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Roman Abramovich Thread


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I'm not overly bothered about someone needing to be as rich as Roman to buy the club and just consistently pumping money in. In recent times we have worked on a model to make us much more self-sufficient and we're hardly in a position like Newcastle for example where he need heavy investment in players to catch up and we've wasted obscene amounts of money over the years on a scattergun approach to hiring and firing managers and buying players. We've been shielded from poor decisions by Roman and moving forward maybe we need to take more account and ownership of transfers and managerial appointments. This wouldn't be a bad thing. 

But I do not want somebody who has no affinity or passion with football, and limited understanding of the game and limited knowledge as a result of the club. 

For me, someone like Jim Ratcliffe would be ideal and he has been mentioned before. Whilst his resources and wealth may be vast, I wouldn't envisage him running the club like Roman as a hobby but I think he would have a far greater understanding of the club and willingness to put and focus his time and effort in to ensure that we'll remain competitive at the top level. 

As mentioned the stadium is an issue but it's not insurmountable. I don't think Roman ever planned to fund the stadium himself anyway and was always looking to finance it long term. That can still be achieved over time but that obviously does and should impact the value of the club. I guess depending on how desperate Roman is to sell, he may have to accept an offer that is lower than what he is owed and agree to wipe those debts.

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Roman Abramovich to receive bids for Chelsea this week as pressure mounts on owner

Exclusive: Potential buyers believe Russian could be open to selling club for the first time
Roman Abramovich will receive bids to sell Chelsea this week with at least three parties circling the Stamford Bridge club in the belief the Russian billionaire, for the first time, will consider a sale.
Offers are being prepared to reach Abramovich by the end of the week with the threat of sanctions hanging over Chelsea’s owner, who has faced calls to have his assets frozen and seized, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Chelsea have previously insisted the club is not for sale, but the mood from the outside at least is changing and there is a feeling that Abramovich could be left with no other option, with his resolve to hang on to the club to be tested.
There have also been claims that Abramovich is preparing to sell his mansion in Kensington Palace Gardens.
One big potential hurdle to the sale of Chelsea would be if Abramovich is sanctioned before the end of the week, as interested parties would then have to wait for clarity over whether or not they could trade with the 55-year-old or his associates.
Abramovich has previously turned down offers worth £2.2 billion for Chelsea, while the club’s debt to him is £1.51bn which he would almost certainly expect to be covered.
Bidders have been emboldened by Abramovich’s move to try to hand the day-to-day running of Chelsea to the board of trustees of the club’s charitable foundation.
Chelsea insisted the intended change was Abramovich’s attempt to put some distance between himself and the club, but interested parties saw it as the first move towards countenancing a sale and have not been put off by subsequent claims of him attempting to help peace talks between Russia and Ukraine.
Head coach Thomas Tuchel on Tuesday was asked about Abramovich’s position and he said: “I have to say that's a bit too much for me to answer. I'm not aware of any details, and I'm not aware of the whole situation. We all agree there are situations much, much more important than football, this will never change. And situations like war are of course so much more important. But the role of Mr Abramovich is not for me to comment on, because I simply don't know enough about it.”
Pushed by broadcasters to discuss the war in Ukraine and Abramovich’s possible involvement in talks, Tuchel lost his temper and added: “Listen, listen, listen – you have to stop. I am not a politician. You have to stop, honestly. I can only repeat it [it’s horrible]. And I even feel bad to repeat it because I never experienced war. So even to talk about it I feel bad because I am very privileged. I sit here in peace and I do the best I can, but you have to stop asking me these questions. I have no answers for you.”
As reported by Telegraph Sport, Abramovich’s hand-over plan to the group of six trustees is already in danger of descending into chaos with individuals considering quitting and the Charity Commission launching an inquiry.
Chelsea are already braced for the fact that trustees may need to be replaced or that the plan may need a complete re-think, with more talks taking place this week. Trustees are believed to want the inclusion of an indemnity insurance policy to ensure they are not liable for any financial ramifications the club may suffer while they are in charge.
Tuchel, whose team face Luton Town in the FA Cup on Wednesday night, reiterated the fact that he does not expect Abramovich’s decision to relinquish the running of Chelsea, while, for now at least, still being owner, to impact him.
“I think that for me as a coach and in charge of the first team that decision does not change too much the daily business,” said Tuchel. “Because I'm in daily exchange with Petr Cech and very regular exchange with Marina Granovskaia about how to improve the first team. And this will not stop because they stay in charge [of football]. So on a daily basis it will not change too much for me."
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35 minutes ago, Vesper said:

Bullshit, 'Mother Russia' (your own words) Putin war crimes apologist.

