming to hit back at my peak weight at around 70kgs. So, all I'm doing is a dieting, circuit training, and sleeping well...

I want to be as light as possible, like I was when I was 23

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Well im not. In England we have a lot of advertising recently on healthy lifestyles. 90% of the people in the gym i go to are either old people who have been perscribed exercise, people just trying to lose weight, younger people trying to tone up/general fitness. there are a handful of people who go there who are just massive tanks and recently i have noticed a lot of hte rugby club guys using the gym. The gym i go to is one funded by the council etc, It may be a different story at private gyms, but i've not been so i can't say.

It may be different in other countries depending on the role of sport/fitness in their societies.

Me personally I go just for general fitness. recently ive focused on cardio. as I mentioned earlier, in a couple of weeks time im gonna hit the weights pretty hard to gain 3 or 4 kgs.

Good to hear England is getting into healthy lifestyle. I watch a few documentaries regarding the obesity level of England and how it was getting to the similar levels of the States, so its great to hear that England is getting fit....

In the States, they are trying somewhat to do the same, in NYC they even banned selling oversized drinks (however, that got overtuned).

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Yea, your probably right.....

I use to do power lifting for high school football, than when I went to my university, the lifting coach wanted me to join as a power lifter since my body would of probably excel in it, however, I DONT WANt TO BE STOCKY! lol

Anyways, I aiming to hit back at my peak weight at around 70kgs. So, all I'm doing is a dieting, circuit training, and sleeping well...

I want to be as light as possible, like I was when I was 23

what position did you play?

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Woke up this morning 1lb closer to my weight goal (probably water-weight, but it's something!). 15 or so more lbs to go... and then I get gynecomastia (the most embarrassing thing EVER) surgery. 6 weeks rest following that. Then time to build some lean muscle for the first time in my life. My life is going to completely change. Excited.

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Woke up this morning 1lb closer to my weight goal (probably water-weight, but it's something!). 15 or so more lbs to go... and then I get gynecomastia (the most embarrassing thing EVER) surgery. 6 weeks rest following that. Then time to build some lean muscle for the first time in my life. My life is going to completely change. Excited.

I admire you for your mature approach, setting mini goals and being motivated to actually follow through - and you're only 17. RESPECT, very big inspiration for positivity.

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Whats everyones methods with dealing with muscle soreness?

It's a body's way of saying thank you, enjoy every bit of it!! Though I must say, I usually only get soreness for chest workout, other worksouts tire me out, I couldn't do more but I don't get the soreness, just feeling exhausted.

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