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The London 2012 Olympics


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Thats the whole point. I'm disabled so would qualify for the Paralympics but I'm not good enough at anything. Tim Howard has Tourettes which is not a disability. My daughter has Tourettes and its been as much a blessing as anything else. Some able bodied and able minded people compete in wheelchair basketball. In the paralympics, what if your disability or supposed disability doesn't impact on your sport and others disabilites does - (what if you have nothing to overcome) how is that fair

Tourettes i know isn`t a disability but people who are "just" autistic qualify for the paralympics..i`m not sure for certain if Tourettes would qualify but as autism does then i presume tourettes would to if folks with it wanted to enter. there are of course different levels of severity with it as with all things.

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poor powell, injured, he never gets it on the spot... Bolt simply is a perfect sprinter, can give his all in this 10s, everything vefore and after does not matter, working months for one short period of time, that's what sports is all about. His unique sprint style and even hisname are just made for the records.

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Tourettes i know isn`t a disability but people who are "just" autistic qualify for the paralympics..i`m not sure for certain if Tourettes would qualify but as autism does then i presume tourettes would to if folks with it wanted to enter. there are of course different levels of severity with it as with all things.

Fuck knows ;-)

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i think personally Bolt is playing around he is quite aloof but in a Kalou kind of way. that`s the way i`ve always seen it anyway.

Kemboi on the other hand the Kenyan running into the 8th lane at the end of his 5,000m steeple chase race. for a guy to even be at the Olympics when he`s waiting to go on trial for stabbing someone only to have it postponed so he could compete in the Olympics. that was too much i think. if he`s found guilty after the olympics i doubt if they`ll do it but they should strip him of the two medals and give it to the guys that finished second to him.

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I really dont Like Bolt yes he is great but i can stand him i hate cocky people

Usain Bolt isn't cocky, he is confident. There is a difference between the two. He is probably the biggest sportsman on the planet right now and he does a very good job at making the 100 meter and 200 meter sprints exciting. When he lost his World Championship to Yohan, he was very graceful in defeat and if you see him a lot of his interviews he is a down to earth and honest guy who supports his team mates in training and progression.

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That was the best 100m ever, all under 10 secs and all broke the lane record in that 1 race, epic. Shame bout Powell pulling up.

I'm getting really pissed off with the boxing tho. I watched an Azerbaijani get completely out boxed yet won on count back against a Belarussian and even worse, an Italian in his 3rd Olympics just holding on with the ref doing nothing. He was holding for like 7-8 seconds at a time, it was appalling to watch. The crowd made their views heard but the judges and especially the referees just didn't punish it or score it properly. The refs have been shameful so far. Hopeless cunts.

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