What's up with that terrorist (documented above) Don Cossack patch on your profile, cleverclogs?

You trying to call ME a sheep is sheer (or should I say shear in this case) lunacy.


Go ahead, m8, justify Russia killing 5 year olds (and younger)

Sergey Ivanov on Twitter: "@UNICEF @unicefssudan Killing East-Ukrainian  Children. Dead child is 5 year old. @spdbt @GlobalPost @BarackObama @hrw  http://t.co/7k77N6kyyB" / Twitter

Regarding your annoyance at my badge .I will not be bullied and threatened by your aggressive ignorance .

THe  cossacks I am deeply proud of their historical legacy . They are "defenders of our faith" as orthodox Christians we are grateful . Their resilience  over centuries is a  beacon of defiance.

During the "Great patriotic war" their stand sacrifice against the Nazis is unparalleled to anything in the West . While countries as cowardly as Sweden turned the other cheek and gained riches by supplying Hitler with endless steel to reinforce their terror on mankind.

Unbelievable blinded ignorance.






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I’m just afraid of us going the way of Man United. An ownership group who don’t give a single shit about the team on the pitch but rather only the “product” off it. Someone or some consortium who is constantly taking dividends out of the club and lining their pockets rather than getting the manager what he needs.

I pray that Roman is smart enough not to sell to someone like that. Because if he does we’re going to see City win the league nearly uncontested for as long as Pep is there. Liverpool’s attacker will get old soon and they’ll slip away gradually while City’s owners with infinite money will continue to spend their way to titles.

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1 hour ago, Romans disciples said:

Regarding your annoyance at my badge .I will not be bullied and threatened by your aggressive ignorance .

THe  cossacks I am deeply proud of their historical legacy . They are "defenders of our faith" as orthodox Christians we are grateful . Their resilience  over centuries is a  beacon of defiance.

During the "Great patriotic war" their stand sacrifice against the Nazis is unparalleled to anything in the West . While countries as cowardly as Sweden turned the other cheek and gained riches by supplying Hitler with endless steel to reinforce their terror on mankind.

Unbelievable blinded ignorance.

Bullshit, you fucking Russian troll

you think you can wander in here and just spew your bollocks amongst non political footie punters


You know damn well that the Don Cossacks are a banned terrorist organisation

they are the bitches of Moscow, who have turned on their brothers for a fistful of roubles


The Luhansk People's Republic, ie Луга́нская Наро́дная Респу́блика, abbreviated as LPR or LNR, is a self-proclaimed breakaway state located within Ukraine, designated as a terrorist organisation in Ukraine. It is located in Luhansk Oblast in the Donbas region, a territory internationally recognised, with the exception of the Russian Federation, to be a part of Ukraine.

SBU exposed the Don Cossacks who fought for the LPR

The security forces have identified 13 leaders of the so-called “Lugansk district of the Don Cossacks.”



The SBU has identified 13 leaders of the so-called “Luhansk district of the Don Cossacks” who fought against the forces of the ATO. About it informs press service of the SBU on Thursday, January 20.

Previously, they were part of the public organization of the same name, registered until 2014. Subsequently, the court ruled on its ban and forced dissolution.

The attackers actively participated in the hostilities against the ATO forces in the regions of Luhansk and Debaltseve. They accompanied the so-called “humanitarian” cargo from the Russian Federation for the separatists, and also patrolled settlements in the region temporarily not controlled by the Ukrainian authorities.

They were also involved in the protection of illegal checkpoints in ORDLO, where they stopped public transport and cars of local residents and carried out illegal searches.

Now the leaders of the formation are hiding from justice in the territory of the Luhansk region, temporarily not controlled by the Ukrainian authorities. After being detained, they will be prosecuted under articles on encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine, as well as on participation in a terrorist group or terrorist organization.

Recall that earlier three separatists of the “L/DNR” received prison terms in absentia. Two convicts are hiding in the territory temporarily not controlled by the Ukrainian authorities, and another one is in Russia.

It was also reported that the SBU announced the detention of an agent of the special services of the Russian Federation. The SBU officers detained the organizer during his meeting with the perpetrator. The attacker set a new task of setting fire to military equipment.


Kozitsin and Don Cossacks from KGB in the Service of the Putin Regime


In a recent interview, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Arsen Avakov, called the “New Maidan” a project of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). I am more than confident that the Minister had the right to say so. He seems to know what he is doing. But there is another project of the FSB I am interested in, which has been around for almost 25 years, exists in the eyes of the world, and, unlike the Ukrainian Maidan, is quite bloodthirsty. The project is called “the Don Cossacks” (after the Don river in Russia).

