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Referee Bias in Chelsea Games


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Wonder how much stick Chris Hoy will get on twitter..think it was Spurs fans who went nuts at him poor guy lol

Inconstiency across the board doesnt help the game!Understand its a fast pace game etc and only human but still..some things you should at least be able to get right!

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There are 4 officials in a match, yet they miss things time and time and time again. The technology is slowly coming in and it's not necessarily to help the game move on, it's because officials are fucking hopeless and need help because they cannot do their jobs, the jobs they get fucking paid to do, properly. If i did my job like Foy today, i'd get sacked, no discussion. It's like me bringing in stock and putting shampoo in the fucking kitchen gadgets section, ok i wouldn't get sacked for that but if i did it all the time i probably would be as it blatantly means i'm not good enough at my job and should get the "You don't know what you're doing" chants!

How many times to referees or their officials make the wrong call? It's a tough job but some decisions are NOT HARD and they get them so wrong that even i would get it right.

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We need a referee's thread seriously because they are absolutely awful. There are 4 officials in a match, yet they miss things time and time and time again. The technology is slowly coming in and it's not necessarily to help the game move on, it's because officials are fucking hopeless and need help because they cannot do their jobs, the jobs they get fucking paid to do, properly. If i did my job like Foy today, i'd get sacked, no discussion. It's like me bringing in stock and putting shampoo in the fucking kitchen gadgets section, ok i wouldn't get sacked for that but if i did it all the time i probably would be as it blatantly means i'm not good enough at my job and should get the "You don't know what you're doing" chants!

How many times to referees or their officials make the wrong call? It's a tough job but some decisions are NOT HARD and they get them so wrong that even i would get it right.


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Wow the old thread is a thread i've never seen before but it coincidentally or maybe not so surprisingly starts with Foy bashing so even Cap got in on the thread lol.

Screwed by Foy twice now and Clattenburg at least once. Keep this thread active, i'll be interested to how how many times we get fucked over by those hopeless retards that should be on the dole.

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TROLL?! <_<

Well the complaints aren't very convincing. I mean he couldn't even see Aguero's challenge on Luiz and the Torres one.. Well put it this way, it's something all defenders do, including Chelsea ones, and they're rarely given.

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Other fans joke about us being 'deluded' when we say refs favour other teams when they play us.

The media act like refs would never be bias - ever.

You get fans on here who like to take the side of the other fans saying there isn't ref bias against us as it's easier to follow the crowd.

You get fans on here who genuinely believe there is no bias.

But then there's fans like me who believe that the idea refs are bias against us didn't just come out of thin air.

We've had 'incidents', especially this season & last where our players have (rightfully IMO) put pressure on refs for dodgy calls. This has been taken to a whole new level though after the Mikel 'racism' accusation, the whole ball-boy thing, blah blah. My point is coming next:-

Why wouldn't there be bias refs? Why wouldn't there be bribed refs?

There's fixed games almost every season in Serie A with bribed and bias refs. There are fixed games in the Bundesliga and even La Liga too. It's also surfaced not too long ago, yet not blown up in the media for obvious reasons, that a 'particular big club' (believed to be Manchester United) have fixed a few games, especially between 2004-2009 I believe.

Sports have been fixed, staged, influenced etc. for decades if not longer. The NBA has corruption, boxing has the most obvious corruption probably, and it's spread like a cancer to all (that I can think of) popular sports. Football though? It's been prominent in football way before the Premier League even formed. Before Hazard, Mata and Oscar were born.

Refs support their own teams. Refs have a craving for money like players. Refs can be bought.

The notion that "Refs wouldn't do anything wrong on purpose because they're English and just not like that" is rather silly in my eyes. Everyone has a price; whether it be money or a motivation done in spite etc. I believe we currently suffer from the latter. I have little doubt in my mind that referees have conversed about our club, talked down on our club and spoken about how they loathe us after referee incidents. Even if refs tried their hardest to not let bias affect their judgement in games, it can even affect them subconsciously and sway their decisions into the other team's favour.

There are many possibilities, but the idea of refs being bias against us is quite rapidly looking like a probability.

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