The subject of my research is a man named Nicolai Kozitsin. He can be called an Angel of Death. Wherever he appears, blood runs and people die, cancerous tumors of “independent republics” pop up in the territories of the former Soviet republics.

The first conflict was in Transnistria. This was the debut of Mr. Kozitsin and his Cossacks. Or rather those that are called “cossacks” in Russia today. They are quite a strange group of people who operate throughout the entire territory of the former Soviet Union, have unlimited access to all kind of weapons in any quantity, and operate with impunity. In Transnistria, where the practice of independent wars only started to work out, they had to operate under the supervision of the active military troops (14th Army of the USSR, and later of the Russian Federation). The result of this first war was a new territorial entity known now as the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR).

Within a year after the end of the conflict, another tragedy happened in the territory of the former USSR — the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. The situation here was most favorable for the FSB because, as a result of the armed coup, a former KGB operative and former member of the political Bureau of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union came to the power in Georgia. It was, perhaps, the only conflict, in which agents of the FSB directed both sides. Of special interest are the supporters of the Abkhaz independence. Among these “socialist philanthropists” are the following emblematic figures: the leader of Don Cossacks Kozitsin, head of the Chechen “volunteers” Shamil Basayev, Commander of the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry Sergei Shoigu, who supplied both the Cossacks and Chechens (and what he supplied them with is a separate subject).

If we have become accustomed with Kozitsin, the emergence of Basayev in the ranks of pro-Russian militia not only looks strange but even suspicious. A year earlier, the Chechens supposedly had entered into a confrontation with the Russian authorities and achieved the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechen territory. So, under the guise of self-determination, an armed force was established in the north Caucasus that could influence events that were objectionable for Moscow.

Mr. Kozitsin had developed a warm friendship with a Chechen leader named Dzhokhar Dudayev, which he continues to brag about even now days. This friendship resulted in the signing of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the Great Don Host and the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria on August 24, 1994. As a result, participation of the Cossacks in the Chechen events was reduced to zero. These “heroes” nobly closed their eyes to the crimes committed in Chechnya against Russian-speaking citizens by unknown forces (it is possible that these forces have acted under the KGB/FSB).

The Cossacks didn’t go to fight in Chechnya, limiting their efforts by helping with the release of Russian prisoners of war. The first Cossack unit sent to Chechnya was established by the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation only in 1996. And these were the Terek Cossacks, not Kozitsin’s! Perhaps, not without the help of Mr. Kozitsin, this unit suffered heavy losses and was disbanded. But after the first Chechen war ended and was seen as a defeat for Russia, Mr. Kozitsin and his troops stayed away from this tragedy. They had chosen to participate in another, this time international project, in Yugoslavia.

Here again, Mr. Kozitsin is a Royal friend, but now of Slobodan Milošević. Mr. Milošević, like Mr. Dudayev, as is well known, finished poorly. Which cannot be said about Mr. Kozitsin. He is now a “peacemaker”! But it’s time for him to return to Russia: the Chechen conflict is to be continued. It only needs an excuse to go from passive to an active phase. A wave of bombings of apartment buildings rolled throughout Russia. Followed by an attack in Dagestan, these explosions turned sentiment in Russian society toward a military resolution of the Chechen conflict.

So, the machine of the Second Chechen War was started. Dropping the subject of rumors of FSB’s tricks in Ryazan, I want to draw attention to developments related to the terrorist attack in the city of Volgodonsk. Vladimir Zhirinovsky best described the explosion in this city at the meeting of the State Duma.



Cossack against cossack


Brother against brother

The civil war in the south-east of Ukraine is in so many ways a repeat of the civil war in the region in the 1920s. But will there come another Mikhail Sholokhov to describe the ideological arguments and break-ups in families, of fathers losing their sons, who are fighting on different sides of the frontline? Just as in 'And Quiet Flows the Don' 90 years ago, when the Cossack community split into 'red' and 'white', now the two camps are 'yellow and blue' and 'Colorado beetles,' i.e. the Ukrainian flag and the ribbons of the order of St George, which are so popular with the supporters of the self-proclaimed Donbas republics.

Who will describe fathers losing their sons because they are fighting on different sides of the frontline?

While Mikhail Gavrilyuk, member of the National Guard and Maidan hero, is setting up a Cossack battalion, and spoiling for a fight with the separatists and terrorists, the Don Cossacks have joined the ranks of the militants under the command of former FSB man Igor Strelkov (Girkin), to defend their homeland from the Kyiv junta.



Cossack Leader Barred From Entering Ukraine


KYIV -- The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) has said that its decision not to allow a Russian citizen, a leader of the Don Cossacks, to enter Ukraine was legitimate, RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service reports.

The SBU's press service said the decision was made to prevent the creation of an illegal parliamentary formation on Ukrainian territory.

The incident took place on October 4 when an ataman of the Don Cossacks, Viktor Demyanenko, was refused entry into Ukraine.

Demyanenko was heading to Ukraine's Luhansk Oblast to meet with the Don Cossacks who live there.

A spokesman for the so-called Great Don Cossacks Army, Vladimir Voronin, said that Demyanenko intended to hand honorary certificates of the army to Cossacks living in Ukraine.

The Don Cossacks historically considered themselves border guards of the Russian empire.





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Sounds like this is happening and quite quickly. Looks like we will be a Swiss/American owned club soon. I hope this new ownership group are serious about keeping us at the top level. And I assume/hope Marina will be kept in place. She and the team around her will know what it takes to maintain our levels.

On a brighter note, this Wyss guy seems like a genuinely good human being as far as billionaires go from what little I’ve read. Perhaps there will be a bit less venom and hatred in the media for Chelsea going forward…

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3 minutes ago, Hermione said:

I don't see anything good in this Wyss person, imagine having 5-6 investitors to decide on club actions a complete nightmare.

Well that because Wyss net worth is only around £4.3b, Roman is asking around £3b - £4b to sell us.

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Who is Hansjorg Wyss

Hansjorg Wyss, 86, is a Swiss billionaire who founded Synthes USA - a medical device manufacturer - in  1977. 

Synthes USA is the world's largest maker of implants to mend bone fractures.

Wyss sold the company to Johnson & Johnson in 2012 in a deal worth $20.2bn (£15.2bn). Synthes is now part of their DePuy division. 

In 2017, DePuy Synthes launched its Titanium 3-D Printed Implants for use in facial reconstruction.

According to Forbes, Wyss has a net worth of $5.8bn (£4.3bn) as of 2021. He now holds stakes in biotech firms NovoCure and Molecular Partners.

Wyss has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to environmental charities and has more recently pledged money to politically progressive causes.

Forbes says that Wyss is 'among the most philanthropic people in the world'.

In 2013, he signed The Giving Pledge, thereby agreeing to give away the majority of his fortune. Other pledgers include Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Warren Buffett.

The 86-year-old has no record of owning a football club or investing in sport.  

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5 minutes ago, Hermione said:

I don't see anything good in this Wyss person, imagine having 5-6 investitors to decide on club actions a complete nightmare.

I’m talking just him on a personal level. Looks like he’s huge into philanthropy and environmental issues which is great.The football side of things is indeed very concerning. I’ll reserve judgment until we actually hear the plan.

And again, this guy is nearly 90 years old. What happens within the next 5 years when the inevitable happens? Very weird choice of new ownership.

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For all who might be confused, that troll is backing turncoat Russian-paid Don Cossack terrorists

A good analogy:

 20% of the Black and Tans were native Irish, amongst the most viscous in terms of skull-cracking the Republicans

the Don Cossacks are looked at by most Ukrainians the same as that 20% were looked at by the vast majority of the Irish

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1 hour ago, Pizy said:

And again, this guy is nearly 90 years old. What happens within the next 5 years when the inevitable happens? Very weird choice of new ownership.

If he was buying the club with a bunch of other investors like he said he wants to, I would assume the other investors just get a chance to buy the shares from his estate once he's passed. Or alternatively his share of the club would be inherited by his daughter who also seems to be a billionaire herself.

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4 minutes ago, Jype said:

If he was buying the club with a bunch of other investors like he said he wants to, I would assume the other investors just get a chance to buy the shares from his estate once he's passed. Or alternatively his share of the club would be inherited by his daughter who also seems to be a billionaire herself.

It’s just weird. I doubt he would be Roman’s first choice under normal circumstances. 

Having seen Newcastle get approval for their Arab owners to take over I’m actually kind of shocked that one of the other ones has come in for us. The UK government clearly had no problems there despite the blatant human rights issues in those countries. But Abramovich’s mere connection to Putin gets him run out of the country.

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5 minutes ago, Jype said:

If he was buying the club with a bunch of other investors like he said he wants to, I would assume the other investors just get a chance to buy the shares from his estate once he's passed. Or alternatively his share of the club would be inherited by his daughter who also seems to be a billionaire herself.

My question is who are these other investors. 


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